What is Tripophobia? Symptoms, causes and treatments

What is Tripophobia? Symptoms, causes and treatments

The Tripophobia It is the term used to describe an irrational fear of irregular patterns of groups of small holes or bumps.

Some believe that in our genes the inherent rejection of this type of forms is codified, while others claim that it is a behavior learned.


  • What is a phobia?
  • Phobias symptoms
  • What is Tripophobia?
  • What is the cause of Tripophobia?
  • Is there a Tripophobia Treatment?

What is a phobia?

A phobia It is an irrational and weakening fear towards an object, animal, place, situation or feeling.

This type of fear tends to develop when The person has an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of the real danger that accompanies the situation or feared object.

When a phobia becomes very serious, the person can organize his whole life about avoiding the appearance caused by such anguish, being able to be very disabling in his day to day to day.

Phobias symptoms

The main symptoms associated with phobias may include:

  • Dizziness, tremors and increased heart rate
  • Dyspnoea
  • Nausea
  • A feeling of unreality
  • Fear of dying
The need for affiliation and the multidimensional model of affiliation

What is Tripophobia?

The term tryophobia was coined in 2005 by some Internet users who merged the Greek words for hole (trgya) and fear (phobes).

While it has not yet been officially defined as a phobia, a study in Psychological Science magazine has estimated that Tripophobia is present in 16% of people.

This type of fear causes a very intense reaction, despite the fact that groups of holes of any variety are almost always harmless and apparently do not represent a true threat.

While some consider that groups of holes make them feel uncomfortable, others have affirmed that the vision of the images can make them shake everything in fear.

What is the cause of Tripophobia?

While research on the disease is still in the beginning, some experts believe that Human DNA tends to feel repelled by this type of repeated but irregular patterns.

Wilkins and Cole after a study conducted in 2013 argued that it is something instinctive since the brain, naturally, associates them with diseases or wounds.

Other psychologists instead propose that these are people who are afraid of these images due to previous learning.

Is there a Tripophobia Treatment?

As in any other phobias treatment, irrational fear is difficult to overcome.

In any case, the cognitive-behavioral therapy It can help sick to change their irrational thinking patterns. This allows them to realize that their intense fear is only the product of their imagination.