Rethinking the concept of wealth with the fisherman's fable

Rethinking the concept of wealth with the fisherman's fable

When we think about wealth, we usually think about money and material goods, but there is a wealth that makes us much happier and that most of us have at our fingertips, but we don't even realize.

Redefining the concept of wealth

It is common to imagine a person of great wealth living in an extravagant mansion with an extensive garden, a set of luxurious cars parked in front and, of course, an airstrip for their private helicopter. We imagine it having dinner at the most select restaurants, traveling to the most exotic corners on the planet and having access to all kinds of luxuries that our imagination can conceive. This image is, without a doubt, the idealized version of a rich person, but is this the true meaning of being rich?

Let's reflect for a moment, What is wealth for you?, Often, we confuse wealth with the possession of money, and this error can lead us to chase it so avidly that, even when we finally obtain it, it never seems enough to be sufficient, since, as we accumulate more and more money, our style of our style of Life and our expenses are adjusted to the pair, which results in the constant need for more money to maintain and expand our growing heritage, but is this really wealth, or is it just the illusion of being a millionaire?

I encourage you to take a moment to define your own conception of wealth, take a pencil and paper and write what it means to be rich. What you chase will reflect your actions and to what you dedicate your life.

For some, wealth can be free time, enough money to sustain a comfortable lifestyle, and freedom of movement, others can assess the possibility of spending quality time with their children or being able to give certain whims occasionally When, it may even be that for you, wealth means having a collection of Louis Vuitton bags. There is no incorrect answer. The important thing is that you are aware of what wealth is for you.

Keep in mind that true wealth is not a mere accumulation of material possessions, True wealth is in freedom of space, quality of life, inner peace... As we adjust our lifestyle to our possessions, sometimes we forget this and we are trapped in a roller coaster perpetual of wanting and spending, so it is necessary to pause, and choose to maintain a lifestyle that we Allow you to enjoy for a longer time, having more free time.

The fisherman's fable and the businessman

There is a fable that reflects very well the concept of wealth, The fisherman's fable and the businessman:

Once upon a time there was a fisherman who lived in a small coastal town. Every day he went fishing for a while and captured enough fish to keep his family. The rest of the time spent enjoying life, playing with their children and playing the guitar with their friends in the town square.

One day, a businessman who was on vacation in the town observed the fisherman, and intrigued by his lifestyle, the businessman asked him why he did not spend more time fishing to be able to sell the surplus fish.

The fisherman asked: "And what would he win with that?"

The businessman explained that he could earn more money, which in turn would allow him to buy a larger boat and capture even more fish, so he could have enough profits to hire other fishermen and expand his business.

Again, the fisherman asked: "And what would he win with that?"

The businessman said that he could eventually become a very rich man and move to a larger city, from where he could direct his growing fishing empire.

For the third time, the fisherman asked: "And what would he win with that?"

The businessman replied that once he was rich and powerful, he could enjoy life, he could spend time playing with his children and play the guitar with his friends.

The fisherman smiled and replied: "But that is exactly what I'm already doing."

This fable is frequently used to illustrate the idea that wealth and success are not always measured in monetary terms, sometimes, true wealth is found in simplicity, satisfaction and time we spend with the people we love.

Dare to reflect on what wealth means for you And he understands that sometimes it can be preferable.

We must be aware that our decisions and actions must be aligned with our life purposes, and it may not be able to have all the money in the world without investing all our time in that task and leaving aside the people we appreciate.

Sometimes, having less possessions can mean more happiness, and that is to find wealth in experiences, relationships and quality of life can be much more rewarding than simple accumulation of material goods. Wealth goes beyond money, it is a multifaceted concept That covers many more things, often forgotten in our frantic search for material, wealth can be found in the freedom to choose, in mental peace, in the quality of time we spend with our loved ones, in the ability to move and travel freely.

Therefore, It is essential that we define wealth in our own terms, instead of blindly adopting the conventional concept, And the first step to get it is to take a break, stop and reflect on what we really value in life, only then we can draw a plan that takes us to our true objectives, instead of simply running in the race for money.