What happens in the female brain during sex differences with man

What happens in the female brain during sex differences with man

Many when reference is made to sexual attraction, insist that everything starts inside our brain. And as the new investigations advance, it has been found that somehow everything starts and ends here.

Sex is a complex and multifaceted experience that involves both physical and emotional aspects. In women, the brain plays a fundamental role in the modulation of these experiences, and understanding how it works can offer a unique vision of female intimacy and pleasure. In this article, we will explore the physiological and neurological changes that occur in the female brain during sex and how these processes contribute to sexual experience.


  • Physiological processes of the brain during sex and female orgasm
    • 1. Hormone release
    • 2. Activation of brain areas: emotions and decision making
    • 3. Deactivation of brain areas: delivery and ecstasy
    • 4. Decrease in pain perception: the role of endorphins
    • 5. Emotional linking: strengthening the connection
  • Differences between the male and female brain during sex
  • Studies on the brain during sexual act
    • References

Physiological processes of the brain during sex and female orgasm

During sex, there are a series of physiological and neurological changes in the female brain, similar to those that occur in the male brain. These changes include hormones release, activation of specific brain areas and pain perception modulation. Some of the most prominent processes include:

1. Hormone release

During sexual excitement, female brain releases hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine. Oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone", facilitates the feeling of intimacy and emotional closeness Among the couples. Dopamine, on the other hand, is associated with the brain reward system and contributes to the experience of pleasure during sex. These hormones act together to create a pleasant and emotionally satisfactory experience.

2. Activation of brain areas: emotions and decision making

Sex activates several areas of the female brain, such as the limbic system, which is responsible for emotions and memory, and hypothalamus, which regulates hormonal responses. In addition, areas such as the insula and prefrontal cortex are also activated, which are linked to empathy, self -control and decision making. These brain areas work together to facilitate sexual experience, from excitement to orgasm.

3. Deactivation of brain areas: delivery and ecstasy

Interestingly, during orgasm, Some areas of the female brain are temporarily deactivated. The prefrontal cortex and the tonsil system, which are associated with anxiety, fear and behavior control, go out to some extent. This can contribute to a feeling of abandonment and delivery during climax, allowing women to fully enjoy the moment No worries or inhibitions.

4. Decrease in pain perception: the role of endorphins

The endorphins, natural analgesics of the body, are released during sex, reducing the perception of pain in the female brain. Together with oxytocin, these chemical substances help create a more pleasant and comfortable experience, relieving possible discomforts that may arise.

5. Emotional linking: strengthening the connection

The release of oxytocin and the activation of brain areas related to emotions can also promote emotional linking and intimacy with the couple. This can strengthen the connection between couples and improve satisfaction in the long -term relationship.

It is worth mentioning that each woman is unique and can experience brain activity and emotional responses differently during sex. Factors such as communication, trust and emotional context also influence female sexual experience.

Pheromones and their impact on our behavior

Differences between the male and female brain during sex

During sex, both male and female brain experience similar changes in terms of hormone release, activation of brain areas and pain perception modulation. However, there are some differences in the way in which these processes occur in men and women, although it is important to remember that there is great variability between individuals and that differences are subtle.

Some notable differences between male and female brains during sex include:

  1. Hormone release: During sex, both men and women release oxytocin, "love hormone", which facilitates emotional intimacy and the link between couples. However, women can release more oxytocin than men. In addition, men release a greater amount of vasopressin, a hormone related to aggression and territorial behavior.
  2. Activation of brain areas: Although both men and women experience the activation of brain areas related to pleasure, emotion and reward, such as hypothalamus, the limbic system and the acumbens nucleus, there are some differences in intensity and activation pattern. For example, women can have greater activation in areas associated with emotion and empathy, such as the insula and prefrontal cortex.
  3. Deactivation of brain areas: During orgasm, some brain areas are deactivated both in men and women, such as the prefrontal cortex and the tonsil system, which are associated with anxiety, fear and behavior control. However, women can experience greater deactivation of these areas during orgasm, which could be related to a greater sense of abandonment and delivery.
  4. Sexual response: Women may experience multiple orgasms in a short period of time, which is related to the activation and deactivation of specific brain areas. On the other hand, men generally experience a refractory period after orgasm, during which it is difficult or impossible to reach another orgasm. This refractory period is associated with changes in brain activity and the release of hormones such as prolactin.
  5. Influence of psychological and emotional factors: Although both men and women can be affected by psychological and emotional factors during sex, women can be more sensitive to these factors in terms of their sexual response. This may be related to differences in the activation of brain areas associated with emotions and empathy.
Causes of sexual dissatisfaction in the couple

Studies on the brain during sexual act

American researchers recently announced that they had resolved part of the mystery of what happens in the brain during the sexual act, by controlling female brain activity during an orgasm.

This research group of the University of Rutgers in New Jersey, using image digitalization machines, studied women's brains during orgasm and found that the different regions of the brain were activated depending on which part of the body had a greater source of sexual excitement. Specifically, scientists identified thirty different parts of the brain that were activated, including the centers responsible for emotion, touch, joy, satisfaction and memory. According to Barry Komisaruk:

"The knowledge of the sequence of stimulation events during orgasm allows us to see which parts of the brain are activated and in what order. If we can compare this with brain activity in anorgásmic women, we can see at what point in their orgasm it is blocked and find out if it is possible to get around that block "

Two minutes before orgasm, the brain and centers associated with the reward were activated (the same ones that are activated when we eat or drink). Shortly before orgasm, other regions of the brain were activated, such as the cortex that receives sensory messages from the touch of the whole body. The last area of ​​the brain that is activated is the hypothalamus, The control center that regulates temperature, hunger, thirst and fatigue.

The researchers also found that Sexual excitement numbs the female nervous system blocking the feeling of pain and leaving only the pleasure. The Rutgers University Research Team will now try to mapping the male brain at the time of orgasm.

On the other hand, previous studies have already identified a chemical difference between men and women that makes differences in attitude towards sex. Liverpool Spire hospital researchers found that during sexual intercourse Women produce higher levels of oxytocin, The hormone that binds us emotionally to our partner. It is worth noting that this hormone occurs in the same amounts, if it is a roll of a serious night or relationship. In the Men, on the other hand, orgasm stimulates the nervous system to produce more dopamine, The hormone pleasure, and this increase can even be addictive.

So you know, men and women in their relationship produce a different type of hormone, which could be the reason for the different behaviors of both against sex. That is why women are more likely to fall in love with a man after having sex with him, while for men sex is just a simple wave of pleasure.


  • Nan j. Wise, PhD, Eleni Frangos, PhD, and Barry R. Komisaruk, pHD. Exclusive brain activity in women: an FMRI analysis. https: // www.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV/PMC/ARTICLES/PMC5675825/
  • Beverly Whipple, PHD, RN, FAAN; Barry r komisaruk, pHD. Beyond point G: Recent research on female sexuality. https: // www.Healio.com/psychiatry/journals/psycann/1999-1-29-1/%7bCBF649C-BF9C-4D72-90F2-E879A3451BC7%7D/BEYOND-THE-G-SPT-RECENT-RASEARCH-ON-FEMALE-SEXUALITY