Reasons and solutions of child depression

Reasons and solutions of child depression


  • Depression, a very common evil
  • Diagnosis of depression
  • Symptoms of child depression
  • What to do in case detect some of these depressive symptoms?
  • Treatment of child depression

Depression, a very common evil

According to medline electronic encyclopedia, the depression It affects 340 million people in the world. The Universal newspaper states that in Mexico more than 7 million suffer from it and that by 2020, it will be the second most common disease in the world. In Spain it is estimated that 5% of the child population suffers from depression at some point in their childhood.

Talking about depression in adults is relatively frequent, but in children, it would seem to be rather unusual. In fact, the diagnoses of this disease are usually performed in adults but today they suffer from it, it has been possible to identify that children are not exempt. Depression does not distinguish social classes, or sex, or ages, so everyone can suffer from it. Until 1975 the CHILD DEPRESSION (DI) It was accepted by the National Institute of Mental Health, as a psychopathological concept and entity.

Depression can even present from one stage from life to another: go from being a child to being a teenager. "Francisco Xavier Méndez, explains why 2 percent of the children and 5 percent of the adolescents are depressed, arriving in the most serious cases to commit suicide".


Depression: Sad, depressed mood, in a bad mood, with inhibition of the course of thought, weak will and decision inability. It is a normal manifestation when there are external causes that explain it. (Dorsch Friedrich, 1994)

Depression: Depression (from the Latin depressus, which means "dejected", "demolished") is an emotional disorder that is presented as a state of dejection and unhappiness that can be transitory or permanent. (Wikipedia, 2008)

In broad strokes we can distinguish two types of depression

  1. The external or exogenous: It has to do with events in everyday life that affect our children or students. As the name implies, it comes from abroad but disrupts them by the affective relationship of the fact (death of a loved one or change of school), and
  2. The internal or endogenous. In this, it is most likely that some of the body structures (neurons) or the chemical components that interact between them (neurosconductors) are damaged or have some deficiency in their exchange: physical, chemical and electrical. A relationship between the alteration of one of those neuroscopeters called has been found serotonin, along with a decrease in white blood cells (lymphocytes or white blood cells) with which our immune or low defense system and we are more likely to get sick.

All important events in children's life can produce alterations and also depression:

  • Have a great stress load,
  • Having had or witnessed an event that put one's own life or that of other people at risk,
  • The loss of one or both parents,
  • A separation or divorce,
  • School or family problems or conflicts,
  • A change of school or place of residence,
  • The death of pets,
  • The real or imaginary loss of a friend or teacher,
  • Have some disabilities,
  • Do not have the social or intellectual skills that your parents or teachers expect from them,
  • Having suffered physical abuse or sexual abuse,
  • Not having loved beings close,

All these are potential activators of this disease, since depression is due to a multiplicity of causes.

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Diagnosis of depression

For many parents and teachers it is important to know how to realize that their children or students suffer depression? because the symptoms are not as obvious as having a flu, and most of the time it is confused with having laziness or a generalized relief in the home and school, this reaches interpret simply as a child with misconduct.

Neither parents nor teachers have a guide that allows them to detect and in the best case channel children so that they are treated timely and properly. That is why it is very important to take into account the following indicators, since depression is not a passenger state, but a disease that can be disabled and in very advanced mortal cases:

Symptoms of child depression

  • Pass most of the sad time and crying easily,
  • Loses interest in playing with other children or at school,
  • He remains isolated from the rest of the family or his friends at school costs him to communicate or his communication is very little,
  • If the child frequently lacks school,
  • It is perceived demotivated even for the things I enjoyed before,
  • He does not defend himself despite being injured by his brothers or schoolmates (helplessness),
  • It has little or no capacity to concentrate,
  • Becomes very irritable, aggressive and easily angry at small frustrations,
  • You feel most of the day tired,
  • It is extremely sensitive to the rejection and failure of any activity undertaken,
  • It self -hears, qualifies others or life itself negatively,
  • If you see television or tell you a story, it generally adds a catastrophic or very sad ending,
  • If you have mentioned the desire to attack other people, even also, including ideas to take their lives (suicide),
  • If you have mentioned not wanting to go to school (when it was enjoyable) and stop doing normal activities such as: bathe or change your clothes,
  • He constantly complains about diseases (headache, back, neck, stomach, feet, hands, etc.) and asks to be attended or let go home,
  • Presents sleep alterations (insomnia, excessive sleep, irrational fears when night comes, nightmares, sleepwalking),
  • He feels anxious and presents disorders of food (eating very little or too much),
  • If you have stopped smiling or smiling little,
  • He constantly blames for things events that have happened to others or even himself,
  • It behaves as a baby and speaks as a baby (regression),
  • He feels decayed, apathetic, without initiative to play and without wanting to do anything, even when he is attended,
  • It is made of the pipi in bed (enuresis),
  • Talk about escaping from getting out of the house, school or even killing,

When a child is depressed, he is also more susceptible to physically getting sick, Well, it has been proven that its immune system is also depressed, its cellular metabolism becomes slower and inefficient, which affects its physical growth and can even be a trigger for contagious and genetic diseases to occur by the inheritance of the inheritance of the inheritance of parents or grandparents.

It is important to approach children, because sometimes we do not find any explanation that justifies their mood of feeling very sad and that is when we can assume that the cause of their behavior is not usual and would have very high possibilities of being an alteration to brain level, either because of some possible damage in some area of ​​the brain mass or that the exchange of information between neurons (neuroconductors) has some alteration. Another probable cause is that children or adolescents are consuming some toxic substance.

What to do in case detect some of these depressive symptoms?

  • If you present more than three symptoms such as those described above, it is important that you channel your child or student to school medical services or send it with a health professional.
  • Ask them about your feelings and emotions, they could only be passengers or have a certain period of time (more than two weeks), which indicates that you need urgent attention. If the child has with this type of symptoms more than two months, it could be assumed that it is a chronic disease and its origin can be hereditary.
  • It establishes routines and limits that allow you to know, when it lets you fulfill and enjoy daily activities, in fact they allow children to enjoy emotional stability, and they can help you to know when something affects your child in the physical level or psychological.
  • One more element when sleeping is the grinding of the teeth, this means that it brings loading a lot.
  • It is important that children or students enjoy the activities of the school and the house, learning through game is the most natural for them, but when they live it with tension, this causes them anguish, despair and of course depression.
  • It is likely that children do not ask to be treated, but both parents and teachers need to be aware of the symptoms they present and if it is the case to take them with a health professional and be treated.

Diagnosis and treatment are two indispensable elements to help them and balance the health of children. And parents and teachers are a very important factor in detecting these types of diseases because they are the ones who interact more time with children.

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Treatment of child depression

Several treatments can be used:

  • Psychological treatment: Cognitive behavioral therapy is a very important element in the intervention of this type of disease. Cognitive therapy is an active, managerial, structured and limited time procedure. It is based on the theory that the affections and behavior of an individual are largely determined by the way that the individual has to process the information (all stimuli from both the external and the internal world) and give meaning to the facts. In other words, what we think about the world, others and ourselves, conditions our moods and our behavior.
  • Medical Treatment Program: The first medicine normally considered a type of antidepressant called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).
  • Alternative treatments program: There is currently a technology called "low frequency pulsating electromagnetic field therapy". It is non -invasive, completely natural and without side effects. It consists of lying the patient in a bed that is connected to a computer. Where an electromagnetic field is generated which would be the metaphorically equivalent talking about being lying in a magnet. He electromagnetic field Imitate the vibratory wave of a body in a state of health and with it it is possible to balance the patient's energy. It is a completely physical principle, which supposes that any disease is due to the electromagnetic imbalance of an electron that revolves around an atom. When an electromagnetic imbalance is presented, the set of molecules, cells, tissues and systems of our body enters a disease process. When a patient enters the electromagnetic field, he not only balances his body but also his mind. Technological psychotherapy, is the combination of psychological therapy with electromagnetic field, is a new alternative in the treatment of depression in people of all ages.