Meaning of erotic dreams

Meaning of erotic dreams

All human beings dream, but we are only able to remember a very small part of our dreams.

When we sleep, the dream goes through several phases and the phase in which fantasies appear is usually in the REM. Each phase meets a relevant physiological function, such as repairing the organism or improving cognitive functions, so all of them are important.

What is not relevant is what nature is, whether it is nightmares, losing their teeth or having the ability to fly, in this sense even erotic dreams have an important presence in our lives. This is because Sexuality is a natural and inherent condition of life, So it is normal for many dreams to have this type of content. Many wonder about the meaning of erotic dreams, since they can become recurring. Today we are going to talk about them.


  • The complexity of dreams
  • The meaning of erotic dreams
  • 9 types of erotic dreams
    • 1. Lie with the boss
    • 2. An adventure with a colleague
    • 3. Sex with a brother -in -law
    • 4. Lie with a former
    • 5. Sex with someone famous
    • 6. Have intimacy with someone you don't like
    • 7. Have a meeting with someone of the same sex
    • 8. Fool the couple
    • 9. Sex with a friend's couple
      • Bibliography

The complexity of dreams

Dreams involve their complexity, therefore, investigating the meaning of erotic dreams, we will find that there is no single response to them.

Following Sigmund Freud, it could be said that in erotic dreams a frustrated desire is fulfilled or these are simply reveal that sexuality is an important area of ​​life and therefore arises in dreams. However, There are those who believe that erotic dreams appear more strongly when there is a low sexual frequency, as a way of finding a relief, since in dreams you can also have orgasms.

As with the rest of the dreams, erotic cannot be controlled and each person lives them in a different way, even with satisfaction or pleasure.

In other cases, there are those who live it with discomfort, because they consider them inappropriate, dirty or as a kind of infidelity. It is because of that Many people feel anguish when they have erotic dreams And they go to consultation looking for help to inhibit them.

But the truth is that this can be an impossible task; Rather, what sexologists can do is try to discover why such dreams generate anguish, since it is often because the person has erroneous information, little information or living it as if it were a threat.

In the literature on this subject, many authors agree that This type of dreams should not be taken to the letter. Well, in many cases, an ex -partner or other unexpected people who do not always indicate that there are sexual attractions, but conflicts that have not been resolved.

Those who feel guilt for having such dreams must remember that these are not governed by the logical rules of reality and cannot always be taken as something reliable.

Similarly, it is necessary to clarify that Fantasies and dreams are not always indications of practices that people wish to consolidate. However, there are those who feel curious to investigate what is the meaning of erotic dreams.

The meaning of erotic dreams

According to Souza and Machorro Mario, in their study on dream sexuality and neurophysiology, The dream is a creative and normal expression of the unconscious, That it is not just a reappearance of repressed content, but usually reflects the work towards health and psychic maturity, while restoring the psychological balance of the dreamy.

Freud gives dreams a premonitory function, whose symbolic content is the proposal for a solution to a conflict, making things easier or restorating psychological balance. Although this approach already gives it obsolete today, since dreams are usually unconnected thoughts and with little sense of reality.

In this sense, Souza points out that dreaming is moving on to another form of existence, Invent stories that have not happened or that do not even have a precedent in reality, since in dreams the logical-temporal laws that do prevail in thought during the vigil do not govern.

The dreams in which sexual activity is present They are usually more frequent and intense in early adulthood or adolescence, when abstinence situations are lived, or when they are part of rewarding memories.

Souza indicates that in erotic dreams it is alluded to: sexuality as a code alluding to the existing and hidden after sex, fraternity among participants, the desire to achieve emotional support, gratification for reunion or acceptance Affective.

However, there are erotic dreams that are more common than others. We will see the meaning of the most frequent erotic dreams.

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9 types of erotic dreams

1. Lie with the boss

In this case, the meaning may be the desire to have more money or power, or to be able to have greater control in the professional career.

2. An adventure with a colleague

It is possible that you spend a lot of time with that person, or that their virtues and skills are admired, so, from the unconscious, a comfort with this type of dream is sought.

3. Sex with a brother -in -law

This is another frequent erotic dream and is usually related to the desire to strengthen family ties.

4. Lie with a former

This does not mean that you want to resume the relationship, but, perhaps, sexual life is currently boring and unclear, or perhaps, in a way, it remains linked to that person.

5. Sex with someone famous

It is because it is admired or seen as a half orange; In addition, a lot of information about that personality is likely to be seen or read.

6. Have intimacy with someone you don't like

It's just curiosity, or spend a lot of time with that person.

7. Have a meeting with someone of the same sex

Many people feel confused with this type of sleep, but it can only be a certain curiosity that has been repressed, regarding having new experiences.

8. Fool the couple

When infidelity appears in dreams, it is usually an indication that real attention is missing with the couple. However, it can also be related to an infidel ex -partner history.

9. Sex with a friend's couple

It is possible that, with this type of dreams, what is desired is really to incorporate the good qualities of that person in whom he is dreaming. It could also mean a strong attraction towards that person.

This is the meaning of the most common erotic dreams, however, there are many other dreams, but they should never be taken literally or feel fear of them.

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  • Acebrón, j., & Ruiz, J. TO. (2009). Secret Gardens. Studies around erotic sleep. University of Lleida.
  • Cencillo, l. (2009). Erotic dreams. Are they or just seem? Secret Gardens. Studies around erotic sleep.
  • Souza, m. (2010). Dream sexuality and neurophysiology: clinical utility. Mexican Neuroscience Magazineeleven(1), 71-81.