Tantric sex what is and what is special

Tantric sex what is and what is special

He tantric sex It is a practice originally from India, it became fashionable some time ago in Europe. And, although in recent times the interest has fallen a bit, we consider that it is still something important to explain it here.


  • What is tantric sex?
  • What is special about tantric sex?
  • Some practices of tantric sex
    • Eye contact
    • Valley exploration
  • Domain of orgasm

What is tantric sex?

Tantric sex, as the name implies, It is a way of having sex based on Tantra. Now ... What is the Tantra? This is the basic question to be answered to understand tantric sex.

The Tantra, in Sanskrit, means "secret", and it is a set of Buddhist and Hindu esoteric texts and rituals where sex is used as via to achieve greater human sensitivity and focus the energy of the universe.

That is, that, despite what it may seem, the tantric sex is not intended for "pleasure" without further as are other forms of meditation.

This can deserve an extra explanation: the tantra is included within a set of meditation practices that were developed so that people could meditate on a day -to -day basis, and did not need to isolate themselves like the Buddha, throwing days and days meditating.

Thus, in that set of techniques, Practices are contemplated to meditate and improve self -knowledge in different day -to -day practices. For example, practices of this type were popularized for eating time, and, also, in the case of sex, which is what concerns us today.

What is special about tantric sex?

The most remarkable thing about tantric sex (and what can surprise the most about what we are used to) is that There is no superior sex to the other and that there are no distinctions between the beautiful and the ugly, the good and the bad or the pure and impure it.

Recall that it is a practice based on the Taoist conception of Yin-Yang, that is, a conception that accepts that in good there is evil, and in evil there is good. That nothing is pure, and nothing is perfect. Therefore, sex is lived with normal much greater than in our Christian societies.

Another important point of the tantric sex is that it considers that Ejaculation is a waste of energy, And, precisely, practitioners are taught to reach orgasm without ejaculating.

However, It is important to insist that Tantra is not reduced to sex. It is something much broader in what sex is just a part. It is important to understand this so that experience practicing tantric sex is deeper.

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Some practices of tantric sex

Now, let's see some tantric sex practices that can help you enjoy your partner much more:

Eye contact

One of the simplest points but, at the same time, more tantra is visual contact. And, even in couples, there are times when there is fear or shame of looking at the other person in the eye.

Tantra recommends maintaining visual contact for minutes, silent and naked, without starting sex. The two concentrates on "see" within the other. This makes sex much more pleasant, since there is a greater spiritual connection.

Valley exploration

Another relevant point of Tantra is his culture to the feminine. In this sense, the man must turn his essence to get her to enjoy, assuming that the pleasure of the woman will end up impacting her pleasure.

To do this, man must show an attitude of full attention to his partner's body. That increase in women's excitement will also make man enjoy greater pleasure.

It should be noted that, although this may seem obvious, the truth is that, in most cultures, pleasure in sex is usually much more related to man than with women.

Domain of orgasm

Finally (although there would be much more to say, this is just a few brushstrokes), We can talk about the domain of orgasm. Tantra insists that ejaculation causes man to lose physical energy and need time to recover.

Therefore, it is also insisted on the need to be able to control orgasm. In this way, it is possible to move from the orgasm "peak" (the normal, the explosive and ejaculatory) to the "valley" orgasm, which is a sustained orgasm in time and that allows to extend the intercourse.

As you can see, the tantric sex It is a practice with the most interesting benefits. If you are looking for new ways to enjoy with your partner, you should propose some of the techniques of this magnificent way of having sex originally from India.