Alphabetic series in psychotechnical tests, how to overcome them

Alphabetic series in psychotechnical tests, how to overcome them

In this entry we will talk in depth of the alphabetic series, also known as letters of letters, and which are widely used in personnel selection processes, oppositions and Psychotechnical tests in general. If you prefer, you can also see this video entry.

We will teach you how to overcome this type of series and we will reveal all its secrets.

We recommend that you review our numerical series video since most of the alphabetic series are nothing more than a specific case of those.

The literacy series are presented as a set of letters that follow a logical order that we will have to discover, to deduce the next letter of the series.

To solve these types of questions with ease and minimize errors, it is very important to master the alphabetical order and know the position that each letter occupies in the same. Thus, for example, the letter "A" is associated with number 1, since it occupies the first position of the alphabet, the letter "B", is associated with number 2 and so on to the letter "Z" that occupies the position 27 in the Spanish alphabet. The alphabet must be considered cyclically, that is, after the letter "Z" would continue the "A" and so on.

Normally, the double letters: "ch", "ll" and "rr" are not considered part of the alphabet when solving the series although whenever possible, it is convenient to ask the examiner.


  • Simple literacy series
  • Multiple interspersed literacy series
  • Mixed series
  • Alterations and variations
  • Literal series
  • Special cases

Simple literacy series

These are the simplest series and the ones that we will surely find in any psychotechnical test. Let's put an example:

B D F H ?

If we look, we can see that the alphabetical order of the letters increases progressively.

If we replace each letter for the numerical value corresponding to the position of each inside the alphabet, the previous series becomes this other, which we will call "base series":

2 4 6 8 ?

And if we remember what they learned in the numerical series video, we will see that there is an increase in +2 units between every two elements of the base series:

We therefore have a fixed factor arithmetic series (+2), so the following value of the sequence will be obtained by adding 2 to the last element of the series, that is: 8 + 2 = 10.

Now we have to look for the letter that occupies the tenth position of the alphabet, which is the "J", And this is the correct answer.

This series is simple, but in more complicated ones it may be useful to have a table to calculate the equivalences of number to letter and vice versa.

We cannot carry this table with us to do the test, but you will probably have paper to make calculations and we can write the equivalence table.

In the example we have seen before, the base series is fixed factor, but we can find any type of those we saw in the video of numerical series: arithmetic fixed or variable factor, geometric fixed or variable factor, powers, etc.

We will see some examples of various types to make it clearer. Try to solve the series that we propose before seeing the solution.

Try to discover the letter that this series continues:

E F H K Ñ ?

The resolution of this series is not as evident as in the previous case, so the easiest way to proceed is to obtain the base number series.

Using the table we have mentioned before we obtain this base number series:

5 6 8 11 15 ?

If we do not see the series factor clear, it is best to calculate the increases between every two terms of the series:

5     (+1)     6     (+2)     8     (+3)     eleven     (+4)     fifteen           ?

If we look at the increase we see that we have a series that increases by one unit between every two terms, so the next increase will be (+5).

Therefore, The next element of the base series will be 15 + 5 = 20 And if we look in the equivalence table we will see that the position 20 of the alphabet occupies the letter "S", So this will be the answer.

Now let's complicate it a little more. Find the lyrics that continue this series:

Or H D B ?

In this case we have a decreasing series. The easiest way to proceed is, again, to obtain the base number series:

16 8 4 2 ?

We obtain the increases between every two terms:

16     (-8)      8      (-4)       4      (-2)       2             ?

In this case we do not have a fixed factor, so it could be an arithmetic series of variable factor or a geometric series.

Let's see if it is a geometric series obtaining the multiplier (or divisor) factor between every two terms of the base series that is: (÷ 2)

We have an arithmetic series in which each element is calculated by dividing the previous one by 2, so The next element of the base series will be: 2 ÷ 2 = 1 and the letter that occupies that position in the alphabet is the "A".

Let's see a last example before moving on to the next section:

J S C M V ?

This case is something disconcerting since we have one of the letters of the principle of the alphabet, the "C", in the middle of the series, and on both sides it has letters that are positioned later in alphabetical order so, at first glance, no It is clear if it is a growing or decreasing series.

We will proceed in the usual way, so we are going to calculate the base number series:

10 20 3 13 23 ?

Here, the base series increases do not give us a clear factor:

10     (+10)      twenty     (-17)      3      (+10)       13     (+10)      23           ?

In this case, we must remember that the alphabet has a cyclical sequence when solving the series. That is, the next letter after the "Z" will be the "A" that would occupy the position "28".

Since we see that the factor (+10) appears several times, we will check if the letter "C" is A (+10) positions of the letter "S" and effectively we see that this is the case.

From the "S" to the "Z" and then from the "A" to the "C", there are a total of 10 positions, so, by adding (+10) to number 20 we exceed the length of the alphabet so what We must subtract 27 (which is the number of alphabet letters) to obtain the valid position of a letter again.

In this case 20 + 10 - 27 = 3, which corresponds to the letter "C". With this we have shown that the series factor is (+10) so if we add it to the last element of the base series we will have 23 + 10 = 33 and if we subtract 27 we will obtain 6, which is the position of the Letter "F".

With these examples, you can clearly see the way to solve this type of series.

If we rely on the equivalence table, we can turn any alphabetical series into a numerical series and solve this with everything learned in the video of numerical series.

Multiple interspersed literacy series

As in the numerical series, it is possible to find two or more nested series in a single. This type of series are easy to detect since the length of the series will be greater.

Once we have concluded that we are facing two interspersed series, we will proceed to solve only the series that affects the solution. Let's see some examples:

C Z D Z F Z G Z I Z J Z L Z ?

Here we see that the "Z" is repeated between every two letters so we will have two interspersed series. A very simple in which the same letter always appears and this other:

C D F G I J L ?

When calculating the base series we get the following:

C    (+1)   D   (+2)  F  (+1)    G   (+2)    Yo   (+1)    J    (+2)     L         ?

The increases are alternately (+1) and (+2), so the following increase will be (+1) and The letter they ask us is therefore the "m".

In this case, one of the series had all its equal terms, (the letter "z"), but they will not always make it so easy. Let's look at a last more complicated example:

T d s e r g q j p n o ?

The length of the series already makes us suspect that two interspersed series can be treated, so we will separate them to try to solve them:

1 series: t s r q p o
Series 2: D E G J N            ?

Since the value they ask for corresponds to series 2, we can forget the first series (although it seems that it is a simple decreasing series with factor 1).

We calculate the base series of the second, and its increase, and get this:

4   (+1)   5    (+2)     7     (+3)    10    (+4)    14          ?

The jump between every two values ​​of the series increases in one unit so the following increase will be (+5) and the following base of the base series will be 14 + 5 = 19 that corresponds to the letter R".

Although it is not usually very common, We could meet up to three interspersed series. It will be the length of the series that will give us clues about whether it is a multiple series or not.

Numerical series in psychotechnical tests, how to overcome them

Mixed series

Mixed series are formed by numerical and alphabetic series mixed. It would be a specific case of the previous section in which one of the series is not alphabetical.

The procedure to solve them would be the same as we explain before. In this case it will be more evident that we are in front of two interleaved series.

Let's look at some example:

S 45 x 28 c 11 h 21 m ? Q

Here we find several surprises. The first is that the value they ask for is not the last position.

This can happen and should not worry. The procedure to follow was already seen in the Video of the numerical series.

What is worrying is that the numerical series is not where to take it, and unfortunately the value they ask us is precisely that sub-serie.

Numerical values ​​increase and decrease without any clear criteria, so after a few minutes of frustration trying to solve the series, we will see if both are interrelated, that is, the values ​​of one depend on the other.

Given the cyclical nature of the alphabetic series, it is possible that the numerical series is based on the positions of the letters around and also become a cyclical series.

To verify it, we will replace the values ​​of each letter with its position in the alphabet and pray for inspiration to arrive:

20 45 25 28 3 11 8 21 13   ?   18

Here, we see that the values ​​of the numerical series grow and decrease as the values ​​of the alphabetical series do, so it is a matter of time that we conclude that the values ​​of the numerical series are calculated by adding the values ​​of the alphabetical series around him: 45 = 20 + 25, 28 = 25 + 3, 11 = 3 + 8, 21 = 8 + 13 and therefore The wanted term will be 13 + 18 = 31.

This gives us an idea of ​​the variety of series statements that can raise us.

The only way to successfully overcome any problem of this type is based on practicing everything possible These types of exercises to be able to quickly recognize each case and not waste so much time during real tests.

Alterations and variations

We have already seen how to solve the basic series, which are usually the majority of those that we will find.

On these series, examiners sometimes add some alterations that also affect the result.

These alterations are usually based on the repetition of elements of a series, distinction between vowels and consonants, the use of uppercase and lowercase, block series or a combination of all of them.

Let's see some examples:

M n n p q s t t ?

If we already have practice with the literacy series, we can solve most of them without resorting to calculating the base series.

In this case, we clearly see an ascending alphabetical series in which one in two values ​​is repeated.

It is also observed that when a letter is repeated, a position is skipped in the alphabet, so The following value will be "V".

Let's look at another case:

Or e u i a ?

In this example we clearly observe that they alternate and lowercase and that vowels are being used only.

It is a descending series with a jump of a letter between every two terms of the series.

Since it is a cyclical series, The next letter will be a lowercase "or".

It could also be seen as an ascending cyclical series with a +3 factor and the solution would be exactly the same.

Let's look at a last example within this section:


In this case we have an alphabetical series in blocks that mixes numbers and letters. A true gallimaties.

Here we have to try to seek the logic of the terms of the succession seeing the following guidelines.

On the one hand, we see that in each block a single number appears, which increases in each term and that is displaced to the right coinciding with the position it occupies inside the block.

Since all terms have the same length of 4 characters, we can deduce that The wanted term will look like this: ???4.

We can also observe that in each block we have a letter that is repeated, that advances in alphabetical order and that is always to the left of the other letter, so The solution should look at: DD?4

And finally, we see that the letter we lack advances in descending alphabetical order, so The sought block will be: DDW4.

Literal series

Literal series are based on individual words or sets of words that follow a logical order. From these words, the initial used to build the series is normally taken.

Let's see some examples that will make it clearer. Imagine that they propose this series:

U d t c c s o ?

Since it is a fairly long series, and it does not seem to follow any pattern as a whole, we might think that these are two interspersed series, but after several minutes of fruitless efforts, we will have to raise other alternatives.

In this case, trafficking in a literal alphabetical series formed by the initials of a widely recognizable set of words and that follow an order.

Guess what are those words? This is the solution:

ORNo   Dyou   Tbeef   Cuatro   CInc   SEIS   Siete   EITHERCho   ?

Now it's much clearer, right? The next element of this set of words would be "nine" and therefore the next letter of the series would be "N".

We propose other typical examples, along with your solution, but you must keep in mind that any set of words that follow an established order can be a good candidate for this type of series.

L m j v ?

In this case it is about the days of the week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and The next element will be Saturday, so the series solution will be "S".

Let's try another series:

E F M A M J ?

Have you solved it? Indeed, it is the months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, so The looked letter is the "J" of June.

And a last case of this type:

P s t c q ?

Which would correspond to ordinal numbers: first, second, third, fourth, fifth and the term we are looking for, will be The "S" sixth.

In these types of problems it is also possible that you find a series that represents a set of words ordered by reverse, that is, the first series of this section would become this:

N o s s c c t d ?

Let's now with another different example. Try to solve this other series:

? T e b a f l a

In addition to series based on sets of ordered words, we can find others that are based on a single word.

They usually represent as the word written backwards, although it is also possible to find their disorderly lyrics. In this case, if we invest the order of the series, we have: a l f a b e t ?

So the solution would be the letter "or" to form the word "alphabet".

Another set of letters widely used in the alphabetic series is that of the Roman numerals: I, V, X, L, C, D, M.

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Special cases

If you thought we had already seen all the types of existing alphabetic series, you are very wrong.

As we already commented on the NUMERIC SERIES VIDEO, The examiners' imagination can create the most diverse series, so you have to have an open mind when trying to solve them.

Depending on the academic level of the participants in the test, you may find series based on the order of prime numbers, in powers of numbers, in the Fibonacci series, etc.

So, if a series resists, it is likely that it is not simply based on the numerical order of the letters in the alphabet and you will have to look for alternative resolution methods.

So, finally, we propose a last series to squeeze the neurons.Luck!

A A C E I M M S T ?

The truth is that it is a rather complicated example. After trying as a multiple series, orderly set of words and wrinkling several sheets of paper, we will see what information we can extract from the series.

We can see that the letters appear in alphabetical order, but we are unable to find a sequence, or with prime numbers, or with fibonacci, or with known words, or with the elements of the periodic table, ... so we can think that it is thought that one It is a set of letters that have a meaning as a whole, that is, It is a word.

Since the word is not written from the right or upside down, we conclude that their letters have been rearred, and how? Well, in alphabetical order!

So now "only" we have to find a word that contains all the letters of the series including the lyrics that we must find out. Unless we have a divine inspiration, after several attempts to join couples of consonant-vocal letters in all imaginable forms, We get the word matma?Icas, So we will realize that The looked lyrics are the "T".

The good news is that it is unlikely that you find such complicated series in the Psychotechnical tests, And you know that in any case it is advisable to leave those that are most difficult for you for the end.

You also have this video entry available:

Good luck in your oppositions!

Test for Practice for oppositions