Antidepressant abstinence syndrome, main symptoms

Antidepressant abstinence syndrome, main symptoms

Antidepressant abstinence syndrome, as the name indicates, It refers to the abrupt suspension of any antidepressant.

According to medical literature, it can also be called “antidepressant discontinuation syndrome”, however, “withdrawal syndrome” is the designation that predominates the most.

In this picture you can see some symptoms that cover the physical and psychological sphere.


  • Antidepressant abstinence syndrome
  • Symptoms of antidepressant abstinence syndrome
  • Clinical situations in which antidepressant abstinence syndrome appears
    • Bibliography

Antidepressant abstinence syndrome

When antidepressants are sharply suspended, the person can begin to experience some physical or psychological symptoms.

Similarly, These symptoms can also appear when some doses of any antidepressant are reduced or lost.

Although there is no complete explanation of the mechanism itself, it is known that drug treatment, administered daily, can affect some neurotransmitters and that is why the well -known abstinence syndrome appears to antidepressants.

This is more likely to happen if the person has been taking antidepressants for more than four weeks.

Symptoms can last a short time and, in general, some antidepressants increase more than others the possibility of abstinence syndrome.

In 1959 this fact began to be noticed, Well, the first cases were reported by Andersen and Christiansen for the imipramina drug. At that time he was known as "antidepressant discontinuation".

From then on the phenomenon began to be described for different antidepressants families. That is, for tricyclics (ATC), monoamineoxidase (IMAO) inhibitors and, lately, for serotonin recapture inhibitors (IRS).

Thus, the abstinence syndrome to antidepressants can be defined today as an episode with a principle, a duration and predictable cessation of a series of symptoms that physically and psychologically affect the patient and that before the administration of the administration of the Drug did not present.

Symptoms of antidepressant abstinence syndrome

The symptoms can be the following:

  1. Insomnia;
  2. Anxiety;
  3. Dizziness;
  4. Crying attacks;
  5. Agitation;
  6. Headaches;
  7. Sleep alterations;
  8. Irritability;
  9. Nausea;
  10. Fatigue;
  11. Weakness;
  12. Symptoms similar to common cold (muscle pain and chill).

It is important to highlight that, The fact of experiencing any of these symptoms does not translate as a drug addiction, Well, this is characterized by important chemical changes in the long -term brain, in addition to other characteristics that differentiate it from abstinence syndrome to antidepressants.

To avoid the appearance of the mentioned symptoms, it is recommended to consult the doctor before interrupting the administration of the drug.

In some cases, the specialist could suggest a planned dose reduction scheme before the body adapts to the absence of the drug.

Likewise, It is possible that the doctor indicates another antidepressant or other drug that, in the short term, can help reduce symptoms while adaptation occurs.

It is also remarkable that, in some cases, it is not so easy.

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Clinical situations in which antidepressant abstinence syndrome appears

The symptoms of the abstinence syndrome to antidepressants can occur as soon as the administration of the drug is interrupted, as well as they can be present when the doses are reduced, although in the latter cases it is not very frequent.

Patients who forget to take some doses could also experience symptoms and The doctor can interpret this signal as an alert that treatment is not being well met.

According to the author Sandra Baeza, in her study on antidepressant discontinuation syndrome, as she calls her, this picture presents symptoms that can be severe, especially when it comes to the ATC and IMAOs, being able to even put to put at risk the life of the patient.

In the case of IMAO, the author and other co -authors of the aforementioned investigation, highlight that maniah, delirium, disorganization of myoclonies' thought and crisis have been described.

The same way, ATCs can cause similar symptoms, highlighting exclusively the presence of cardiac arrhythmias.

On the other hand, IRS can cause symptoms that, from a medical point of view, may not be dangerous, but annoying for patients and generate even labor absenteeism.

In conclusion, antidepressants must be considered in the list of drugs related to tolerance, dependence and abstinence syndrome.

However, any decision regarding the suspension or reduction of antidepressants doses should always be considered with the doctor.

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  • Baeza, Sandra; Quijada, Jimena and Santander, Jaime.Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome. Chil. Neuro-Psiquiat. [on-line]. 2002, vol.40, n.1 [cited 2021-02-12], pp.56-66. Available in: . ISSN 0717-9227.  https: // scielo.CONICYT.CL/SCIELO.PHP.
  • Rodríguez Espinosa, S. (2020). Clinical and psychological predictors of opioid abstinence syndrome in population with chronic pain.
  • Sanz, p. S. J. (2019). Diagnostic protocol and treatment of abstinence syndrome. Medicine-Proven Medical Training Program12(85), 5004-5008.
  • Tellez, J. (1999). SSRS interruption syndrome.  Colomb. PSYCHIAT, 45-58.