What is and what studies sexology?

What is and what studies sexology?

Sexology is a discipline that contributes to people to achieve good health in sexuality and that they can live this area of ​​their life in a satisfactory and full way, thus improving the quality of life.

More specifically, it could be affirmed that sexology is The scientific study of human sexuality, which includes a review of sexual beliefs, attitudes and behaviors, in addition to sexual functions.

The issues addressed by sexologists are related to sexual development, sexual orientation, gender identity, the exercise of sexual function, paraphilias and other sexual interests. Similarly, I know Study sexuality at all stages of life, From child sexuality, the puberty period, sexuality in adulthood and in the elderly.

Likewise, sexology is responsible for studying what sexuality is like in people with certain physical or psychological limitations; It also addresses the understanding of sexual dysfunctions and disorders, among which erectile dysfunction and anorgasmia are included.

Sexology: What do you study?

As a discipline, sexology studies sexuality from different perspectives. For example, From behavior, Attending sexual expressions such as kisses, caresses and the own exercise of sexual function.

From identity, He addresses the fact that a person feels man or woman; From guidance, study Where a person's preferences are directed, Considering their sex and, from interaction, everything related to the encounter between two people, affections, the distribution of domestic tasks, parenting, future projects or dissolution of the link.

Among the most common problems that sexologists address is the lack of sexual desire, the difficulty in maintaining excitation or achieving this state, the absence of orgasms, difficulty in achieving erection, premature or delayed ejaculation, pain at the time of penetration , sexual dissatisfaction, among others. Most sexologists are dedicated to offering sexual counseling and education in this area.

Hiboactive sexual desire, causes and treatment

There are several ways to address the aforementioned difficulties, among which are short therapies, those centered on difficulty, specific tasks, pharmacology -if there is need-. Attention can be individual or as a couple.

In the case of sexual therapy, this is based on the attention that occurs in order to advise or accompany sexuality related, and even reproduction in some cases.

Through counseling, sexologists offer support and tools for people to Identify their difficulties, where they reside or improve their sexuality. Likewise, information on sex education is offered, since many erroneous beliefs around sexuality can lead to the health, relationships and self -esteem of a person is affected.

Evolution of Sexology

One of the first researchers in the field of sexuality was the psychiatrist Richard Vos Kraff-Ebing, who recorded a series of sexual deviations in his work Psychopathia sexualis, where the term appears for the first time sadism. However, today it is not considered a reference within the field of sexology.

The origins of sexology as an area of ​​research seem to go back to the time of the Enlightenment, linked to feminist thought and the notion of gender, but its consolidation as a discipline occurs at the end of the 19th century, with the work of Havelock Ellis, Magnus Hirshfeld and other sexologists.

Was Elizabeth Osgood Goodrich who coined the term sexology, In 1867. After World War II, other sexologists were highlighted, such as Alfred Charles Kinsey, who collected important data in the American population and that make up Kinsey reports, Two well -known manuals about sexuality: Sexual behavior in man -Posted in 1948- and Sexual behavior in women, that came to light in 1953. He also developed a scale, known as the Kinsey scale, with which the way in which human sexual orientation oscillates is observed, from homosexual to heterosexual.

In the sixties and seventies, researchers William Masters, who was a doctor and gynecologist, and the psychologist Virginia Johnson stood out, because they dedicated themselves to the observation and study of the human sexual response, from an academic perspective, which allowed me to allow it to be allowed The book arose The human sexual response.

In 1974 Helen Kaplan published the text The new sexual therapy, deepening the therapies described by Masters and Johnson.

After the studies of these authors, sexology has been making progress notoriously, as an important branch of knowledge and with influence on other disciplines, such as medicine and psychology. Today I know Consider clinical sexology as a discipline important for the promotion of health, well -being and good quality of life.

Finally, it should be noted that it is currently common.

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  • Sesma, e. S. (2009). Sexology professionals in sex education. Sexology yearbook, (11), 89-94.