What means and represents the light blue color in psychology?

What means and represents the light blue color in psychology?

The light blue color is a tone that is often found in nature, such as the celestial of heaven in the summer. It is for this reason that perhaps People often describe this tone as calm and serene. However, like a cold tone, the celestial can sometimes seem ice cream, distant or even cold.

The light blue color is wide symbolizes values ​​such as honesty, strength, righteousness, equity, honesty, among others that are usually important in the formation of individuals, since it favors them in their relationships.


  • Celest color history
  • Heavenly Color Psychology
  • How to combine the light blue color?
  • Positive aspects of light blue
  • Negative aspects
  • Use in light blue color decoration
  • Meaning of light blue in the home
  • Religion and celestial color
  • Meaning of Celeste in the Bible
  • In the marketing that represents this color
  • The light blue color according to the zodiac signs
  • Meaning of light blue in other cultures

Celest color history

This hue is born from the discoveries of the ancient Egyptians; These created pigments that could be used in their decorative arts. It was a very important color and used by this empire, with it they painted ceramic pieces and was even used to decorate the tombs of the pharaohs.

On the other hand, Celeste was known in different cultures for being related to gods. In the case of the Greeks, due to a goddess they called Urania, who was clear, bright and bright.

In high cultures, steppe, Mongolas and Kirguises related to Its creative gods, This due to a myth where the blue wolf descended from the sky and gave rise to each of these peoples.

Heavenly Color Psychology

Because the celestial is the preferred tone of many people, it is often seen as a non -threatening color that may seem Conservative and traditional. This hue evokes feelings of calm or serenity. Sometimes, he is described as peaceful, quiet, safe and orderly.

This color is seen as a sign of stability and reliability. Companies that wish to project a security image often use the celestial in their advertising and marketing efforts.

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How to combine the light blue color?

Heaven is a color that can be used with a diversity of nuances, without losing its touch of freshness and serenity. Used both in fashion, as in the architecture and decoration of spaces. The celestial, being a cold hue, is recommended in warm climates, as well as in spaces where it is desired to stimulate the Relaxation and concentration.

This nuance is usually combined with shades such as gray, black and white, giving an elegant and sober appearance. It can also be combined with earth, pink or beige tones by providing a touch of delicacy. But if you combine it with lilac or green tones, they will create a lively and youthful touch.

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Positive aspects of light blue

Being a tone intimately linked to calm and tranquility, it is expected that it has different positive aspects, both in people who see it, as in those who make the light blue color. In a tone in which people find a sense of justice, peace, spirituality, calm, sincerity, honesty, among others.

The nobility, rest and hope often take prominence through this color; People experience and transmit these qualities through Celeste. The positive aspects of light blue are extensive but precise. Has been constantly used in the Decoration of environments due to tranquility and rest of rest that generates. Therefore, celestial becomes a perfect tone to help people who usually suffer from insomnia.

Similarly, this color gives a sense of amplitude and luminosity to the environments, positively influenced the lives of people who use it in their homes or rooms. On the other hand, people who identify with this coloration usually have great emotional stability, are fair, loving and deep emotions.

Negative aspects

Those who do not like light blue can experience negative aspects. All if they are close to an environment in which this tone is used. Generating totally opposite sensations to which we have mentioned in previous lines, such as insomnia, depression, coldness, pain, apathy.

These sensations are justified, because being a cold color can end expressing sadness and melancholy in people. Also representing the beginning of cooling and the absence of affection of those people we appreciate.

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Use in light blue color decoration

The light blue color is used in stays where you want a good relaxation or reflection. This tone helps to promote relationships between people. It also stimulates meditation and introspection in self -thoughts.

It is a very interesting color to use on the walls of the bedrooms, it is also used in operating rooms, dentists, etc.

Meaning of light blue in the home

At home, the abundance of light colors in different shades, as well as the entry of views to heaven, will endow all house spaces of great tranquility during the day. It's color, it's perfect to get convert the abode, into a space for reflection and meditation.

This is a color that makes home, a much more enjoyable and peaceful resting place. It is recommended, beyond decorative motifs, painting some house walls with blue -blue tones. If we talk about a child's room, this color is special to achieve tranquility during their care and growth.

Religion and celestial color

It is easy to intuit because it is a coloration so linked to the spiritual and religious. The idea of ​​heaven has always been related, such as The place that is inhabited by God and Los Angeles, Paradise location in which the souls that have belonged to the earthly rest.

Many priests usually dress celest -colored tunics. In iconic history, many famous images of the Virgin Mary have been seen with light blue clothes.

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Meaning of Celeste in the Bible

The light blue color It must be seen as a heavenly tone, This nuance gives reference in the Bible of a very good father both in the spiritual and physicist aspect. Most priests have robes of this coloration

In the marketing that represents this color

The light blue color slows metabolism and provides a soothing effect. It is linked to water and air, which means intelligence, loyalty, trust and security. In marketing, celestial is widely used for the promotion of products and services such as water purification filters, air conditioners, mineral water. When you use Celeste you must keep in mind that it suggests precision, security and confidence when promoting high -tech products.

The light blue color according to the zodiac signs

The light blue color is characterized by being a fresh and soothing tone, it is related to the intellectual part in people's minds and is recommended for insomnia. Based on the opinion of the majority of astrologers, the celestial and the various blue shades are linked to Jupiter, and their corresponding Sagittarius sign. Despite being a fire sign, the celestial I associate intimately with the feminine qualities of Virgo, including harmony, passivity and order.

In the same way, this hue is known for controlling the mind and promoting a better approach to ideas. On the other hand, it is linked to signs such as Pisces, Libra, Aquarius and Sagittarius. People born under these signs usually have certain qualities such as stability, loyalty, trust, faith and wisdom. Similarly, they enjoy great spirituality, temperance and intelligence.

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Meaning of light blue in other cultures

Celestial blue, even if it has common meanings to practically all cultures, has some that only occur in some determined. Below we show a series of meanings that are given to this color

In heraldry, the light blue color is related to both the sea and the sky, so the shields that include references to both will include it

The meaning of freedom is seen in the flags of many countries that adopted the light blue color, in them after their independence from their respective colonizers.

The peoples of Mongolia and Kyrguistan give a religious-mmitological meaning to the celestial blue. They relate it to divinity.

In Syria and some nearby countries, celestial is associated with mourning and death, it would be an equivalent to black for us.

As for politics, this color is used to represent the sky, La Paz and the Sea, being included in national flags and arms shields.

In the West, the celestial is a symbol of masculinity, Unlike pink, which represents the feminine. For this reason, it is that in certain countries they usually wear babies and boys with celestial garments, while girls are dressed in pink or white.

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Bibliographic references

  • Chevaler, J. (1986). Dictionary of the symbols. Barcelona, ​​Spain: Herder Editorial.
  • Heller, e. (2008).Color psychology, as colors act on feelings and reason. Barcelona, ​​Spain: Editorial Gustavo Gili.