What is and how neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is used

What is and how neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is used


  • How NLPs arises
  • What is and how PNL applies?
  • The map is not the territory
  • NLP: Sensory representation systems according to personality
    • The strategies
    • Calibration
    • Exercises
  • Goal: knowing how to express what you want

How NLPs arises

The Neurolinguistic or NLP Programming It arises thanks to the investigations of two young Americans: Richard Bandler (computer scientist) and John Grinder (psychologist and linguist), who wanted to investigate why the treatments of the three great success therapists in the United States (Virginia Satir, Erik Erikson and Fritz Perls ) they reached greater efficacy than their colleagues.

After their long investigations, relying on systematic observation, they concluded that the procedure they used with excellent result was The use of a very particular communication pattern.

Based on the data obtained through all their investigations, Bandler and Grinder developed the system that today is used as a generic learning system or as therapy: NLP.

Through this system, effective results are achieved, such as: Automotivate and motivate, lose fears, generate self -confidence, harmonic interpersonal relationships, pleasant sexual relations, leave bad habits or vices, and even cure some diseases. Bandler and Grinder claim that a well -formed therapist can achieve effective results in their patients with only one or two exercises. This has been one of the characteristics that the NLP shows, to achieve successful results in a short time, unlike other psychotherapeutic systems, in which result is obtained after several years of treatment (psychoanalysis).

Until the current moments, there is no theory that supports that there is skepticism in the academic sector; However, PNL courses were implemented to form educators and psychologists in the human orientation process, the results being so effective that when known by competitive entrepreneurs of the economic world, NLP has spread throughout the entire world for the preparation of managers and human resources to adapt to the changing social context, direct groups of people, creating situations conducive so that their employees can develop their full potential.

The NLP, It is considered one ideal tool to live in freedom, objective that humanity wants to achieve since its inception. It is an adequate instrument to transform vital situations that marked our identity during childhood or adolescence, to rewrite the history of our life, consciously revive the episodes of our existence. Relive a traumatic situation, allows us to obtain diverse conclusions to be worked through the NLP tool and thus change our future life.

What is and how PNL applies?

PNL means neurolinguistic programming, programming refers to our aptitude to produce and apply behavioral programs. Neuro refers to the sensory perceptions that determine our subjective emotional state. Linguistic refers to human media, both verbal and nonverbal.

If the concept is literally interpreted, it is immediately thought about computer science and computers. To understand how the change process occurs, the person can be imagined by entering data into the computer (brain) who processes, stores and updates when circumstances require it. The data is the sensory experiences (what is heard, feels, palpas, savor, ve). This is processed and stored. When you must decide on how to act in a certain situation, the data is updated and the one that will decide how to make the decision is preceded. NLP part of a specific sensory experience stored in the brain. The important thing to work with her is to know the structure and conditions in which the experience was processed and stored.

How to develop personal talents?

The map is not the territory

We do not act directly on what we usually call reality, but about a representation of it, What is our personal map. Each person is different therefore each map of reality differs from the map of the other.

Many conflicts arise because we start from the principle that the other has the same references as us, uses the same thought itineraries and should know we want to say.

The construction of the memory, the structure of the experience is based on our choice of information that we consider useful or relevant depending on the current objective or action.

When we communicate with others, we usually do not take into account this selection of information, as cling.

NLP: Sensory representation systems according to personality


  • Somewhat rigid posture.
  • Movements up
  • Superficial and rapid breathing.
  • Acute voice, fast rhythm, choppy
  • Visual words (see, look, observe)


  • Distended posture
  • Telephone listening position
  • Quite wide breathing
  • Well stamped voice, medium rhythm
  • Auditory words (hey, listen)


  • Very relaxed posture
  • Movements that pamper the words
  • Deep and wide breathing
  • Severe voice, slow rhythm with many pauses
  • Reference to sensations in the choice of words (feels, attends, smells, savor)

The strategies

The observation of the access keys sequences allows us to knowledge of the strategies. The most notable fact is that we usually have only an activity strategy.

In a strategy they are distinguished Three stages: entry, operations and exit. This observation allows us to know how and with which system of sensory representation we will present our information, and with which one will be represented that of another person, since if we respect the sequence of our own and others' strategies, we will more easily understand what we have to say the other.

Sensory perception thus becomes the starting point of this work tool, correctly perceiving interior processes is extremely important when we must deal with other people. The seller who insists again and again before a buyer of hesitant attitude, maybe get the product, but will have lost a customer. The boss who is not able to recognize the symptoms of future problems among his collaborators, will not be able to prevent them from growing and aggravated. A teacher who does not know the way in which his students assimilate their exhibitions, will not be able to adequately direct their learning processes. The lover who does not realize that his beloved needs certain signs to feel dear, will run the risk of losing and being replaced by someone more attentive. A psychological advisor who does not seem to identify the problematic states and internal resistance of his clients, will not succeed in his therapies. The first step in the NLP, therefore, consists of sharpening perception to avoid erroneous interpretations. (Mohl, 1999).


The observation of a series of modifications in a person that evokes a pleasant situation, allows us to obtain a photograph that allows to recognize when it is in a positive state.

The signs at the visual level are: the expression of the face (tone of the skin muscles), the color of the skin, the keys of visual access, the movements, the posture.

The signs at the auditory level are: The quality of the voice (tone, rhythm, volume), the choice of words and the content of the discourse.

At the kinesthetic level: touches, handshake.


CALIBRATION: A) The interlocutor is asked to think about something that is an important part of their pleasant personal experience. B) Pause. C) Ask him to think about something inconsequential. D) Make your calibration. E) Ask questions and try if it tells the truth or not. F) After ten questions change role.

INFORMATION SELECTION: A) The group is asked around distinguishing the number and sequence of the colors you can see. B) Ask them to distinguish in sequence the noise they can hear. C) Ask them to feel the sensations of your body and write them down in sequence. D) Comparison of experiences from two to two and in the group.

Memories of experiences: A) One participant (1) asks another (2) to remember a banal and frequent event, describing what he saw; For example, take a bus, enter a cafetin, etc. A third participant (3) describes it separately. B) Participant 1 asks participant 3, to describe what I hear, during similar activity; While participant 2 does it apart, c) The responses of 2 and 3 are compared. D) It is requested to 2 and 3, describing what they felt during the common experience. E) The similarities and differences stand out.

Information selection: A) A situation is raised in which one person quotes another in one place, when it arrives he tells him that he arrives late. B) References are requested for such a statement. C) The different options are contrasted. Another alternative is to raise the situation of feeling lost in a place you don't know and then ask: how do you know what you are lost?, How do you try to find the right path again?, How do you know that you have found it?

Information comparison I: A) The group is questioned about those who have visited a certain place, until you find at least two that have done it. B) How to verify that the person has really been in that place? What different referential elements do each use each?, C) Similarities and differences in memory are compared.

Information Comparison II: A) Participant 1 explains to participant 2, the details of a problem and their solution, while participant 3 is excluded. B) Participant 2 explains to participant 3 the same, participant 1 is excluded. C) Participant 3 explains the procedure to participants 1 and 2. D) The differences and similarities between the versions are highlighted, studying the similarities in relation to the references to the representation systems, to a system of values ​​or to beliefs and assumptions.

Information Comparison III: A) 1 Information about an event occurred long ago and most likely known throughout the world, it is requested that abundant details. B) Participant 2, ask questions about the event. C) Participant 3, ask questions that has forgotten to ask the 2 and complete the answers and provide details of those made by 1. D) Among all information they choose those that they consider most useful and classify them in order of importance. E) Submit to the group to complete them and classified in relation to: values, beliefs, assumptions, emotions.

Goal: knowing how to express what you want

The objective must be defined. Know how more than why, that is, the defined objective in the form of a process and not of rationalization or justification.

Ask yourself:

  • What does he want?
  • How will you know what you have achieved?
  • How will the other person know?
  • What will happen when you have achieved it?
  • What prevents you from getting it?
  • When do you want?
  • What could lose it by obtaining it?

It is suggested to take into consideration the following:

Accept only the responses positively formulated (I want to be thin, instead of I don't want to be fat; Kiss me, instead you never kiss me; you want to go out, instead of why we don't go out and others).

Preferring the answers expressed in concrete terms (this dress makes me look thinner, instead of the clothes I use makes me look fat; I like to hear that you love me, instead you have never loved me; we can go to the movies, in place of never taking me anywhere and others).

To achieve effective results, it must:

  • Define short, medium and long term objectives.
  • Coordinate the objectives in time.
  • Define the objectives, projecting new stages to the future.