Signs that your ex still thinks of you

Signs that your ex still thinks of you

The signs that your ex still thinks about you are that he is still in contact with you, he reminds you.

Undoubtedly, a love break is a difficult situation to cope with that can plunge us into a roller coaster of emotions. After separating from someone with whom we share significant moments, it is natural to ask if that person still has thoughts towards us. The desire to know if our ex still thinks of us is understandable, since we want to better understand the situation and process our own feelings. In this Psychology-online article, we explain to you 7 signs that your ex still thinks of you.

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  1. Keep in touch with you
  2. It reminds you of lived moments
  3. React to your publications
  4. He is interested in you
  5. He tells you about anything
  6. Is jealous
  7. Mention reconciliation

Keep in touch with you

Maintaining contact after a break can be an important sign that your ex still thinks of you. Yeah Continue to send you messages, call you or it is present In social networks, you may want to maintain the emotional connection and continue present in your life. This form of communication can be an indication that emotional ties have not completely broken.

However, it is important Analyze the frequency and reasons for this contact. If it is constant and maintains a affectionate tone, it is likely that your ex is trying to continue in your life because he still thinks of you. However, if contact is sporadic or merely friendly, they could indicate that they seek to maintain a friendship or simply show interest in your well -being. In this article you will see being friends with your ex -partner to recover it works.

It reminds you of lived moments

If your ex frequently mentions the moments and memories you shared during the relationship may be another sign that indicates that Those special moments are still important And that keeps you in his heart and in his thoughts.

These shared memories can manifest in various situations. It can be during casual conversations in which they mention anecdotes of the past or in publications in social networks where they refer to special moments that you lived together. This behavior indicates that these memories have a significant emotional meaning and that your ex still values ​​or missing those shared moments.

React to your publications

The frequent presence of your ex in your publications of your social networks can offer more clues about their feelings towards you. If you notice that your ex gives "like" or reacts to each publication you do, even those that are not especially prominent or important could indicate that you are still very interested in following your life closely.

Also, if your ex Comment your publications with love, Emoticons like hearts or phrases that I used to tell you when you were together, this could suggest that you still feel an emotional connection with you and that the memories of the relationship remain significant for him/her.

He is interested in you

When friends in common or acquaintances mention that your ex has asked for you or shows interest in knowing how you are, it is an obvious sign that you still think about you. These types of questions show that your ex remains interested in your life and well -being, even after the breakup.

If your ex Look for information about you through third parties demonstrates that you still care. This signal indicates the possibility that the emotional ties of the relationship have not completely broken, that your ex continues to think of you and that your well -being.

Through these questions and their interest in knowing how you are, your ex could be trying to stay informed about your current situation after the breakup. This indicates that your past relationship still has great importance in his life and that he could be reflecting and doubting whether the break has been the best decision and what you really mean for him/she.

He tells you about anything

When your ex Look for you to talk or ask for advice On issues that are not related to rupture, they are likely to try to keep the connection with you because you still think about you. This signal suggests that you still value your company and opinion, even after the breakup.

Seek to talk to you about anything that occurs to him indicates that your ex wishes to maintain communication and closeness with you despite the rupture because he still thinks of you.

Is jealous

If you observe that your ex sample jealous signals or It gets defensive when you talk about other people Or possible new relationships, this may be a clear indication that you still think about you. Jealousy can manifest through emotional reactions or derogatory comments when you mention other people or your social life after rupture.

Likewise, defensive attitudes could appear when you try to talk about the possibility of moving forward and remaking your love life. These emotional responses suggest that your ex is feeling insecurity, fear of losing yourself completely or sadly due to separation, in addition to the idea that you are with someone else emotionally affect them.

Mention reconciliation

Finally, the reconciliation attempts by your ex are a clear and direct sign that he still thinks of you and that there is a strong desire to resume the relationship. When your ex proposes or mentions the possibility of returning Trying this shows that you still think about you and the possibility of resuming the relationship.

These reconciliation attempts can manifest in various ways, from intimate conversations About a possible second chance until formal proposals To have quotes together. Regardless of how they are presented, these signs indicate that your ex is willing to leave behind past differences and work to rebuild your relationship. In this article you will find more signs that your ex does not forget you.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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