Who teaches us how to be parents?

Who teaches us how to be parents?


  • What to know to turn a baby into a healthy adult?
  • Discipline in children
  • How to enjoy the children's company
  • You are your best model

What to know to turn a baby into a healthy adult?

The relationship between parents and children in the first years of children of children is of fundamental importance as psychologists are demonstrating. Science provides new clues for a more emotional and more profitable education of children.

Compagifying family life effectively with work is increasing. To be better parents we must put a little on our part every day, because it is not a simple task. Good advice to achieve this are the following:

  • Finds time to be able to go alone With each of your children whenever you can, without other people's interference.
  • Do not worry if the house is messy during the day, while everyone is fulfilling their obligations, but demands that they participate after cleaning at night. After all, the house belongs to everyone.
  • Learn to plan Not to miss satisfactory opportunities for the appearance of unforeseen events.
  • Do not always hide your feelings, Although these are not always positive. Rabies, outrage and confusion are emotions that your child should learn to face.
  • Propose family traditions to realize together as something of your family's own and non -transferable.
  • Take everyone at home from time to time to have the feeling that your home is your private territory.
  • If on some occasion you prefer not to face members of the family verbally about something that bothers you, leave them notes, it is a very viable alternative option and avoid the first confrontation.
  • Choose a day every two weeks and I propose not to shout throughout the day.
  • Always have something available to eat your family like, because food is an important factor of enjoyment, health and well -being.
  • Don't do things for your children that they are able to do for themselves, so they will learn to be more autonomous and less dependent.
  • Accept your child in all its stages, We must understand that the growth process is irregular, episodic and incoherent. None of your children will have a perfect development process. Don't worry. If he notices that he is loved and accepted, valued by his virtues and not despised by his defects, he will end up like before or after.
  • Have friends to leave and share family activities. You cannot depend solely on the family to meet all social needs.
  • Learn to say "no".
  • He spends time every week with your wife, without children or other distractions, a healthy couple life transmits peace and well -being to the other members of the family.

Discipline in children

Children have a hard time understanding the rules, and it is the parents who must teach them. Discipline is very necessary both to obtain a correct family dynamic, so that our child learns to control and can become a socially integrated adult, without adaptation problems and consequently self -esteem. If there are no coherent rules. Children do not know what way to take and have many more possibilities to make mistakes, which will also happen in adulthood.

He turns to these techniques to achieve a better home discipline:

  • The House Rules They have to settle from the moment our child arrives at home. It is important that both parents agree on these standards, as they must be established jointly and consensually, but the child will receive ambiguous messages and will not know what to do.
  • When you impose discipline you do not undermine the self -esteem of your children, do not resort to ancient methods such as physical punishment, the imposition of authority and not giving explanations.
  • In the first place it is convenient to explain the rules to the child, he must understand that things are not asked because yes, that there is always a reason. The message that you must always be very clear and concrete. For example, it is preferable not to say "get well", but "be educated and friendly".
  • If your child behaves badly or resists obeying, avoid threats, screams and disqualifications. Do not criticize him as a person ("You are bad"), but to the action ("what you have done is wrong") and explain the reason.
  • One of the best punishments is to take away something you like how to watch television, play the console, give a whim in food (chocolate ...). If you lose control, send it to your room of five to ten minutes, according to your age.
  • Do not get involved in power struggles of which no one is probable is victorious and you all shout.
  • I gave pleasant things to your children from time to time, especially if they do not expect, this strengthens their trust and self -esteem and helps create a pleasant climate between parents and children.
  • Learn to apologize when you are wrong, Your children must know that you are human, and that you can have failures and plunge them, just like them. Learning to take responsibility for their own mistakes and correct them is one of the best lessons you can teach.
Children of immature parents: 20 signals

How to enjoy the children's company

To take advantage of the moments that we are with our children in the best possible way, have confidence in you and those around you, do not think about the negative but the positive of what surrounds you. Learn to appreciate the glass half full instead of the glass half empty. It will help you a lot to take into account the following tips:

  • You have to seek have fun, Do not think about the obligations or things you have pending if you play with him. When you are with your child you must make him feel that you are alone for him and to enjoy his company.
  • He trusts that your children are happy because they are well cared for and have parents who love them and care about them.
  • He believes that they respect you as a father, although it does not always seem like it, because deep down you are everything to him.
  • Feel satisfied with the work you do as a father.
  • Say or do things from time to time that the child does not expect, this takes them out of the family routine.
  • Talk to your children about things that interest you, although they seem not to understand what is being talked about, because we help them feel more integrated into our lives.
  • Defend your ideas firmly, but do not say that children have the same opinions.
  • No ridicules Never something your child takes very seriously.
  • Fight against excess anxiety and concern, most of the time are foundationless concerns.
  • Think that your children thank all your contributions to their own triumphs, they like to feel that they value them, especially their parents.

You are your best model

Teach them to be better people, understanding that as humans we are not perfect, so they will learn that:

  • They do not have to always be right and that, even if they are wrong, they are still good people.
  • We must admit to be able to correct it, since correcting errors is important for the correct adaptation to our society.
  • Not everything they want can be granted, They must learn to accept a negative to understand the value of things. In adult life not everything is achieved and since childhood they must accept that frustration exists.
  • Be honest at all times, children see in their parents a sample of sincerity that they may not see elsewhere.
  • The parents 'behavior should not guide the child's future, both in desires, and in parents' hobbies and feelings.
  • Have some creative activity that your child see you play.
  • Teach them that a good family repairs the bad feelings that occur among its members.
  • Teach them the virtue of forgiving To others when they temporarily lose control.
  • Teach them that apology is a way to recognize that another person is worthy of respect.
  • Teach them that It is not necessary to feed grudges because one feels guilty for something he has done. Everyone begins to hate the person towards whom he houses a feeling of guilt.
  • Teach them to apologize to their parents when they have been offended, and to solve their regrets and guilt complex.
    Knowing how to apologize to children when they have been offended or treated badly is the best method to show them that they are worthy of respect. Good parents treat their children with respect, children are also people.