Physical challenges to do at home

Physical challenges to do at home

We are undoubtedly living difficult times, times that will test us and in which we have to do our best. We believe that the human being, such as biopsychosocial, must enjoy health at the physical, mental, social and spiritual level. Therefore, in this article, we want to offer you a series of physical challenges to do at home during quarantine.

We want you to be strengthened from this quarantine. May your mood is maintained in such good condition as ever. But, also, that your physical form does not decay. On the contrary, thanks to these Physical challenges to do at home, You can tone your body, activate metabolism and lose fat.

We know that in this confinement situation, most people will inexorably fall into sedentary lifestyle, weight gain and loss of physical condition. Well, in most countries they do not even let even sports to play. Can you imagine this quarantine in a better physical form, having even toning and thinning? How would this leave you compared to others?


  • Physical challenges to do at home (ideal for confinement situations)
    • Challenge 1: 100 Burpees a day
      • Advantages of Burpees
    • Challenge 2: 100 Flexions of arms per day
      • Advantages of arms flexions
    • CHALLENGE 3: 10 1 minute plates series
      • Advantages of the plates

Physical challenges to do at home (ideal for confinement situations)

Next, we will expose a series of Physical challenges to do at home. But first of all, we want to give you some tips:

  • Ideally, the challenge lasts 1 month at least and 3 months maximum
  • You can take a picture of the "before" and "after", Because if you meet it, you will notice differences
  • Do not start with the maximum level, because you will only get tired and hurt your whole body
  • Increase progressively, at your pace, the level. For example, weekly
  • Be constant and do not decay in training. It is health and your body will appreciate it
  • If you take care of what you eat, your results will multiply
  • You can do these exercises leaving, at least, 1 day of rest weekly
  • Heats up before starting, and at the end

Challenge 1: 100 Burpees up to date

He Burpee It is a very complete exercise that measures anaerobic resistance. The entire body works and, in a short time, you must mobilize all the organism's resources to carry it out. Progressively increases the level, or you will end up exhausted in a very short time.

For the most advanced, you can make 10 series of 10 Burpees, resting 45 seconds between series. Those who are starting to try 5 series of 5 Burpees.

Advantages of the Burpees

  • Each repetition burns about 10 kcal
  • Tone and increases muscle mass in less time, which contributes to accelerating metabolism and burning fat
  • Increase pulmonary and cardiac resistance
  • You will train, at once, arms, chest, shoulders, abdominals, legs and buttocks
  • It is one of the most complete exercises in the world of sports

Challenge 2: 100 Flexions of arms per day

Another of the best exercises for those who want to put in shape, and One of the physical challenges to make at home more common. Arms flexions are a demanding exercise involved to large muscle groups, Although the main work focuses on the torso and arms. If the challenge is fulfilled, and you take care of the food a bit, You will notice results Very notable.

You can make 10 series of 10 flexions, leaving 30 seconds of rest between series. For those who start, 5 series of 5 flexions, leaving 30 seconds between series.

Advantages of arms flexions

  • Tone the torso and arms
  • Mobilizes a large amount of organism resources for execution, so it will help you activate metabolism and, therefore, to burn fat
  • It is a very complete exercise, in which a multitude of muscle groups are worked: torso, arms, abdominals ..
  • Significantly increase muscle strength

CHALLENGE 3: 10 1 minute plates series

For those who are not afraid of anything, This is your challenge. Although at first it may seem little exercise and very little time, there are very few people who are able to successfully face this challenge:

  • Make 10 series of plates
  • Each series lasts 1 minute
  • A 1 minute break between series and series must be left

In this way, in 19 minutes (counting the break time) you will have finished your training. Is not little 19 minutes of training? Not at all, make 10 series of 1 minute plates It is one of the most complete and demanding training that can be carried out. In addition, it is one of the Most effective exercises for your abs.

Yes indeed, You must be careful not to get your back (it must be straight) and control the neck, To do this, we leave you a video tutorial below, so you can see the right way to do them.

Advantages of the plates

  • The simplest and most efficient abdominal exercise that exists
  • Fat burning very quickly, so it helps you lose weight
  • Activate metabolism
  • Define and tone the abdominals
  • Especially strengthens the trunk, including back muscles, legs, hips, buttocks, shoulders and chest
  • Improves posture
  • Relieves back pain