What does yellow color mean according to psychology

What does yellow color mean according to psychology

The yellow color has a meaning in psychology related to vitality, energy, heat, light and creativity. It is often described as a Optimistic color, that affirms life, which reminds us of sunlight and stimulates our mind, body and emotions.

If you are one of the people who love to use this color, in this article we will describe some of the meanings attributed to the yellow color in different cultures, as well as the main examples of representation of the colored systems that exist.


  • Yellow color: meaning
  • What does the yellow color represent in the personality?
  • Meaning of yellow color in clothes
  • Which represents yellow in other cultures
    • 1. Pre -Hispanic cultures
    • 2. Western Europe
    • 3. In Asia
  • Curious yellow data
    • Bibliographic references

Yellow color: meaning

Yellow is a conclusive tone that transmits fresh and youthful energy. This Sun tone is edifying and illuminating And it is related to success and trust. This color stimulates the left side of the brain, helping to think clearly and make quick decisions.

This coloration also attracts attention because the eye sees yellow first. The disadvantage of yellow is that it can cause anxiety and make one too critical. It also symbolizes cowardice.

Although yellow is A cheerful color, Studies show that in large quantities it tends to create feelings of frustration and anger, so people are more exposed to lose their stirrups in a yellow interior. Nines also seem sob more in rooms with yellow walls.

What does the yellow color represent in the personality?

If you love the yellow color you can be very critical of yourself as well as others, you are a perfectionist analyzes everything, time, and is very methodical in your thinking. With a yellow personality you are impulsive and make quick decisions, but often, for anxiety, jump too fast and things hurry Instead of taking them at a constant pace.

In addition to having a strong streak of independence, you are very selective in the selection of your friends. Which allows you to maintain a small group of close friends and related ideas instead of being involved in team events or great social meetings.

Emotional disconnection in adolescents

Meaning of yellow color in clothes

The yellow tones of the clothing show a higher mind that is capable of concentrate well. The types of temperament that yellow prefer tend to have a distant but not shy attitude. Logical and consistent are two adjectives that go hand in hand with the personality type of those who prefer yellow clothes.

Which represents yellow in other cultures

The colors have different meanings in different places, then we mention some countries where yellow is the protagonist.

1. Pre -Hispanic cultures

In pre -Hispanic cultures, as in ancient Mexico, yellow was related to fire and sun. Similarly, this color was linked With one of the four deities that make up the universe, According to the Tarasca worldview: the northern tiripeme.

This hue also represents one of the maintenance symbols by its association with corn. In fact, it is one of the four shades that are linked to the ritual to said food. This tone was also related to the stars and therefore, it was related to the connection between the latter and gold. It could also symbolize clarity and energy.

2. Western Europe

For many years, in Western Europe the yellow was used to mark the diverted lives in the eyes of Christianity, that is, for prostitution, lepers, heresy or anyone who does not exercise the same religion, such as Jews.

So that, in the past Yellow had been related to devaluation, especially during the medievo. Although previously it had been a symbol of divinity for its relationship with the sun, and subsequently he had expressed the idea of ​​wealth; Soon yellow acquired meanings in the opposite direction; a link with the color of bile, which represents both anger or debauchery, as well as lie, betrayal and heresy.

3. In Asia

The yellow would be related to the Earth element, which is in turn representative of a dense and conservative atmosphere, but also of disorder or instability. The yellow would be related to Yang for its link with the sun and heat, in turn associated with masculinity. Therefore, yellow has historically positioned itself as a representative tone in China although red and green have been also.

Curious yellow data

The researcher David H. Alman demonstrated in a study that day and night the response of the yellow eye is strong, which allows greater speed in the reaction of people. So, many cities have begun to paint their yellow fire trucks.

McDonalds, Wendy, and Burger King added this hue in their logos and outside their businesses because this color transmits energy and speed, which tells the consumer that they are fast and efficient.

Bibliographic references

  • Gastañeta, p. (2002). The chromosemiotics. The meaning of color in visual communication. 46-58. Retrieved September 4, 2018. Available at http: //
  • González, Vanessa. (May 29, 2017). Yellow color: meaning and psychology. Lifeder. Recovered from https: // www.Lifeder.com/Meaning-Color-Yellow/.