Chiropraxia 11 benefits

Chiropraxia 11 benefits

Chiropraxia It is a practice, whose etymological origin comes from the Greek "quir", which means 'hand', and refers to a technique that is done manually.

What is attempted with chiropraxia is to improve certain conditions treating the spine, as well as soft tissues and some joints.

Well, Its practitioners start from the belief that many of the conditions and conditions are due to problems in the spine, or what they call vertebral subluxation.

The conditions in the spine bring with them a blockage of energy that prevents the body from operating optimally, so chiropractic, work exerting pressure on the nerves that surround the column.

There is supposed to be a link between the spine with some joints, where, in addition, the nervous system is involved. So that, restoring this relationship harmoniously health is restored.

The techniques with chiropractics can be very varied; For example, cold and heat therapies, rehabilitation techniques, electrical stimulation, compression, massages, certain exercises, among others. Ignoly, they may indicate a change in lifestyle in order to see improvements promptly.

Is chiropraxia a science?

There are who They argue that chiropraxia does not have any endorsement or scientific recognition, While there are those who consider that they have observed notable improvements in their life.

On some occasions, people fail of chiropraxia or other alternative.

Some people have indicated improvements when lower back pain is treated, as well as other paintings, such as migraine or headache; in addition, It could be useful for relieving discomfort or neck pain.

There are cases in which it is believed that chiropraxia could be useful for treating conditions such as torticolis, asthma, enuresis, otitis, or others, although it does not have many studies that support such hypotheses.

However, for DR. Sagrega Ferrándiz, in his research entitled Quiromassage: technique and sensitivity, Chiropraxia and, specifically, their massages, have an effect on the body on the following levels:

  1. Blood circulation;
  2. Lymph circulation;
  3. Nervous system;
  4. Muscle tissue;
  5. Blood;
  6. Fur;
  7. Adipose tissue;
  8. Bones;
  9. Metabolism;
  10. Organs;
  11. Psychological.

More studies would be needed to corroborate such assertions, since, on many occasions, Chiropraxia has been considered a pseudoscience, according to which, all the disorders that can be suffered are due to problems with the spine and its relationship with the nervous system.

Emergence of chiropraxia

Chiropraxia emerged in the United States, Specifically in Iowa, in 1895, with David Daniel Palmer, who did his first practice with a janitor who had suffered an accident.

Subsequently, and seeing that his patient had improved, David Palmer's son decided to take this practice further and claimed that his father had received those techniques of a world that was not this.

It is worth noting that The history of chiropraxia, which today has many followers, has been immersed in situations of imprisonment and accusations, especially for carrying out such practices without having any type of medical license.

However, in 1987 the first chiropractic school was founded, one of the pioneering schools; Most of them are found in the United States, England, France, Australia, Brazil and Mexico.

Palmer's initial ideas have been left behind and have been updated with new concepts, although they maintain their theoretical foundation.

Among schools there are also some discrepancies, since Some chiropractic want to separate from some old notions, like "innate intelligence", for example.

The World Health Organization, in 2005, recognized chiropraxia as a profession of the health sector, however, its concept focused more on the diagnosis and prevention than in healing.

The resolution was issued so that the practice could be executed under certain principles And those who undergo it did not suffer damage, but have a certain level of protection.

It should be borne in mind that chiropraxia, in certain cases, could be counterproductive, since it can cause lumbar pain, damage to the necks of the neck or in the cervical nerves.

If a person suffers from osteoporosis, this practice is not recommended, nor in patients suffering from neuropathies.

Finally, it is always advisable.

What do you think?, Have you practiced or have you undergoing a chiropraxy session?, Has it given results? We would like to know your experience. Tell us!

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  • Ferrándiz, j. S. (nineteen ninety five). Quiromassage: technique and sensitivity. Alia editions.
  • Ferrandiz, f. J. S. (2003). WHAT IS AND WHO CREATE THE CHIROMAGE. Nursing Role Magazine26(7), 7.
  • Ferrándiz, j. S. (2005). Headache and chiromassage. Massage: Magazine of Massage, Manual Techniques and Natural Therapies, (44), 22-24.
  • Gallego Duque, and. (1993). Therapeutic massage, digitopuncture and surgery. Natural Medicine Collection. LIBSA Editorial.
  • Pedrola, x. B., VELEDO, a. F., Gilart, c. P., & i llao, j. TO. (2005). Cervical headlights: Cervical-Cranial-Facial Treatment with chiromassage techniques. Massage: Magazine of Massage, Manual Techniques and Natural Therapies, (45), 19-23.