Sexuality and depression, how to maintain sexual desire?

Sexuality and depression, how to maintain sexual desire?

Sexuality and depression are intimately related. Well, depression can be a trigger for problems in the sexual area.

Among the symptoms of depression is a decrease in libido and energy; In addition to this, there are the side effects of medicines to treat this condition.

Sexuality and depression

In general, those who are suffering from depression, are also facing a decrease in their sexual desire or pleasure. In this way a relationship between sexuality and depression is established.

Not in vain the World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated that Depression is the main cause of disability, Due to the great prevalence that has worldwide and the way in which the life of the affected person impacts.

According to Pedro Marina, in his study on sexual function in depressed patients, the prevalence of sexual dysfunction is greater in patients suffering from depression than in the general population. Similarly, it emphasizes that the relationship between depression and sexual dysfunction seems to be bidirectional, that is, that the presence of one of them can cause or exacerbate the other, and the treatment of one can improve the other. In addition, Sexual desire and functioning can be altered by the side effects of antidepressants.

It should be noted that sexual dysfunction, as collected in the DMS-5,-diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders-refers to the delay of ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, female orgasmic disorder, the disorder of desire / sexual excitement Female, penetration disorder / genit-pelvic pain, male hearing hypoactive desire disorder, premature ejaculation, medication / substance induced sexual dysfunction, specified and not specified sexual dysfunction.

That is, sexual dysfunctions make up a series of disorders that are characterized by a significant clinical alteration, both in sexual response and in the ability to experience pleasure in the face of the exercise of sexual function.

Among sexual dysfunction rates, it is usually more common to hearing a hearing postal desire in women and premature ejaculation in the case of men, according to Marina.

In the case of depressed patients, the sexual disorder that is most frequently, associating the highest figures with inhibited sexual desire.

As for depression, the DSM-5 includes it within emotional or mood disorders. That is why this condition usually affects the person both psychological and physiological.

The affected majority is usually the affective sphere, although cognitive, volitional and somatic symptoms also appear, so, in the same way, depression negatively affects the feelings and thoughts of those who suffer, in addition to its way of acting.

According to the author Laura Zalduendo Ferrer, in her work on sexuality in people with depression, one of the most common symptoms in depression is the reduction of pleasure and libido, which directly affects the way in which the depressed person life sexuality.

Thus, sexuality and depression are related. Because people with depression also usually have very low self -esteem, with little energy, which can be accompanied by feelings of guilt, feeling like "a burden for others".

Another way in which sexuality and depression are related is like Zalduendo stands out, since Depression usually increases risk sexual behaviors, since this is related to sex.

Regarding sexual problems, the author indicates that these appear more in depression than in any other mental disorder, either due to the disease itself or in terms of pharmacological treatment. This happens because with depression a mismatch takes place in brain neurotransmitters, which gives way to the inability to feel pleasure and sexual dysfunctions.

Besides, Zalduendo highlights that sexual dysfunctions can occur at any stage of the sexual act for example:

  • Alterations of sexual desire: which goes from the decrease to its loss completely;
  • Alterations of excitation: In man there is difficulty for erection, or erectile dysfunction and in the case of women, vaginism or vaginal dryness due to problems to relax the vaginal muscles;
  • orgasm alterations: delay in the same or anorgasmia;
  • Pain alterations: At the time of penetration or during orgasm, this is known as trigger.

For this author, the most frequent sexual dysfunction is erectile dysfunction, which can occur up to 90 % of the male population suffering from severe depressions. In this way, you can see how sexuality and depression are related, and how they have an impact on the life of a person.

In sexuality and depression, many occasions are not easy depression.

However, the main thing is to treat depression, since by improving this, sexual symptoms will disappear, which indicates a recovery of the patient, being preferable a comprehensive treatment, which affects both depression and sexuality, in parallel.

How to maintain sexual desire?

Some of the options to maintain sexual desire, despite depression, are the following:

  1. Talk to the doctor: since not all medicines have the same side effects. If the person with depression observes a decrease in sexual desire, then he must consult with the specialist about all the options that could work.
  2. Attend your sexual sphere: and observe what their sexual behaviors are, that is, if these are assertive or at risk. To do this, communication with the doctor is fundamental.
  3. GIVE TIME: and be open to the idea of ​​the sexual encounter with the couple, giving time for kisses and caresses, trying to connect with the other person. It should be taken into account that sexual desire many times arises from nothing, but requires time. In this sense, it is important to understand the couple, to take the necessary time when distributing caresses, since sexuality is not reduced to penetration.
  4. Practice some physical activity: This will help stress and anxiety decrease, it also allows sleep to be better reconciled. Physical activities also help improve depression and release endorphins, which generates well -being.
  5. To meditate: or practice yoga, it can also be useful to connect with them and decrease depression.
  6. Seek inspiration: Those who wish to connect with their sexual area can begin inspiring, reading works or watching erotic movies, and thus fantasies arise again and rise sexual desire.

Although sexuality and depression are related, this does not always have to impact negatively, since the person can go for psychiatric and psychological help, receiving comprehensive help to improve all areas of his life and feel greater well -being.

Self -esteem and sexual health: a very close relationship


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