Saving, present and gratitude

Saving, present and gratitude

He Savoring It is a concept that refers to being present and feeling gratitude for the good things that the environment offers.

It is a fact that does not require large sums of money to increase positive experiences and, therefore, well -being. Well, Savoring, A concept of psychologist Fred Bryant and Joseph Veroff, arose to teach how to focus attention on the good day to day.

Savoring, Increase positive experiences

From positive psychology more and more techniques arise to take advantage of the present and increase happiness or enjoyment.

Among the letters, the newspaper and the visit of gratitude, proposals by Seligman and Lyubomirsky, and the practice of full attention in daily activities, or minfulness, From Jon Kabat Zinn, this novel technique now appears that increases personal satisfaction.

He Savoring, Or savor of the present moment, it is also another of the recommended techniques and is currently very applied among the so -called third generation techniques.

For authors Kayla A. Wilson and Annmarie Macnamara, in their study entitled: Savor the moment, voluntary increase in the positive emotion and persistence of this effect over time, savoring is an emotional regulation technique that aims to increase, maintain and deepen positive emotion, reason why it has been incorporated into several interventions to treat anxiety, depression and chronic pain. According to the results of your study, savoring as an effective and durable means to increase positive emotion.

That is, it has been shown that "savoring" can help the person feel less anxiety, to stop ruminations, shame and guilt, while increasing their optimism and happiness.

However, although it seems simple, it is true that Many people have a hard time because their tendency is to experience the opposite: to remember more easily the negative events, which is known as negativity bias, called by Paul Rozin and Edward Royzman.

The experiences are unconsciously analyzed in search of possible threats, and this could be useful in other times to survive through struggle or flight, but today this negativity bias can plunge the person into a constant alert, Fill him with fear, anxiety and make his quality of life with the Chronic concerns, next to a premonitory and dark vision of life.

The positive of Savoring It is that, even in the problems, this technique can be applied to connect with rewarding factors and increase the positive reinforcement, which allows to reduce stress and break the vicious circle of negativity.

He Savoring vs mindfulness, Main differences

He Savoring It can be applied when enjoying a cup of chocolate and a sunset is considered calmly, for example. The truth is that lA daily life provides many positive aspects in which attention can be fixed. Savoring is a deliberate act to improve the positive and prolong in time good experiences. To do this, it would be recommended that all the senses be attentive, but not all the stimuli, but only to those positive.

Unlike Mindfulness which consists of looking at all the facts that are lived, whether good, bad or neutral, without judging, in it Savoring It's about keeping the pleasant.

5 Mindfulness exercises to practice full attention

The scenarios in nature are ideal for finding harmony and reducing stressWith full attention, nature is observed, attentive with all the senses to the thoughts or feelings that arise while there is, sitting. You can feel peace of mind or perhaps some tension, but everything that happens is allowed to remain there, without judging or making attributions, just observing.

What he mindfulness It is that the person is not trapped in details, but rather contemplates the totality, both outside and inside.

On the other hand, with the Savoring, You can be before the same scene, a sunset, but The person must immerse all the details that are beautiful, like sounds, aromas and everything that is perceived that it is positive. It also can Place the focus on a precise positive detail, something that makes the person feel good. It could be the range of colors in a bird, in the leaves of the trees if you are in autumn, the sound of a river if there were, or in the way the sun's rays fall.

The person must immerse themselves in these details and observe any positive feeling that is being formed inside to enjoy it fully, while savoring the environment.

Positive emotion should never be lost sight of, It must be stored in memory and enjoy it; But taste does not end there, since the person can concentrate on another detail of the scene and continue examining their positive feelings.

Finally, Seligman mentions five recommendations that also Bryant and Vroff suggest to enjoy this savor, which are: share experience with other significant people, keep memories of that moment, either with photographs, mental images or physical details; praise himself; sharpen the senses to concentrate on some details instead of others, since it is not possible to cover everything, and be self -absorbed, that is, not thinking, just feel, allowing the activity to involve the person.

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  • Bryant, f. B., & Veroff, J. (2017). Savoring: a New Model of Positive Experience. Psychology Press.
  • Bryant, f. B., & Veroff, J. (1982). The Structure of Psychological Well-Being: A Participahistorical Analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology43(4), 653.
  • Jose, p. AND., Lim, b. T., & Bryant, F. B. (2012). Does Saving Increase Happyiness? Daily Diary Study. The Journal of Positive Psychology7(3), 176-187.
  • Seligman, m. AND. (2002). POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, POSITIVE PREVENTION, AND POSITIVE THERAPY. Handbook of Positive Psychology2(2002), 3-12.
  • Wilson, Ka and Macnamara, A. (2021). Savor the moment: voluntary increase in positive emotion and persistence of this effect over time. Psychophysiology58 (3), E13754. https: //