What does green color mean according to psychology

What does green color mean according to psychology

You love the green color?, Is green your favorite color? If you want to know what the green color means according to psychology, in these lines we will show you the Green color meanings.

A tone that greatly influences your life helping you feel better about yourself, as well as recovering illusions and finding inner calm. Or maybe you have to put green envy when you check how more and more people use color psychology to improve your personal development and their lives in general.

It is about this meaning of the green color about what we are going to talk about in this interesting article.


  • Green color symbolism
  • How is used in society?
  • Cultural variations
  • How can the green color help you in your life
    • The emotional balance
    • Green sheets will help you sleep

Green color symbolism

The green color is refreshing and at the same time relaxing. It is stimulating and at the same time soothing. This is the dissipation of the tone of nature. Green color is a tone with a moving symbolism, From the superstition of good luck to the representation of envy.

It must be remembered that green is not a primary tone, but a combination of blue and yellow, so it recovers the Symbolism of both colors to those who add their own. However, not a primary color does not prevent it from being the most natural tone.

Max Luscher defines green as the tone of the sentry, that is, the nuance of firm perseverance, surveillance, stability. Therefore, green is linked to all the functions of the self and corresponds to the attitude of man made himself, to self -esteem, to the image of himself.

Undoubtedly, this color is related to nature as well as healing, healing and freshness. Also as tradition says green is also the color of hope, optimism and good luck.

In the case of green, we see this tone when our eyes capture wavelengths of between 496 and 570 nm. Among these wavelengths we perceive different colorations of this color, there is diversity of this type of color. Combined with red and blue, green is a color for which our eyes has a certain type of cone.

Finally, it is one of the tones most linked to the idea of ​​balance, serenity and calm, as well as spirituality.

How is used in society?

The properties and symbolisms of green make it an ideal tone for some practical uses. Their relationships with nature and recovery make it perfect for environments in which a Balance and comfort search, as well as for the healing and recovery of mood.

Related to healing, among the meanings of green is also the increase in protections and the preservation of motivation. It is also useful in meditation. In addition, its relationship and relaxing effect has caused the clothes of doctors and surgeons to be greenish color.

Its connection with tolerance and flexibility causes it to be used in the painting of rooms where you want to exist and reduce the levels of anxiety and stress, both in houses and in offices.

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Cultural variations

In addition to the aforementioned associations, the green color receives various considerations in different cultures or even through various historical ones. In most Europe green is a symbol of Good energy, luck, rebirth and nature. It relates to Christmas and in countries like Ireland to the Catholic religion.

The color of the bourgeoisie was considered, due to the difficulty in obtaining such pigment. However, in ancient years, evil used to be represented with this color. They also usually relate it to Envy and jealousy, as well as weakness.

For Muslims Green is a sacred tone, Linked to the Prophet Muhammad. It is also a symbol of luck, strength and prestige. In China and the rest of the East, hope and fertility links, as well as virtue and good intentions.

For pre -Columbian peoples, this color represented immortality, fertility and power, so they used jade in the realization of funeral masks. In some countries in South America in which the jungle abounds, green is much more associated with death.

How can the green color help you in your life

With all its contradictions but also with all its power, the green tone can help you feel better. According to Feng Shui, this color is indicated for relaxation spaces, so it can be very useful if you suffer from stress.

The emotional balance

It is found through this hue, partly because it is the easiest tone to visualize and relaxes the sense of sight. Although it also has a lot to do with that power of nature that leads you to meet your primal essence.

Green sheets will help you sleep

The green in addition to being a color that will help you wake up with all the vitality that a repair dream provides you relates to fertility color, So try to have it very close somewhere in intimacy with your partner.

In some cases it is recommended to embrace a tree to connect with your most natural side. Go beyond the trunk and look at how your Green leaves can help you reduce anxiety. Green is also indicated in cases of depression.

If you want to feel free, renewed and more illusion, then it is best to think of green, since it is also the color of freedom and can help you make decisions with less doubts and with less insecurity. Stimulate your creativity by placing a picture with a natural landscape in green tones and you will see how you will feel that air of peace and harmony around you.

Put your touch of green in your life and at home and soon you can feel all the benefits of nature, both inside and abroad.

What does blue color mean in psychology?


  • Of the longo, n. (2011). Il test of colori di lüscher. Manuale di Diagnostic in Età Evolutiva. Milan: Franco Angeli.
  • Monzani, m., Benatti, f. (et al.) (2015). Criminology, Investigative Psychology and Forensic Psychopedagogy. Padua: Webster.