Emotional Healing What is it and how it works?

Emotional Healing What is it and how it works?

Emotional healing is a psychological process in which to recognize, accept and integrate a series of painful or traumatic experiences which help us face what we are living. Anger, sadness, anguish fear, despair, are factors that it costs to understand and above all to handle but with professional help we can get ahead.

Although in most of the time we do not give them much importance, but the experiences lived in childhood leave traces that mark our personality. That is why in this article I will explain that it is emotional healing and how it works.


  • Meaning of emotional healing
  • Stages that we need to analyze to heal our emotional wounds
    • 1. Accept the wound as part of yourself
    • 2. Accept the fact that what you fear or reproaches yourself and others
    • 3. Give yourself permission to get angry with those who fed that wound
    • 4. Let things flow
    • 5. Learn to manage emotions
    • 6. You have to be empathic
    • 7. Do not hesitate to ask for help

Meaning of emotional healing

Emotional healing is the therapeutic process that allows us to accept, understand and self -regulate those psycho -emotional states that restrict well -being and completely condition our life.

The suffering And emotional anguish are an eternal leitmotiv in our existences. Losses, ruptures, disappointments. No one is exempt from those turns of destiny or those grimaces that leave life and our relationships with others. Similarly, another fact is given, each person deals in a particular way before the adversity that arises.

There are those who are stronger than other people and there are those who are more vulnerable. Hence It is very common to drag traumatic facts from childhood that never get over. One can reach adulthood with the weight of sadness, wound and grief and scar of rabies. All emotion intermingles and causes a type of lining that imagant loneliness and more than one psychological disorder, such as depression.

5 wounds that prevent you from enjoying your true self

The opposite of this dimension is emotional repression. It is a state that the person represses emotions to try to reduce pain. However, with this technique what is achieved is to eternalize the suffering itself.

Stages that we need to analyze to heal our emotional wounds

1. Accept the wound as part of yourself

The wound exists, you may or may not agree with the fact, but the first step is to accept that possibility. According to Lisa Bourbeaour's opinion, she states that "Accepting a wound means looking at it, observing it carefully and knowing that having situations to solve is part of the human being's experience".

We are not better or worse just because something hurts us. Having built your protection shell is a heroic act, an act of self -esteem that has a lot of merit but has already fulfilled its function. That is why, once the wound is open and you can see it, it is time to heal it.

2. Accept the fact that what you fear or reproaches yourself and others

The will and The decision to overcome our wounds are the first step towards patience, compassion and understanding with ourselves. These qualities that you will develop for yourself, will develop them towards others, which will feed your well -being.

Sometimes not We realize that we put our vital expectations in others, hoping that our shortcomings and that our hopes colmen. The truth is that our behavior leads to cancel our relationships and much of our life, generating great discomfort because others do not respond as we hope.

3. Give yourself permission to get angry with those who fed that wound

How much more they damage and deeper our wounds, more normal and human will be to blame and feel anger to who harmed us. Give yourself permission to get angry with them and forgive yourself. Otherwise, you will vent all that grudge with yourself and with others, because if you do it, it is as if you were muddy your wounds constantly.

It is also necessary to forgive, Since we must accept that people who hurt are likely to carry a deep pain inside. We ourselves harm others with the masks we get to protect our wounds.

4. Let things flow

Many times we cannot continue with our life because we are able to let ourselves carry. We want to control everything and give a thousand laps to the same topic. This generates stress and anxiety. The best thing we can do is let ourselves carry, DEjar that things flow and continue their natural course. Without trying to control our future or try to change the past.

5. Learn to manage emotions

Managing emotions allows you to close wounds. If we learn how to communicate and use feelings, we can close them before. To do so we must learn from past experiences.

6. You have to be empathic

In the same way that we can feel bad, we must take into account that other people can have emotional injuries. To be able to take care of them and help them in what they need. Empathy is the ability to get into the skin of the other person, This will help us understand what they feel and be able to help them in the best possible way.

We know that closing an emotional wound is not easy but it is possible. You should only be constant with what we feel and with what others feel to improve the quality of life of our environment.

7. Do not hesitate to ask for help

It may be difficult to recognize that we cannot with everything. But sometimes it is necessary for someone to help us overcome certain situations. There are professionals who can help us better the situation, recognize certain emotions that we did not know we felt. To control the moments of pain. They will help us find what is not right and how we can manage it.

We should not feel bad or failing when we turn to a specialist, on the contrary it will help us to get out those hidden emotions. It means that we are able to recognize that we need help and that we want to improve the situation and thus be able to get ahead.

Bibliographic references

  • Bourbeau, l. (2015). The healing of the 5 wounds. Malaga: Syrian