Neuropsychological rehabilitation of memory after stroke and techniques

Neuropsychological rehabilitation of memory after stroke and techniques

Cognitive rehabilitation, also called the rehabilitation of superior brain functions, is a therapeutic method for improve or compensate neurocognitive deficits produced by processes that affect normal brain functioning. It is the set of interventions designed to increase the functional capacity of the individual in his daily life.

In this Psychology -line article we will talk about the Neuropsychological rehabilitation of memory after stroke and techniques.

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  1. Cognitive rehabilitation approaches
  2. Cognitive rehabilitation modalities.
  3. Neuropsychological rehabilitation of memory. Techniques.

Cognitive rehabilitation approaches

Three approaches are basically used, often complementary:

  • Attempt reduce alterations cognitive and behavioral.
  • Teach drive those alterations.
  • Modify the environment so that it is less demanding.

Various neurological diseases or psychological conditions, can lead to difficulties in the abilities of attention, memory, language, reasoning, organization, etc. Through cognitive rehabilitation therapy, it is sought restore those functions or compensate them through learning other skills

Cognitive rehabilitation modalities.


Is about stimulate affected cognitive functions acting directly on them, so that cerebral neuroplasticity is facilitated.


The use of alternative skills promoting functional reorganization from intact brain systems and structures. That is, exercises are carried out to strengthen the healthy brain connections to supply the function made by the connections that have been damaged. This is based on the fact that the brain organization of the functions is somewhat redundant (neural systems in parallel). For example, there are several motor systems that are complementary so that if one fails, others can replace at least their function at least.


Minimization of the impact of cognitive alterations to achieve greater functional autonomy. Is the use of alternative strategies or external aids that replace altered cognitive functions.

Neuropsychological rehabilitation of memory. Techniques.

Between the General Strategies To intervene memory difficulties are compensatory strategies or external memory aids (AME), from which it seeks to reduce the impact of cognitive deficits of the patient on daily life. The use of these tools in memory rehabilitation has been considered the most important approach to the functional rehabilitation of this cognitive function, since it really helps to compensate for the deficit after memory alterations. The different procedures that can be used to work memory problems refer to:

External aids

Agendas, alarms, calendars, plans, daily, labels ... On many occasions they avoid the problems that affect daily functioning. There are those aids aimed at adaptation of the environment, those that facilitate the patient access to the previously stored information and those aids that facilitate the storage or consultation of the information (agendas).

Mnemonic strategies

That favor the association and organization of the elements, and the deepest processing of the information. They may be:

  • Verbal or visual: It is important to study the injured area well, above all it is those LOCATED stroke, since the right hemisphere has more involvement in the processing of visual images and the left predominates in verbal processing; in such a way that those strategies that activate the hemisphere not damaged by stroke will be used.
  • Superficial or deep processing: There is ample evidence that indicates that the most effective strategies are those that favor the organization of the material.

Use of preserved memory systems

To try to make up for, In part, Consequences of memory deficits from the patients. The recovery technique (RE) spaced is part of a set of techniques designed for the learning of specific knowledge from the implicit memory preserved, in order to favor the autonomy of the patient in the activities of daily life.

Another technique that helps patients remember their past (retrograde memory) is Reminiscence therapy: Reminiscence therapy helps to remember, naturally, past experiences to stimulate the ability to Authority and identity maintenance.

The general structure of this cognitive stimulation technique requires, generally two steps:

  • First, the patient is taught a material (Photography or story of an event) linked to your own experience or the events of your generation.
  • From this material, the patient will evoke a series of associated memories and will make personal comments.

It is intended to enhance autobiographical episodic memory (personal memories) and semantic memory (which contains knowledge about relevant historical data), as well as that the recalling is remembered Personal events and historical facts with all possible clarity, experiencing the emotions linked to those memories.

This therapy can be done in individual sessions but, frequently, includes group meetings, at least once a week, with patients who are approximately the same age (due to similar generational experiences). Among the materials that are usually used in reminiscence sessions, we can find the following:

  • Memories box: It collects personal objects from a patient or materials that are common to a group of patients of the same generation. Photographs, music, clothes, documentation, etc.
  • Autobiographical book or memory book: It is usually used with the help of the therapist and, usually, also of a relative who knows very closely the patient's life.
  • Socio -historical and/or cultural data: It consists in collecting information on the most important historical, social and cultural events of the generation of patients to, after that, read these information one by one and that causes comments on their experiences of such an event.

It must produce the following positive aspects:

  • Help maintain and reinforce the self-esteem, showing elements and positive aspects of memories.
  • Highlight the experience and accumulated wisdom, offering opportunities for their expression and to share them with others.
  • Avoid the stereotype that the patient is an old or one more patient, facilitating the maintenance of the sense of Personal identity.
  • The time dedicated to reminiscence must become a Positive and stimulating experience.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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