What are repeated abortions and how they affect the psychological health of women

What are repeated abortions and how they affect the psychological health of women

Repeat abortions are a pathology that is diagnosed after having suffered three or more pregnancies interrupted spontaneously. This type of abortions is suffered by a large part of the population, however, it is an issue that is barely spoken. In cases of repetition abortion, there is a problem of sterility in the couple.

In this type of pregnancies, once women's ovules are fertilized, the gestation process begins, but the process does not end successfully.

Repeat abortions

Pregnancy interruptions, repeatedly, constitute a problem, which may well be due to a male or female factor. The main symptoms suffered by a woman who aborts are strong pains in the abdominal region, fever, weakness and appearance of abundant bleeding. It is important, before trying again, investigating what are the causes that are causing repeated abortions.

Notably, When the woman has already had an abortion, the possibilities of having another are increasing, up to 18% of cases, and in 25-30% when they have had two or more abortion cases.

The fact that pregnancy does not evolve correctly and is interrupted before reaching delivery, it is already indicated that there is a problem, and more when this occurs repeatedly. So far some causes have been associated, such as obesity in the mother, and certain diseases such as arterial hypertension or diabetes.

However, it may also be due to immunological factors that cause the rejection of the embryo in the body at the time of implementation. Among other causes of repeat abortions are also anatomical, such as uterine alterations, myomas or septa, for example. It should also be noted that endocrine factors can affect, such as altered levels of thyroid hormones, or glucose or polycystic ovaries.

In women, there is also evidence that The quality of the ovules decreases with the increase of the years, Well, from the age of 35, genetic anomalies are more frequent. In the case of man, if his age exceeds 45 or 50 years, it can also be a variant associated with repeated abortions, not because of the amount of sperm, but for its quality.

Psychological effects of repetition abortions

Anyway, as Lachmi-Epstein emphasizes, in his study on repetition abortions, they represent a psychological trauma, because, in more than 50% of cases there is not even the etiology, added to it the fear of The results of the next pregnancy. Therefore, after the loss of a pregnancy, patients develop various psychological effects, such as depression, anxiety, post -traumatic stress disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder.

In addition to this, the woman can also present a low self -esteem and face a grieving process. That is why it is recommended that, before looking for a new pregnancy, the woman can recover her emotional state, since, in the opposite case, excessive fear can negatively affect her first pregnancy quarter.

Most women who have suffered repeated abortions are usually afraid of suffering another loss, they think a lot about the baby's health, in addition to their anxiety can negatively impact on the new search and all this can make you lose emotional stability.

After suffering a repetition abortion it is important that women receive psychological support, because many of them present feelings found in the following gestation, being the greatest concern that the next pregnancy does not come to term.

In addition, they usually present other types of behaviors with respect to the new pregnancy, among which are: to maintain emotional distance, try not focus on pregnancy discomfort to feel certain that your pregnancy is still ongoing, among others.

In addition to psychological assistance, thorough follow -ups are also made such as constant gynecological controls, ultrasound that prove the favorable evolution of pregnancy, among others. Psychological support is significant so that women who have suffered repeated abortion can vent and express their fears, also learning to reduce anxiety.

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  • Hair, and., & Acudo, D. (2015). Repeat abortion. National meeting interest groups SEF.
  • Guadix, b. R., Navarro, l. M., Walls, a. G., & Jimenez, J. F. (2012). Repeat abortion epidemiology. Obstetrics and Gynecology Progress55(7), 312-320.
  • Lachmi-Epstein, a., Mazor, m., & Bashiri, to. (2012). Harefuah151(11), 633-654.
  • López Marín, L. (2018). Treatment of early abortions of repetition of unknown etiology.