What is the theory of reasoned action and examples

What is the theory of reasoned action and examples

In many cases, planning and anticipation are part of our way of being in life. We usually travel different situations from assumptions and thoughts that command our actions. It is clear that there is a more than interesting link between thoughts and actions: ¿How many times have we reached a conclusion on some subject that has led us to act in a certain way? We can think of many examples that account for these qualities.

If you are interested in everything you are reading, the data we will address here can be useful. You probably feel identified since human beings usually predict certain facts that could occur in the future. ¿You want to know more about this? In this Psychology-online article, we will give you information about What is the theory of reasoned action and examples.

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  1. What is the theory of reasoned action
  2. Characteristics of reasoned action theory
  3. Examples of the theory of reasoned action
  4. New contributions to the theory of reasoned action

What is the theory of reasoned action

We can define the theory of reasoned action as a model conducted by ICEK AJZEN and Martin Fishbein based on The prediction of human behaviors from the study of attitudes, beliefs and intentions. In other words, the theory of reasoned action emphasizes the thoughts, emotions and behaviors of the person to be able to anticipate and/or predict the actions that can be carried out in the future from the information about these themes.

Characteristics of reasoned action theory

In order to address the theme with greater depth, it becomes necessary to delimit the particularities that this concept entails. In this way, we will explain the characteristics of the theory of reasoned action based on different aspects:

  • References: Take as reference the attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and evaluation of people
    Attitudes, beliefs, evaluations and behaviors are related to each other
  • Parameters: behavior can be explained by indicators that account for the measurable parameters of people with respect to their qualities
  • Prediction: It allows to predict future behaviors taking into account the intentions of the person.

Examples of the theory of reasoned action

Sometimes, thinking about the theory of reasoned action can be difficult if one takes into account that attitudes, emotions, beliefs and evaluations are abstract parameters that vary according to each person. For this reason, we will talk about these aspects through some examples that account for this concept:

Example Nº1 of the Reasoned Action Theory

A newly graduated from a university career tries to get a job in a company. Given the labor demand that company has, it receives many applications from different people who want to get the position.

In this case, young people's attitudes may be influenced by beliefs that There are greater chances of getting a job if you have a university degree. In this way, the intentions of this person will be guided according to this pretext.

Example Nº2 of the Reasoned Action Theory

A man begins to do physical activity with a weekly frequency to improve his physical condition to conquer women. ¿How would the theory of reasoned action explain it? Well, this attitude may be related to the belief that Women feel greater attraction for men with marked muscles have a low percentage of body fat.

And, therefore, this idea can give way to a series of personal evaluations on physical health, as well as in the emergence of emotions linked to happiness when a muscle gain is obtained.

It is important to note that the cited examples do not reflect any truth considered by the bosom of a society, but various conceptions that are developed over time due to the influence of the media and the ideals that are imposed at every moment of the life.

New contributions to the theory of reasoned action

The theory of reasoned action has some points that it is important to consider to understand its operation. Because of this, we will carry out an analysis of the new contributions to the theory of reasoned action:

Implementation or implementation intentions

This development has been carried out by Peter Gollwitzer, who has said that future behaviors can be predicted in a better way when there is an action plan that determines the moments in which they will take place. In other words, it consists of Establish a sequence In time for behaviors to be carried out.

Theory of planned action

This point emphasizes the control of manifest behavior. In other words, the theory of planned action tries to place The difficulty in conducting behavior In each person. This new contribution was developed by the authors Ajzen and Madden for the purpose of adding another element of importance when determining the behaviors of the human being.

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