What are Prussian virtues?

What are Prussian virtues?

Prussian virtues are a set of ideals marked on fire in German culture, that is clearly the heiress nation of Prussia. This was a German kingdom that existed until 1945 and whose territory covered the current Poland, Russia and part of Germany.

Nicknamed the "Kingdom of Hierro", at the beginning of the 19th century, Prussia was the largest and most powerful German state; The one who led the German reunification, giving rise to the German empire o II Reich (not to confuse with the III Reich, 1933-1945). In a few years, Germany went from being a defragmented and irrelevant country to a world power that even threatened to overcome the superpower of the time: Great Britain.

How was it possible that an irrelevant state became a few decades in the second world power at the scientific, technological, military, social and political level? It was possible through the implementation of virtues that would permeate all the gear of the Prussian machinery. Not only did philosophers such as Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Schiller, Fichte and others influence.

The Prussian kings, such as Federico El Grande, took care of implement these virtues in the collective unconscious of the German people so that, from the first to the last, they all fulfill their duty With determination, courage and courage.

Prussian virtues

  • Austerity or savings (German: Sparksamkeit)
  • Courage No self -pity (German: Tapferkeit Ohne Wehleidigkeit) Lerne Leiden Ohne Zu Klagen. Translation: "Learn to suffer without complaining about it".
  • Breadth of sights (German: Weltoffenheit)
  • Courage (German: Mut)
  • Determination (German: Zielstrebigkeit)
  • Discipline (German: DISZIPLIN)
  • Honesty or honesty (German: Redichkeit)
  • Devotion together with religious tolerance (German: GOTTESFURCHT BEI Religiöser Toleranz) Jeder Soll Nach Seiner Façon Seligen. Translation: "That each one is blessed according to their own beliefs".
  • Modesty or modesty (German: Bescheidenheit)
  • Incorruptibility (German: Unberbeschlichkeit)
  • Industriousness or diligence (German: Fleiß)
  • Loyalty (German: Treue)
  • Obedience (German: Gehorsam) Seid Gehorsam, Doch Nicht Ohne Freimut. Translation: "Be obedient but not without honesty".
  • Puntuality (German: Pünktlichkeit)
  • Reliability (German: Zuverlässigkeit)
  • Temperance (German: Mäßigung)
  • Self -denial or willingness (German: Selbstverleugnung) The German writer and soldier Walter Flex (1887-1917) wrote: Wer Je AUF Preußens Fahne Schwört, Hat Nichts Mehr, was IHM Selbst Gehört. Translation: "He who swears before the flag of Prussia has nothing left of his property".
  • Restraint (German: Zurückhaltung) Mehr Sein als Scheinen!. Translation: "Be better than you appear!"
  • Sense of duty or meticulousness (German: Pflichtbewusstsein)
  • Sense of justice (German: Gerechgkeitsinn) Jedem das Seine, Suum Cuique or "to everyone what he deserves".
  • Sense of order (German: Ordnungssinn)
  • Sincerity (German: Aufrichkeit )
  • Rectitude or frankness (German: Geradlinigkeit)
  • Subordination (German: UNTERordnung)
  • Hardness (German: Härte) GEGEN SICH MEHR NOCH ALS GEGEN ANDER. Translation: "Be harder with yourself than you are with others".

In conclusion, These Prussian virtues made the German people a strong state in all aspects, including the cultural and scientific. However, as with almost everything, Taking ideals to the extreme can cause the ruin of a nation and its inhabitants. Germany endured the impact full of two world wars, leaving the country completely destroyed, its drastically reduced borders, its annihilated army and losing around 30% of its population.