What are human resources

What are human resources

Human resources (HR) are the workers of a company, organization, sector or economy.

In addition to workers or employees, human resources are also called to the department of a company that has among its functions the collection, selection and recruitment of people who require a job, among other.

All companies should have a human resources department, because, this area works contributing to the growth of the organization, especially as we said when recruiting ideal personnel to develop tasks.

Regardless of the size of the company, the area of ​​human resources Work for productivity, as well as seeks foresee any situation that may harm the work environment. Similarly, it is responsible for granting compensation, benefits and dismissals.

Independent of the optics from which it is observed, human resources refer to people who maintain a relationship with an economic agent.


  • History of Human Resources
  • Human Resources Functions
    • Human Resources Profiles
      • Bibliography

History of Human Resources

The history of human resources dates back to the beginnings of the first business associations and companies, although it was not a field as professionalized as it is today. This professionalization was emerging to the extent that research in economic and business sciences advanced.

In it XIV century emerged the concept of human resources itself, employed by economist John R. Commons who coined him in his book Wealth distribution, Posted in 1893. However, in the Academy this work did not obtain much notoriety, so the text had a very low impact, without the relevance that such a concept deserved that it would later be an area of ​​study.

In the twentieth century the term began to be more used. The economist e. Wight Bakke used the term in his works to refer to the relationship between employees and employers. Other economists also began to apply, so the term was gaining ground.

One of the most notable cases was that of economist Frederick W. Taylor, who in his writings of economic theory introduced the concept and contributed to give him more scope.

Human Resources Functions

In organizations there are several departments, one of them is that of human resources, from which different functions related to workers and the company are executed.

Some of these functions are the following:

  • Staff management;
  • recruitment and selection of human talent;
  • professional training and development;
  • prevention of occupational hazards;
  • labor Relations;
  • staff planning;
  • performance evaluation;
  • analysis of jobs;
  • social benefits;
  • Description and remuneration of the job.

There are other tasks that work from this department, but the aforementioned execute the most elementary functions in a company.

The concept of human resources, as can be inferred, is quite broad. It is studied by academics of economic and business sciences. Therefore, more and more relevance at the social level.

When a person is hired, some administrative efforts must be followed and the Human Resources Department is executed. Likewise, If the staff is demotivated and yields at a lower rate than is expected, this department also intervenes. In the latter case, the psychologists' performance to motivate staff is common.

If a company begins to use a new program and the workforce requires training for it, human resources staff are responsible for processing said training, And so many other situations in which this department takes prominence.

Managing human capital is not simple, since it implies the realization of certain activities that range from the contracts to Hire new staff, anticipate needs, improve salaries, manage conflicts, among other.

The objective pursued by the Department of Human Resources is that the organization has the most qualified and suitable staff, that they have good remuneration, benefits and define the functions of each member so that everyone performs the work in the best possible way and that Execute the objectives of the organization.

Those who work in this area must have extensive knowledge of the organization and have leadership.

Human Resources Profiles

Among the most requested profiles within the field of human resources is the Director, or responsible for the recruitment of talent.

The administrator or personnel chief is in charge of managing all employees, since they enter the company until they leave it, managing all the data.

Another requested profile is the HR Business Partner, who helps to grow the company from their knowledge of how the market works. The HR Advisor, or Human Resource Advisor, supports and advisor to recruitment, training and communication.

He HR technician Identify the needs of the company, publishes work offers, manages them and is responsible for searching, interview, management of the incorporation and retention measures of talent.

In addition to these profiles, the Responsible for training and development, the International Recruiter, the person in charge of compensation and benefits, of Labor Relations, the payroll technician and the person in charge of occupational risk prevention.



  • Arias Galicia, F. (1994). Human resources management. In Human resources management (pp. 534-534).
  • Byars, l. L., & Rue, L. W. (nineteen ninety six). Human resources management. Irwin.
  • VATVICH, J. M. (2005). Human resources management. McGraw-Hill Inter-American.