Rumitations, the habit of thinking too much

Rumitations, the habit of thinking too much

There are people that, After an argument with the couple, a failure at work or any other event spends hours going around what happened, generating unproductive thoughts and preventing the development of a satisfactory life. An excess of this type of thought is what we will call Rumitations.


  • What are ruminations?
  • What consequences can ruminations have?
    • 1. Addictive effect
    • 2. Makes the appearance of other disorders more likely
    • 3. Increased negative thoughts in general
    • 4. Stress levels increase
  • How to try to avoid rumitations
    • 1. Stop the thoughts
    • 2. Focus on the present
    • 3. Try to identify the moments in which it occurs
    • 4. Know the basic content or idea that exists in ruminations
    • 5. Move the body to move the mind
    • Bibliography

What are ruminations?

Are Persistent harmful thoughts, That is, they appear again and again giving rise to feelings of frustration. In the person there is a struggle between wanting to stop thinking about a fact and not being able to stop doing so, a presence of negative thoughts about what is being experienced, on oneself or on the environment. The same scene, a break, a criticism, an error made in the past is constantly revived. Every small detail of the situation continues to solve anything because that has already happened.

A characteristic of rumination is that they do not pursue the objective of solving the problem. We do not reach any conclusion that produces relief, but what we do in remembering a specific situation again and again, keeping in us and the emotions of anger and sadness that we had at the time. They are thoughts that do not solve anything, on the contrary, they become a problem in itselfs. The person is trapped in their own thoughts loop, this makes it difficult to take initiatives to distract themselves and to concentrate.

Rumiation increases inactivity And with it the moments that we do not have occupied, it will be then when the rumiation tends to have more frequency and intensity.

Rumiations are presented above all in people with depressive disorders more frequently than the rest of the general population, which can also have them at certain times, not stop thinking repeatedly and from different angles the situations, The state of sadness increases since it is not able to find a solution.

What consequences can ruminations have?

1. Addictive effect

If we get used to focus our attention on bad We may develop the need to continue doing it and it is increasingly difficult to stop the circle.

2. Makes the appearance of other disorders more likely

Keep those negative emotions for a long time can Bring us to suffer from anxiety and depressive paintings.

3. Increased negative thoughts in general

If we take the habit of Rumiar it is possible that we tend to see other aspects in our life.

4. Stress levels increase

Not only Emotional stress increases, but also the physicist, increasing the probability of cardiovascular diseases.

Thus, taking into account how it can affect the status of the person, it is important to try to minimize its effects, reducing the number of occasions that appear to us and at the same time cut the vicious circle that activates it.

Selective mutism, causes and diagnosis

How to try to avoid rumitations

Although there are some techniques that can help, They are not magical solutions, so we must be constant In its use to be effective.

1. Stop the thoughts

At the time the person realizes that he is ruminating, trying to stop thinking about it. You can use a signal created by the person, such as imagining a sign of Stop Or say aloud, enough!

2. Focus on the present

Another way to avoid ruminations is be fully focused on the present, in the here and now, since the rumination is to revive a negative and past event again and again. For this it is highly advisable to practice mindfulness.

3. Try to identify the moments in which it occurs

Moments of boredom, before going to sleep, when something has not come out as we thought, and then look for some activity that forces us to be busy mentally currently.

4. Know the basic content or idea that exists in ruminations

This will allow us to know the main thread of concerns and be able to analyze them at other times to observe if they are true or are distorted interpretations of our reality.

5. Move the body to move the mind

The sport; Help in the release of endorphins and demands concentration in a real -time task.

These resources are personal and each one can have predilection for some of them or the combination of both, so it is interesting to practice in different contexts to be able to generalize them to the maximum. If we have the things that work for us, it will be easier to carry them out in times of crisis to stop these thoughts. Definitely The important thing is to occupy or distract the mind so that rumitations are not chilled And they prevent us from enjoying life in a quiet way.


  • Fernández Marcos, T. (2017). The interference of obsessive rumances in attention. (Doctoral Thesis)
  • Biglieri, r. R. (2004). Cognitive therapy in patients with obsessive rumitations. Erte, fifteen (56), 85-90.