What are the flashes in psychology, the opposite of the triggers

What are the flashes in psychology, the opposite of the triggers

The flashes in psychology are signs that return a person's feeling of security. Are contrary to triggers or Triggers, Also known as 'triggers'.

These signs, which can be internal or external, They are able to help a person return to experience a feeling of joy. The flashes can be varied and can go from the horizon to appreciate the photograph of a pet.


  • Theory of flashes in psychology
  • The most usual flashes
  • Flash vs. triggers
    • Triggers
    • Flash
  • How to find flashes?
    • Bibliographic references

Theory of flashes in psychology

The concept of flash, or dim light, has its origin in the polyvagal theory. It was a term developed by the neuroscientist Stephen Porges. This theory indicates that the autonomic nervous system, responsible for controlling involuntary actions such as breathing, seeks signals and reads them to identify whether or not they are dangerous. This process is called Neuroception, in which the vago nerve participates, which regulates the functions of the organs.

When exposing the polyvagal theory for the treatment of trauma, Professor Stephen Porges, affirms that The vagus is an inhibitory nerve that slows our hearts and allows us to calm us down. So that, The lazy nerve has been promoted as an anti-stress mechanism.

But, the term flash began to gain more popularity after the social worker owed him to introduce it in her book The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Drawing The Rhythm of Regulation, In 2018.

The most usual flashes

To get an idea of ​​what a specific flash is, it is worth noting that these are the most usual:

  • The smell of cut grass;
  • Feel the heat of the sun;
  • Feel the ocean fresh air;
  • see a rainbow;
  • observe the light that shines on the water;
  • be in contact with nature;
  • stroke a pet like a dog or a cat;
  • the smell of lavender or other aroma that is relaxing;
  • a cup of coffee;
  • When a stranger smiles, among others.

It can also be considered as a flash Seeing the stars in the sky, the unexpected bells of a church or listen to our favorite song on the radio.

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Flash vs. triggers


There are different factors that can lead to the presence of a flash or a trigger. When the brain is activated the traumatic events of the past are revived as if they were occurring at the time, which takes the body to an alert state. This type of event that leads us to feel anguish and nervousness, is called a trigger.

In these cases, symptoms such as rapid heartbeats are presented, as a prelude to an escape or fighting response. This answer is useful when there is a physical danger, but not so much when it comes to memories And not the presence of an external danger, although according to porges, there are no good or bad responses, but functional.

In that state, the sympathetic nervous system is activated and increases blood pressure, which facilitates more adrenaline. If this happens frequently, health problems can be presented.


The opposite of a trigger is a flash, When you feel a flash, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated and places the body is a state of homeostasis, o Stable internal condition, which reduces the presence of physical diseases.

The flashes are signs that help the body move towards a sense of security.

An example of this would be to breathe slowly and deeply. This would lead to the body, the fight or flight, to the ventral vagal state, or of regulation.

How to find flashes?

It is likely that trigger or trigger factors can be identified more easily, but this does not happen with the flashes. To do this, a brief practice is recommended: Think of a moment, although fast, in which the person felt safe, either alone or with someone else. This would lead to a flash.

The triggers can be internal or external, that is, they can even be a thought about a traumatic situation or it may be activated when listening to a song. It can also happen with the flashes. They can be external or internal.

To identify the flashes, you can begin by recognizing and helping a diary, pointing those moments of peace that come to mind. It can be a place that has been frequented or one imagined.

Also, you can feel that security that was experienced when he was small, or in a loved one with whom you can be oneself and relax. It is valid to listen to songs or watch movies that connect with that feeling.

In conclusion, flashes in psychology are small moments that radiate joy or tranquility and that can help our nervous system lead us to feel security and calm. We can all benefit from the flashes, but especially those who have suffered from traumas.

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Bibliographic references

  • Pérez Camps, M. (2020). Violence and psychic trauma: contributions Polyte theory.
  • Dana, d. (2020). The polyvagal theory in therapy: how to join the rhythm of regulation. Eleftheria.
  • Porges, s., & Buczynski, R. (2012). The polyvagal theory for the treatment of trauma. A TV seminar session. University Psychology Faculty