Meaning of silver color in psychology

Meaning of silver color in psychology

The silver color generally goes unnoticed among the entire range of existing colors or that we are able to perceive, since it is generally not associated by people to a color, but to a metal, just as it happens with gold. But if the latter can be considered sublimation of the yellow color, the silver is born from white and gray, of which the most luminous and ethereal tones exalts.

Of these colors it retains calm and slow energy, but deep, capable of penetrating the hidden and crepuscular unconscious world made of visions, intuitions and knowledge. Let's see then, with the most typical details of a psychology-online article, what is the Meaning of silver color in psychology.

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  1. Silver color meaning in history
  2. Symbolic meaning of silver color
  3. Meaning of silver color in marketing

Silver color meaning in history

The manufacture of the first silver objects is certified from the IV Millennium to.C. When, especially in the Mediterranean basin, the metal acquires an important artisanal value thanks to its malleability and ease of elaboration. Let's look at the different meanings of silver color according to different cultures:

  • Mesoamerica: The metal was called "dirty white of the divine", combining it with the moon, while the Roman priests were buried in the confines of the State in silver statues to protect the country from the attacks of wild barbarians, a magical power transmitted later In posterior western cultures.
  • Medieval alchemy: It was believed that silver had properties that kept evil spirits away. Let us also remember that with silver bullets the werewolf killed, whose strength had been attributed to the witches and storms, with the same bullets shot over the clouds of the storm.
  • Northern European countries: Silver serves to indicate someone very lucky. A particularly unusual proverb is used: "Born with a Silver Spoon in One's Mouth", literally" born with a silver spoon in the mouth ". Therefore, also silver, and not only gold, is associated with luck, rich in deep symbolic meanings.
  • Middle East: The crescent, symbol of Islam, is directly associated with silver symbols. In Islamic countries La Plata was considered a sacred metal. The Arab alchemists of antiquity tried to transform silver into other substances to obtain gold, exactly like their western colleagues.

However, in many cultures it is also associated with greed and many negative aspects, because it represents material value, contrary to gold that represents the idealized value of things. The meaning of silver color is also closely linked to dirty money: in the sacred Christian text, Judas Iscariot sold to Jesus for 30 silver coins, which was the monthly salary of a day laborer.

Symbolic meaning of silver color

Silver is a bright heraldic metal and that almost always replaces white. If gold represents the sun, silver is a symbol of the moon, associated with the female figure and mutability, linked to emotion and nobility And that remembers the delicate and secret reflection of pearl and water.

While the "solar metal" expresses action and heat, the "lunar metal" is cold but not necessarily passive. It acts in effect on the emotional component, refines sensitivity and Infuse balance, harmony, stimulating interior purification through the fundamental process of introspection.

Meaning of silver color in the spiritual

The spiritual virtues of silver color are as follows:

  • Purity.
  • Virginity.
  • Innocence.
  • Modesty.
  • TRUE.
  • Justice.
  • Temperance.
  • Equity.

Emotional meaning of silver color

If we speak in reference to the mundane qualities, the silver color symbolizes these that we will see below:

  • Friendship.
  • Clemency.
  • Kindness.
  • Sincerity.
  • Concord.
  • Happiness.
  • Victory.
  • Eloquence.

In astrology, silver color is associated with the signs of twins, cancer and aquarium.

Meaning of silver color in marketing

Silver, generally associated with funds, is one of the colors less appreciated by common people despite their symbolism. The silver that is used for jewelry production. Throughout history, silver color has become a Prosperity symbol and of this metal often the objects destined for donations are produced.

The meaning of silver color in marketing is also associated with Moderation of luxury Because, if it is true that it is a glamorous color, it is also much more discreet and less osted than the golden color.

On the other hand, in the field of competitions, silver color is used as Award for second place, conferring a reputation of "lower value". The choice also comes from an economic factor: the gold, symbol of the winner, is fifty times more expensive and, therefore, more valuable.

However, in marketing the silver color attracts technology, the innovation, the modernity, as well as luxury, wealth and prestige. Insert it, for example, inside the logo is the best way to give the image of a modern, elegant and refined company. Another of its commercial symbolisms is the speed and the dynamism: Not surprisingly, the fastest cars of the Mercedes team are usually painted in silver colors and are known as the "silver arrows".

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