What means and represents the red color in psychology?

What means and represents the red color in psychology?

When you think about love, passion and intensity, and the red color has come to mind. This is something very natural, so much so that in fact, It is one of the most symbolic and expressive colorations of all. Although universally it is recognized for this particularity, surely, you have asked yourself on occasion what is the reason that it is so.

This hue is part of the famous primary colors and we can find it in many elements that are in our day to day, such as nature, clothing, advertising, etc. Throughout history, this nuance has acquired different meanings and connotations. The red color has been a sign of power and nobility, anger, aggressiveness, love, passion even in some oriental cultures represents happiness.

If you still have doubt in your mind, calm that the psychology of colors can explain to us what the power of red to enchant and be passionate. So you know, if you want to find out everything related to the meaning of red color according to psychology, I invite you to continue reading this article and do not take off your screen.


  • What is red color
  • Meaning
  • The red color and personality
  • Applications
  • Spiritual meaning
  • Meaning in different cultures
    • China
    • India
    • South Africa
    • Russia

What is red color

Before starting to speak, the red color represents at the psychological level, it should be mentioned that this tone is not something intrinsic of the objects but is the result of the act of perceiving. That is, we perceive red things because our eye attracts certain wavelengths of light through a certain type of cones of our eye that later our brain interprets as said color.

In the specific case of red the wavelengths that correspond to it are those between 654 nm and 700 nm, actually understanding within the consideration of red a large number of colorations depending on their level of combination with other colors.

It is one of the three primary tones, whose meaning at the psychological level is influenced by its relationship with perceived stimuli of said tone or some of its mixtures with other tones, especially orange.


Its resemblance to arterial blood and certain tones of fire make red A color strongly linked to heat, violence and pain. It generates rejection when what is sought is peace and serenity, as well as when mixed with tones such as black, this evokes different forms of violence.

On the other hand, it also has positive connotations. One of the best known is passionate and energetic love, as well as sensuality. The meaning of red is linked to heat, energy and physical force.

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The red color and personality

Although each person is different, there is an individual interpretation for each color, in the social field there are several correspondences between personality and colors. In the case of red, this is related to those who  They are extroverted, daring, violent and spontaneous.

When it comes to temperament, red not only refers to feelings intensity, but their volatility. In this way, it also becomes the symbol of hatred, lack of self -control and emotional ability.


As could be verified, the symbology of red is clearly dichotomous and it is a tone that generates an intense emotional response. Therefore, I know It usually dispense with places where you need to create a silent and relaxed atmosphere.

However, it is a good choice When you want to invite dynamism and activity. You can find red in food products, since it helps to stimulate hunger, we also usually see them in fashion and in some logos that prefer to transmit a dynamic and young image.

In the marketing world, Different brands dare to use red to provide the producer with an aura of power and activity. It has been proven that this tone favors thoughtless behavior and consumerism, especially in love -related products.

Spiritual meaning

The spiritual meaning of the red color is associated with the Healing rituals many years ago and with the representation of fire in our culture. For example, for alchemists of the Middle Ages, the red color symbolizes prosperity, in turn implied that his experiments were progressing properly.

Centuries ago, doctors used red blankets and curtains to help heal measles patients, since they thought that they would quickly improve

In ancient times the emperors and great nobles dressed in red accessories for demonstrate your purchasing power. This was because the painting of that color was the most expensive to get. For these reasons, it is said that red is a symbol of life, health, strength, attraction and power.

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Meaning in different cultures

How we have seen in the previous lines, the meaning of red color is one of the broadest. It has many connotations and some of them vary according to the culture of each country, region. Next we will explain what this tone represents in some cultures.


The red color in China is related to good luck and long life. Sometimes used in celebrations as a way of calling fortune


In this country, color is associated with marriage, fertility, purity and power. In Hinduism, the goddess Lakshmi dresses in red or pink, since they thought it symbolizes wealth and abundance.

South Africa

For their religious beliefs this coloration is associated with mourning par excellence


In countries where the weather is cold, red is linked to life and heat.

In ancient Egypt the red color symbolizes the cycle of life and destruction while in the Nahua villages, red is the tone of the east and dawn, as well as that of Xipe Totec, the deity of life, death and death and the resurrection.

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  • Brusatin, m. (1987). History of colors. Barcelona: Paidós Editions.
  • Serious, m. (1952). Fundamental color. New York: McGraw-Hill Editorial.
  • Heller, e. (2004). Color psychology: how colors act on feelings and reason. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili.