Result of the multiple intelligences test

Result of the multiple intelligences test


This is the results page of the multiple intelligences test. Access the test page to be able to do it.
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Below is a graphic with the score obtained in each of the intelligences analyzed (linguistic, logical - mathematics, visual - space, kinesthetic or body -cinetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic).

Your intelligence or predominant intelligences are marked with a star.

At the bottom of the page you will find the main characteristics of each type of intelligence. You can access each of them by clicking on the type of intelligence in the graphic.

Results Graph

Linguistics0 % Mathematics0 % Visual-Spatial 0 % Kinesthetic0 % Musical0 % Interpersonal0 % Intrapersonal0 % Naturalist0 %

Linguistic intelligence

It is intelligence related to our verbal capacity, to language and words in general. This intelligence enables us to write poems, stories, etc. A high level of this intelligence is the one that can be found in writers, poets, journalists and speakers, among others. It is in the children who love to write stories, read, play with rhymes, tongue twisters and in those who easily learn other languages.

Logical-mathematical intelligence

It has to do with the development of abstract thinking, with precision and organization through guidelines or sequences. Understand the capabilities we need to handle mathematical operations and reason correctly. A high level of this intelligence is seen in scientists, mathematicians, counters, engineers and systems analysts, among others. Children who have developed it easily analyze raises and problems. They approach numerical calculations, statistics and budgets with enthusiasm. We use it to solve logic and mathematics problems.

Visual-spatial intelligence

It is the ability to integrate elements, perceive and order them in space and to establish metaphorical relationships between them. This intelligence enables us to create designs, pictures, diagrams and build things. Is linked to imagination. It is present in pilots, sailors, sculptors, painters, architects and decorators, among others. It is in children who study better with graphics, schemes, pictures. They like to make conceptual and mental maps. they understand very well Blue prints ans drafts.

Kinesthetic or Body-Cinetic Intelligence

It covers everything related to both body and objects and reflexes. It is used to carry out activities such as sports, which require coordination and controlled rhythm. It can be seen in athletes, dancers, surgeons and artisans, among others. It is appreciated in children that stand out in sports activities, dance, body expression and/or in constructions work using various concrete materials. Also in those who are skilled in the execution of instruments. It is the intelligence of athletes, artisans, surgeons and dancers.


It is directly related to musical skills, such as rhythm and melody. It helps us to create new sounds to express emotions and feelings through music. It is present in musicians, singers, composers, orchestra directors, musical critics, dancers, etc. Children who evidence are attracted to nature's sounds and all kinds of melodies. They enjoy following the beat with their foot, hitting or shaking some object rhythmically.


Implies the ability to establish relationships with other people. Includes skills to show facial expressions, control the voice and express gestures on certain occasions. It also covers the capacities to perceive people's affectivity or empathy. It is present in actors, politicians, good sellers and successful teachers, among others. They have children who enjoy working in a group, who are convincing in their negotiations with their classmates and also with the elderly, who understand others.


It refers to the knowledge of oneself and all related processes, such as self -confidence and self -motivation. It's like our conscience. It helps us to understand what we do and value our own actions. It is highly developed in theologians, philosophers and psychologists, among others. It is evidenced by children who are reflective, of successful reasoning and are usually counselors of their classmates.

Naturalist intelligence

It is the ability to distinguish, classify and use elements of the environment, objects, animals or plants. Both urban and suburban or rural environment. Includes observation, experimentation, reflection and questioning skills of our environment. They possess this intelligence people who love the country. It occurs in children who love animals, plants; that recognize and like to investigate characteristics of the natural world and their relationship with man.

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