What are auditory drugs and what are their effects

What are auditory drugs and what are their effects

It is possible that this term is somewhat strange. Normally, when we talk about drugs, we refer to substances that we consume orally, intranasal (snort) or even intravenous. However, there is a new and dangerous fashion among the youngest population: listening to sounds that supposedly produce alterations in our brain and whose effects are very similar to those of the most common drugs.

This new fashion can be risky to prove, although there are no scientific evidence in relation to their addiction, many experts claim that auditory drugs They can produce sensations of dizziness, confusion and altered states slightly similar to the sensations that produce drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, LSD, etc. Discover What are auditory drugs and what are their effects In this Psychology-online article.

You may also be interested: drug effects on the nervous system index
  1. How auditory drugs work
  2. Effects of auditory drugs
  3. Are sound drugs bad?
  4. Do hearing drugs work?

How auditory drugs work

The term "auditory drugs" and the publication of this type of sounds on web platforms such as Youtube either I-doser It is relatively new. This fashion emerged approximately ten years ago, with the rise of new technologies and thanks to the easy and fast access that young people had to all kinds of information, videos and sounds through the Internet.

Binaural waves

However, auditory drugs have a neurological base discovered in 1839. At that time, physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered The effect of waves or binural tones In our brain. This effect occurs when we receive different sounds with unequal frequencies in each ear (for example, listen to something from 600 Hz in the right ear and a 620 Hz sound in the left ear is equivalent to a 20 Hz binural pulse).

When we hear one of these so-called auditory drugs, the Meso-Limbic area of ​​the nervous system is altered. This area is responsible for managing and regulating the states of activation, relaxation and our emotions. Therefore, when we alter this area, the functioning of our brain is modified[1] thus producing a feeling of dizziness and confusion similar to the effect of drugs.

It is also said that depending on the frequency one effect or another can be generated. For example, to imitate the effects of a depressing drug, The binural pulse It must be less than 13 Hz.

Effects of auditory drugs

As we have mentioned earlier, auditory drugs produce changes in brain waves that can affect our state of consciousness. When we try to confuse the brain with sound drugs, it is normal for headaches, dizziness and even nausea since we are altering the auditory channel (area related to balance and the sensation of vertigo).

This explanation seems to be the most plausible to define What are auditory drugs and what are their effects. To this day, studies rule out that by sounds we can reproduce exactly the same effect as a drug of physical consumption. However, some experts conclude that altered brain waves can produce not only dizziness, but sensations such as excitation, relaxation and euphoria.

In short, in broad strokes, the effects of auditory drugs are:

  • Vertigo
  • Headache or headache
  • Nervousness and even anxiety crisis
  • Relaxation and confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea

However, unlike other substances, auditory drugs They seem not to produce addiction.

Are sound drugs bad?

First, and from the psychology-online team, we want to make it clear that the consumption of any type of drugs is risky and harmful to our body, whether legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco or illegal drugs such as cocaine, MDMA or psychedelic drugs.

Of course, the effects of these sounds are not usually very beneficial. Normally produce dizziness and discomfort so it can be concluded that Auditive drugs are bad. However, along with this fashion, the so -called sounds also appeared alpha either Theta.

These types of sounds produce a binural frequency that, instead of producing altered states, manages to activate the brain waves of relaxation and meditation. In fact, there are studies that affirm the possible benefits of Binaural pulses in the brain [2]

Do hearing drugs work?

One of the big doubts to know what auditory drugs are and what their effects are is to know if they work or not. When experiencing with acoustic drugs And to experience an altered state of consciousness, many people look for some kind of strong auditory drug to verify its effects.

However, it is important to know what its operation is not the same as that of a traditional drug. In this case, brain chemistry is not affected, but physics and brain waves. So, on the one hand we can say that Yes they work but not how we wait they do.

Experiences with i-doser

I-doser is the par excellence that offers all kinds of acoustic drugs, classified by effects and similarities with substances. This software was designed to sell sound files and audio experiences that simulate doses of some type of drug (hence its name). Despite its doubtful morality, this program affirms that its sounds are highly effective and that they produce the sensations according to what each person seeks.

However, doing a brief investigation into people and their experiences with i-doser, it can be affirmed that the effects move away from the product they sell. Despite producing sensations of agitation, dizziness and even relaxing states, many of the people who have tried these "Digital doses"They have not felt satisfied with the experience.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What are auditory drugs and what are their effects, We recommend that you enter our category of addictions.
