I want to change my life completely, where to start?

I want to change my life completely, where to start?

There are moments of life that become a turning point with respect to the previous path for that conscious desire to want to start from scratch. It is a difficult situation in which an inner debate usually occurs in the mind of the one who is in this situation of emotional struggle because to that desire for change the attachment to the known is opposed. ¿How to move in a situation of these characteristics? If you are at a time when you ask yourself this issue: "I want to change my life completely, ¿Where to start?" In psychology-online, we give you ideas to achieve this goal.

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  1. Grant this opportunity to change your life radically
  2. Put your ideas in order
  3. Make decisions in your working life

Grant this opportunity to change your life radically

  • It is very possible that in your inner dialogue many arise limiting thoughts that make you feel stuck in the same situation. For example, to believe that at a certain age it is not possible.
  • If you want to start changing your life radically, then start by Change your mentality Because this is the most important point. It is essential that you have a philosophy focused on freedom as a engine of change. It is also positive that you observe the experience of living as a true gift and you want to give you permission to try to get to the place you long for.
  • To feed your own inner conviction, it is also important that you marque emotional distance from those friends who discourage you with their pessimistic comments. Those comments are just a reflection of their own mentality, but do not let these ideas contaminate your own way of observing reality.
  • Currently, you live in a historical moment marked by scientific and technological advance. Factors that influence very positively in your own possibilities of creating new opportunities. The reading of the book "The World in your hands" by Elsa Punset is a recommended reading proposal to do a personal change work.

Put your ideas in order

In addition to starting to create a personal empowerment mentality, it is also decisive that you put your ideas in order because in such a situation, when you want to change course in life, so many reflections and thoughts pass through your mind and your heart in a heart Only day that, in reality, your inner world lives a chaotic state. You want a change, however, you have to specify this idea more.

Establishes an order of priorities

Write concrete ideas of how you would like to change your life. For example, use the technique of brainstorming o Storm of ideas. Make a list of specific examples of actions that you would like to carry out to change your present. Write those reflections in the form of the list. Once you have written a wide range of possibilities, select the most important in relation to your vital motivation.

You can perform the exercise of giving a score between 0 and 5 to each of the ideas that are really important to you. In this way, you can specify those options that are more decisive.

In addition to this list of options, choose what the first step in this change will be. Try to choose a low or average difficulty objective to continue thereafter with other changes. They can also help you the advice of the article knowing how to adapt to changes.

Make decisions in your working life

This is one of the fields of reality that most difficulty who is in the situation of wanting to change their life completely and not knowing where to start, because the idea of ​​leaving a job to find another job generates uncertainty. However, many changes are conditioned by this experience.

Life is temporary. The awareness of death can become aware of how you should have the courage to make those decisions that bring you closer to your professional goals instead of eternally resigning you to unhappy employment or that no longer fulfills your expectations. It is not about jumping into the void, but about doing something about it through prior planning, for example. In relation to your working life, you will be very happy if you perseve Find a job that fits your ideal (always limited to reality). Although to achieve this you have to persevere more than you had imagined at age 20.

Professional expectations can not only be in relation to a specific sector, but also, with a desire to change the city, schedule or an improvement in salary expectations.

Another possible decision, if your working days last for endless hours, is to want to stop working so much to spend more time to your personal life. Concrete what is your goal and struggle to achieve it.

We recommend that you also consult the advice of the article I do not know what to do with my professional life.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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