What are legal drugs and main types

What are legal drugs and main types

The term "drug" covers a broad spectrum of substances. Although most people associate it with illegal drugs, the truth is that there are a lot of drugs that are legal consumption. Let's see what substances this concept refers to.


  • Types of legal drugs
    • 1. Alcohol
    • 2. Nicotine
    • 3. Opiates
    • 4. Xantines: caffeine, theobromine, theophylline
  • Consequences of addiction to legal drugs
    • Bibliographic references

Types of legal drugs

The first thing we usually think about when we hear about drugs is in those that are illegally distributed by drug traffickers. Cannabis, cocaine or heroin are some examples of what usually comes to our heads, since they are the most common.

However, the "drug" concept is much broader, since it is a word whose meaning implies an addiction. In this sense, there are many substances that are considered drugs and that They can be consumed legally. But what are this type of drugs?

1. Alcohol

One of the most common legal drugs is alcohol. Its consumption is widespread, although almost all countries in which it is legal.

However, access to alcohol is quite simple, so that anyone can consume it and end up suffering an addiction to it. Alcoholic beverage bottles are at anyone in a supermarket. It is therefore one of the most consumed drugs in the world.

2. Nicotine

Nicotine is another drug that you will surely be tired of hearing. This substance is the one that makes tobacco addiction, one of the products to which its consumption has also been restricted in recent years.

The strong addiction that this substance causes makes quitting smoking is one of the New Year's purposes that costs most to fulfill most smokers. To achieve this, all kinds of substances to "deceive" the brain and get it.

3. Opiates

Opiates are other of the most controversial legal drugs that exist. Its consumption must be prescribed or supervised by a specialist, since some can be very addictive. What this type of medicines does is imitate the effect of endorphins.

Are used above all for Relieve acute pain caused by serious diseases, how is cancer. A well -known example is the case of morphine. As we say, it must be administered by doctors always.

4. Xantines: caffeine, theobromine, theophylline

This is another of the most consumed substances in the world, although most people do not even know that it is drugs. This is thus considered because they cause a chemical alteration in the brain.

In other words, substances such as caffeine cause a stimulating effect, which generates an increase in brain activation. It is the reason why many people need to have coffee early in the day, because if they do not feel unable to face the day.

Consequences of addiction to legal drugs

Legal drugs, although they are distributed legally and we all have access to most of them, implies a series of risks. One of them is the addiction they produce, which makes the person develop a dependency towards the substance in question.

Depending on the type of drug, addiction can lead to one type of problem or another. In the end they are substances with psychoactive effects, so a misuse or abuse can be very dangerous for health.

For example, one of the usual consequences of Addiction to xantines such as caffeine are anxiety, sleep alterations depression, extreme irritability or concentration problems. In the medium and long term it can also have heart consequences, since excess caffeine affects the rhythm of the heart.

In the case of alcohol, at the physical health level it has consequences such as Liver damage. In the mental section, alcohol addiction or its continued consumption causes memory or concentration problems. In the long term it can even lead to a cognitive impairment that can lead to dementia.

Nicotine also causes serious damage to the body. Among the most common consequences is lung cancer, diabetes, sterility and impotence or teeth and gum disease.

As for opiates, they also generate strong dependence. The big problem of this is that a substance tolerance is generated, so that a larger amount will be needed to achieve the effect with the initial dose.

In short, as you can see Legal drugs can also be very harmful, So you always have to consume them under medical supervision. We hope that after reading this article, the concept has become much clearer.

Bibliographic references

  • Bobes Garcia, J., & Sánchez, J. (2018). Addictions. Madrid: Saned Group.
  • Volkow, n. D., & Morales, M. (2020). The Brain On Drugs: From Reward to Addiction. Drug and alcohol dependence, 208, 107837.
  • Jiménez Murillo, L. M., & García-Salido, to. (2018). Basic Toxicology Manual. Madrid: Panamerican Medical.
  • Kendler, k. S., & Davis, C. G. (2019). The Genetics of Drug Addiction. Addiction, 114 (7), 1206-1217.
  • Bobes Garcia, J., & Sánchez, J. (2016). MANUAL OF DRUGODEPENDENCES FOR PRIMARY CARE DOCTORS. Madrid: Saned Group.