What means and represents the white color in psychology?

What means and represents the white color in psychology?

White is an inverse color to black and represents absolute clarity or absence of opacity. This tone is closely linked to goodness, peace and purity, But it also has other meanings and symbolisms that we want to teach you in this post.

There is that the doubt that, like black, white color is not a nuance since it is not part of the decomposition of light. On the other hand, the White as a primary room since this color cannot be obtained from combinations of other shades.

If you want to know more about what white means and represents in psychology, keep reading discovers more about this color.


  • What symbolizes the white color
  • Physical characteristics of the white color
  • White color meaning in other cultures
    • Eastern cultures
    • India
    • Nahua villages
  • Italy
  • Practical uses
  • Positive white meanings
  • Negative White Color Meanings

What symbolizes the white color

The white color represents purity, peace, cleanliness, innocence and surrender. In contrast to black, white is positivity against negativity.

From the western perspective, white Symbolizes peace, freedom and purity. It is a synonym for the simple, of what has not been splashed by the contamination of the world when it comes to moral convictions.

It is also associated with innocence or naivety, since it represents what is born immaculate and stained over time. This meaning is closely related to religion, where White means the divine or what cannot be corrupted.

Physical characteristics of the white color

White is a colorless tone, of maximum luminosity and zero darkness. It is a light created by all the wavelengths of the visible spectrum. It is also used in psychoacoustic spaces, since white noise is the result of sounding all frequencies at the same time.

At a visible level, An object is white as it radiates more light. That is, when we see an area of ​​this coloration it is because a lot of environmental light is showing.

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White color meaning in other cultures

White color is such a characteristic and attractive color that it is normal to find opposite meanings according to cultures. Know in the following lines some examples.

Eastern cultures

White is the tone of mourning, since it is linked to the paleness of death. In China, this hue represents bad luck, so they usually wear red at weddings.


In this country, the white color embodies the contemplative and isolated life. Here the widows usually dressed in white, precisely because of their intention to depart from others to process mourning

Nahua villages

It is the color related to the West and Quetzalcóatl, the God symbolized by a feathered snake and that is associated with the brightness of Venus in the sky.


White is used in the funerals of young children

There are many psychological nuances for this hue, since not only culture determines its meaning, but also the person's own experience.

On the other hand, it is important to analyze the connotations that the black-black dichotomy has been for social struggles, because, its relationship with good and evil are present in most ideologies.

Practical uses

White color has many uses in daily life. They are used by doctors and nurses in hospitals to indicate peace, security and tranquility. This color is also used in a wedding dress when you want to transmit a feeling of purity and cleanliness.

While this tone is used in Markting to show freshness, cleanliness, goodness and perfection. The sectors that go to this purpose are the religious, the domestic, and the health.

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Positive white meanings

There are many positive meanings in the white color, starting with that symbolism of peace, tranquility and calm. Following the purity. Purity, what heals, what is clean, what is not corrupt or splashed.

White is also color of truth, of the sincerity of honesty. A color that takes you to yourself or nearby people, with whom you openly relate, without lies, without masks, with nothing that spoils that purity and that authenticity.

There are no lack of meanings as eloquent as perfection or greatness, Hence, royalty and noble houses use white in their clothing in great events such as coronations.

In the Catholic tradition we have that the host that occurs in the Church is white, representing that our soul is renewed when receiving the body of Christ, and the children who are baptized dress in white by referring that from the sacrament they begin in life Christian.

Negative White Color Meanings

Using the concept of Yin Yang, everything positive has its negative and contrary. That happens with white. This color has some negative meanings that you must take into account, one of them of weakness.

Among the negative meanings of white color derived from its conception as the absence of white, we can indicate the void. Which leads us to unconsciousness or insensitivity. People who intend to keep their emotions well are white people in a negative sense.

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Bibliographic references

  • System color plater. Kenneth l. Kelly and Deanne B. Judd. (1976): "Color: Universal Language and Dictionary of Names", National Bureau of Standards, Spec. Publ. 440
  • Heller, Eva (2012). Color psychology. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.