What means and represents the black color in psychology?

What means and represents the black color in psychology?

If the black color is your favorite color or if you like to dress black, in this post we will help you decipher its meaning a little more. He Black is often related to wealth, intelligence, seriousness, negativity, Evil, unknown, formality, death and power.

We must keep in mind that colors are a communicative instrument of our mind, since it consists of wavelengths that are perceived physiologically spontaneously and are observed in the part of our brain that records the emotional behavior of the person.

There is a lot of mystery connected to the black color, he hides things and absorbs other shades. It can also be a very effective nuance to make other colorations stand out. Below more details about what does the black color mean in psychology?


  • Meaning
  • Positive black influences
  • Negative aspects
  • The black color in different cultures
    • Bibliography


Black is one tone with a Theoretically null brightness, without color, For what is called acromatic color. It is a primary tone in which it cannot be created from nothing, it is given by the subtractive synthesis of all colors of the visible spectrum.

There is a lot of mystery connected to black as it hides things and absorbs other shades. Sometimes it can be a very effective nuance to make other colorations stand out.

Psychologist Lara Ferreiro, affirms that black is considered mostly as a tone that It represents evil things, But it also has its positive side. For example, for some individuals this color represents simplicity and internal order, as well as strength and seriousness.

Psychologically, black tends to create the perception of doubt and mystery, managing to cause both fear and curiosity. In addition, it promotes elegance, stimulating security and strength in turn.

While Eva Heller relates this color to Youth and impartiality. Its practical use usually enlivens sensations of intimidation, distance and arrogance if it occurs excessively. It usually also incit protection to those who use it.

Positive black influences

For some people, black evokes positive associations including attractiveness and elegance. He Color distils sophistication, That is why many individuals decide to dress in black when they attend an elegant event.

High -end brands such as Tiffany & Co. And Chanel use black in their logos, to get more attention from users or to highlight text or graphics characters. In addition, when it comes to high society, black has long been related to power.

It is an easy tone to combine so it is normal to use it. In fact, sometimes it is usually used to attend a job interview to contribute formality. Also Black has been characterized as the tone that makes us seem thinner, being one of the reasons why they turn to him.

Another positive feature is that it is a very used color for cars can already incite conventional thought and that seeks to adjust to social norms.

Mental limits and emotional style

Negative aspects

This tone usually means darkness, absence of light, sin, death, evil, night. Without a doubt, it is a misleading color that generates fear. In the West this nuance is used to represent a duel or sadness. It is usually taken for this type of reasons, so it is related to death.

When someone dies, the light goes out, so this symbology makes sense, the expert exposes that people who feel alone or are suffering.

Michel Pastoureau indicates that black as a symbol of evil rootes strongly in our culture through Christianity. On the other hand in the Bible we can find some indications in relation to this symbology that, in A Manichaean vision opposes white as a symbol of good and positive.

The black color in different cultures

It is necessary to keep in mind that different cultures have a different relationship with this color. Specifically in Black sites usually relate to rain, being the nueves of storm of said color.

In ancient Egypt this tone represented growth and fertility. While at present the African tribes like Masai They usually link black with life and prosperity, because they usually associate with rain.

Other cultures such as Japanese relate it to femininity, as well as mystery. In ancient China this nuance was qualified the king of colors. It should be noted that these cultures usually connect black with the water element, as well as childhood.

It is believed that This color gives us spiritual strength, linking to the energy known as chi. It was also considered beautiful, to the point that formerly believed to paint the teeth of this tone.

In relation to religions Christianity often identified him with evil, death and pain, as well as the rejection of the material. In the case of Judaism is linked to death and unhappiness, While in the case of Islam it has to do with pain and sadness. In India it is associated with nothing and evil, although despite this it is used as protection against this, in fact, the goddess Kali has the skin of this color, being considered the heroine that battle against evil.

What means and represents the white color in psychology?


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