Rejuvenate 7 natural alternatives

Rejuvenate 7 natural alternatives

Rejuvenating is a fact that we all want because since the beginning of humanity man and woman have worried about staying young.

The beautiful legend of Gilgamesh tells all the feats he did to try to achieve immortality, after seeing how his friend Enkidu perished.

We all want to be young and immortal and go to thousands of potions, creams in the market, or any alternative in order to stop the passage of time.

Science has also dedicated itself to delaying aging and prolonging our lives, although it has not had total success in it. Until now, the transhumanists are optimistic, and maybe one day we achieve it.

Maybe one day is possible, but for now, We can have certain formulas that work to rejuvenate and slow the weight of the years slow. Let's know some of them!

Natural alternatives to rejuvenate

Everything the market offers is valid, for each skin type. However, by general, We can also follow certain guidelines to conserve beauty and rejuvenate.

Hydration and body care are also important, as some pharmaceutical articles on body hydration point out, since we prevent the appearance of certain conditions, such as peeling, trenching, irritability, dryness, among others.

The alternatives shown below are also economical, and many of these ingredients have them at home.

Then share some secrets with you so that you always look radiant.

  1. The avocado ally: In addition to nourishing and helping us to be healthy thanks to your healthy fats, avocado can help us have an envy skin, especially when we apply it directly on our face. The secret is to mix it with a little honey, let it act for a couple of minutes and then remove it.
  2. The egg, another great option: Well, all the vitamins that it possesses help us to have smooth and shine skin. We just need the clear beaters and add some honey. We moisten our complexion, we apply, we leave it for 20 minutes and remove with warm water.
  3. Mask with honey and lemon: Lemon acts as an antiseptic, ideal to remove impurities, while honey is hydrated. It is only necessary to mix these ingredients and let them act for about 15 minutes, then remove with warm water. The results are immediate.
  4. Yoghurt: It is extremely ideal for those days when it is very hot and we need to refresh our skin and that it looks young and fresh. We put it 5 minutes in the fridge, then we apply it on our face and after a few minutes we removed it with warm water. Freshness is unmatched.
  5. A little facial gymnastics also helps: With this, we facilitate blood circulation on our face and make the skin look smooth, without sagging. It is worth massaging the face completely, such as the chin, the cheekbones, the gown, a little eyelids and under our eyes, that is to say the contour. Always with soft movements, small touchs that give us firmness, but without mistreating. On our forehead we can also do gymnastics stretching a little up, and holding a few seconds. In the end, we must massage the whole face, with circular movements to relax the skin.
  6. Olive oil: It is indispensable and almost we have them at home. We can add it to a bit of aloe vera, or apply directly. The results will always be fantastic. The truth is that essential oils are an excellent basis for many masks.
  7. The cucumber: We can cut it into wheels and place it in the contour of our eyes. This will help us reduce the bags and maintain the smooth and fresh area.

Additional tricks

All these options are natural, but, there are also other things we can do to look good, such as:

  • Rest: at least 8 hours a day. Who does not sleep well, will see it reflected in his skin. Natural rejuvenation begins with a good sleep routine.
  • Avoid cigarette: Well, the cigar ages like almost nothing in the world. The skin absorbs smoke and loses its ability to stay smooth. It doesn't matter if it is a passive smoker, the effects are the same.
  • Feed us well: It is essential as a natural alternative to rejuvenate, because the way we feed is reflected in our skin.
  • Drink enough water: to stay hydrated. This is vital.

In addition to these indications that are part of the natural alternatives to rejuvenate, we also recommend you to help you with rose water every morning, because this helps to mitigate the expression lines and is very easy to get.

Apply these natural alternatives to rejuvenate and you will see the almost immediate effects. Finally, you can help you with a little ice on your face. It is a skin relief.

We recommend the best natural therapies for your well -being


  • Anderson, b. (1978). How to rejuvenate the body stretching: Complete guide of stretching exercises ... to achieve flexibility and body relaxation. Comprehensive.
  • Benaiges, a. (2005). Body hydration: main cosmetic assets. OFFARM: PHARMACY AND SOCIETY24(9), 92-98.
  • Gil-Antuñano, n. P., Zenarruzabeitia, Z. M., & Camacho, to. M. R. (2009). Food, nutrition and The importance of hydration and body care. Monographic. Pharmacy.
  • Hydration in sport. Higher Sports Council.
  • Martínez, r. G., & Río, F. G. (2010). How to rejuvenate the smoker's lungs?.