Sexlescents, when age does not prevent life from enjoying

Sexlescents, when age does not prevent life from enjoying

The sexescents They are all those older adults who do not behave in the traditional way, They live as if they were in their second adolescence.

Those who are accustomed to seeing the grandmothers weaving and grandparents reading the newspaper, may be surprised to see how this generation of rebel grandparents behaves.

Sexlescents -who are regularly between 60 and 70 years old- They have an attitude full of tenacity, boldness and vitality before reality. They do not feel close to death, on the contrary, they feel every day closer to youth.

So little by little, The expressions "sexagenario", "seniors" or "elders" are falling into disuse to take as more own that of “sexaescent.

These sexescents do not spend their days in a chair crying because of muscle pains, but rather They go to gyms, they get involved in recreational activities, they do dance, among other practices that always keep them active, both physically and socially.


  • The sexescents
  • A new life cycle
    • Signals to recognize a sexescent
    • Bibliography

The sexescents

Sexlescents are those people whose age passes from 60 years and experiencing life with a notable mood and energy.

Without a doubt, it is a new way of seeing and living old age. According to Alvarado and Salazar's analysis, around the concept of aging, this can be considered as a series of changes that take place in the organic system, depending on time, regardless of whether there is a pathology or not.

Based on this, it can be affirmed that aging refers to a set of changes that the subject experiences throughout his life, as an action or result of the passage of time. These changes are at the biochemical, morphological, physiological, social and, of course, social level.

The way in which the concept of old age is conceived is changed at a social level Due to the attitudes and behaviors of the sexescents.

All theories that were traditionally used to explain the aging process have been practically forgotten with these new patterns with which the current generation of sexescents breaks.

There are those who consider that aging begins from the same conception and, as biological theories point.

On the other hand, psychological theories have given greater weight to the transformations that human beings live in the cognitive area and personality.

However, sexlescence has broken all the stereotypes that existed on old age.

A new life cycle

Sexlescence You can understand how a new life cycle in which adults feel in the same way as when they were teenagers. That is, their will is strong and try that physical limitations not to restore their wishes.

It is necessary to note that Aging is not a disease, nor is it an era associated with conditions or ailments, but simply It is a new life period that you can live so strongly as indicated by the spirit of a person

The attitude of the sexescents is challenging, they try to live their lives independently, and try as much as possible to avoid centers for medical care and seclusion, then, they yearn to fulfill their challenges and new goals.

Signals to recognize a sexescent

Some of the clearest signals to recognize a sexescent are the following:

  1. They do not stay alone or forgot in a room. They are always active and are protagonists in the family.
  2. Maintain an active participation in society.
  3. They feel with high motivation.
  4. They begin to study, new challenges are raised, they learn new languages, among others.
  5. They update your knowledge.
  6. Your life projects do not end.
  7. They do not flee from technology. They are interested in learning to use it and benefit from it.
  8. They are aware of the importance of physical health and try to have a healthy lifestyle.
  9. They don't mind falling back in love.
  10. They continue working, but they do it with pleasure. Generally, the sexescents are dedicated to what they always dreamed of and that generates pleasure.

Sexlescent are teaching new generations that you should not fear old age. Well, the important thing is to maintain a young spirit and the mood to achieve everything a person proposes.

These sexescents who dared to break the traditional way in which old age looked are imposing a new way of conceiving life and not to fear the arrival of 60 years.

With their lively behavior, Sexlescent are making clear that there are no reasons to be afraid of old age, much less to try to evade or delay it.

This generation is giving a lesson on how to face the changes in life, whether these physicists or social, with the best possible attitude.

Medium age crisis


  • Alvarado Garcia, A. M., & Salazar Maya, to. M. (2014). Analysis of the aging concept. Gerokomos25(2), 57-62.
  • Spleen, m. T. (1992). The new sociology of old age: from theory to methods. Reis, 75-90.
  • Center for Social Change Studies (Madrid). (1997). Spain 1996 report: an interpretation of its social reality. Encuentro Foundation.
  • Febrer de los rivers, to., & Soler vila, to. (2004). Body, dynamism and old age.
  • Gil Calvo, and. (2003). The gray power. A new way of understanding old age. Barcelona, ​​Mondadori, 00.
  • Fernández-Ballesteros, r. (2004). The psychology of old age. Multidisciplinary encounters.