Psychosocial risks at work work stress questionnaire

Psychosocial risks at work work stress questionnaire

In order to correctly evaluate some of the spheres related to stress and job anxiety, a series of questionnaires have been developed. In this psychology-online article, we attach a tool to measure the Psychosocial risks at work: work stress questionnaire.

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  1.  Control list on work content
  2. Control list on working conditions
  3. Control list on employment conditions
  4. Control list of social relations at work.

 Control list on work content

Answer 'yes' if you agree with the question. Then you can calculate the total score by adding the number of
'if it is'. The score should be as low as possible. The higher the number of affirmative responses,
greater will be the number of problems regarding the content and organization of work. All
Affirmative answers deserve particularized attention.
1 Cyclic and short work is common. A task is cyclical and short, when it should be repeatedly started no more than minute and a half after the previous one, the cycle, therefore, lasts less than minute and a half.
2 Boring or monotonous tasks are common (tasks that are soon made
3 The tasks that demand an intense concentration are common (from which one cannot
4 Department's work is segmented. Each person makes a little
contribution to the 'product' that leaves it.
5 The work is demanding from the emotional point of view, due, for example, to the
Contact with patients, clients, students, etc.
6 The work is frequently developed in time pressure conditions, due
to the strict deadlines to be met or that the production levels are
difficult to reach.
7 In the department there are jobs that are held in solitude.

8 frequently the organization or work schedules are incorrect.

9 often the other departments do not prepare the work sufficiently.

10 The other departments often do not provide enough support.

11 There are frequently problems (malfunction, defects, breakdowns) with equipment, machinery, instruments or software.

12 There are no regular consultations about work or, if there are, they usually do not lend themselves
To talk about labor problems.
13 workers have few possibilities, or none of deciding on their own
pace of work.
14 Within certain general rules, workers have few possibilities, or
None, to decide your own work method.
15 workers do not have enough opportunities to help each other in case
16 workers do not receive enough information about the results of their
17 During work hours there is not enough time to maintain a small
talk with colleagues.
18 It is often impossible to get directly in touch with the supervisor
When a problem arises.
19 Generally, workers cannot directly contact a
partner or with the supervisor of another department to comment on the problems.

Control list on working conditions

The control list of working conditions contains 16 questions to which all departments or positions can answer. In all cases, the answer is a 'yes' or a 'no'. The final score of each position or department is obtained by adding the scores indicated in the margin. The higher the score, the greater the number of problems in regards to working conditions. All scored questions with a '1' indicate that in that aspect urgent improvements are required.

Siles score 0 and the NOES score 1.
1 ¿The worker passes more than four hours working?

  • Yes that's how it is, ¿It has a good chair?
  • But, ¿has vertical support?

2 ¿The worker can periodically leave his workplace?

3 ¿The position demands continuously inclined or in a forced posture?

4 ¿The worker must frequently lift heavy objects or use
a lot of strength?
5 ¿There is enough light to do the job well?

6 ¿Reflexes or annoying glare are produced during the execution of the
7 ¿High or annoying levels of noise are produced in the workplace?

8 ¿It is the temperature of the workplace too high or too low?

9 ¿There are annoying air currents in the workplace?

10 ¿There are information points (instruments, lights, acoustic signals, etc.) conveniently indicated and are easily understandable?
eleven ¿Control means (buttons, cranks, etc.) are easily accessible
They are logically placed?
12 ¿Dangerous situations occur in the workplace?

13 ¿Annoying vibrations occur in the hands, arms or body during the
14 ¿There are health risks derived from exposure to products
fifteen ¿There is a danger of infection?

16 ¿There is danger of radiation (for example, materials or processes

Control list on employment conditions

The control list of employment conditions contains 13 questions that should be answered by
Each department or position separately.

It can also be used to get an idea of ​​employment conditions in the company together. They must
Add the responses of the right column. The more crosses there are in it, the more criticism there is against the
company social policy and greater will be the possibilities that employment conditions produce
stress. The company should pay particular attention to each cross of said column.
1 ¿There are enough professional career development opportunities?

2 ¿There are enough education and training opportunities?

3 ¿The company's jobs are threatened as a result, by
example, of a reorganization?
4 ¿Remuneration (monetary or other) is good compared to that of
Similar positions in another sites?
5 ¿Workers can decide when to take their days off?

6 ¿Work and rest periods are well planned (time to finish and finish, pauses)?
7 ¿Temporary contracts are frequently used?

8 ¿Temporary workers are frequently used?

9 ¿Vacancies are quickly covered?

10 ¿People can be replaced during a disease decline?

eleven ¿There are problems with overtime (too many, announced too late, not sufficiently compensated in time or money, etc)?
12 ¿Normal salaries or salary salaries apply?

13 ¿The dining service is good?

Control list of social relations at work.

The control list of social relations contains 10 questions that should be answered by each
department or separate position. It can also be used to get an idea of ​​the company as a whole. The total score can be calculated by adding the negative answers to questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 together with the negative answers to questions 6, 8 and 9. The higher the score, the more problems there will be in regards to cooperation, participation and work climate.

Particular attention should be given to each negative answer to questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 and to each
Affirmative answer to questions 6, 8 and 9.
1 ¿The opinion of the
2 ¿Enough support is provided in work in daily management?

3 ¿The workers are sufficiently informed of the changes produced in the company?
4 ¿There is generally a good weather in the workplace?

5 If necessary ¿Workers can ask for help from one or more colleagues?

6 ¿The workers are close closely at work?

7 ¿There is a work consultation system that works well?

8 ¿There are cases of discrimination (due to sex, race, etc)?

9 ¿There are cases of sexual harassment?

10 ¿The work that is done is valued enough?

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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