What is sports psychology and what benefits it contributes?

What is sports psychology and what benefits it contributes?

Today, sports psychology is highly valued in all sports. This is because both the personnel coach and the athletes know that they need to work their minds to enhance all their capabilities at the highest level and thus be able to get their goals. Continue reading to know all the benefits that sports psychology can contribute!


  • Introduction to sports psychology or sports psychology
  • Benefits of sports psychology
  • Sports and psychological well -being
    • Resources

Introduction to sports psychology or sports psychology

During the last decades, interest in the psychological variables that influence the sport field has increased significantly.

Positive psychology has helped in all this, favoring approaches that refer to what factors are closely related to the psychological well -being of athletes, as well as what are the benefits provided by sports psychology itself.

Positive psychology aims to integrate concepts related to well -being, happiness and optimistic approaches to enhance personal development, especially valuing psychological well -being.

The truth is that, the activities that are related to the high sports performance include a professional who Strengthens trust and contributes the techniques for the care and maintenance of good mental and also physical health. That professional is the sports psychologist or sports psychologist. Thus, In high performance teams the implementation of sports psychology is basic and important.

The implementation of sports psychology in high performance teams is a priority to achieve great objectives.

The decisions taken by the personnel coach will be complemented those that, for its part, the figure of the sports psychology professional. As a professional with extensive training in psychology, You will know the strengths and weak points of each athlete. It should not be forgotten that both the coach and the figure of the sports psychologist are professions that make the life of the athlete much more balanced.

Sports coach and psychologist help meet the goals and cope with all the obstacles that can be presented on the path of an athlete.

In addition, the sports psychologist helps to handle everything that can affect performance with respect to the relationship between the personality of the athlete and the sports context. This implies facilitating help so that the athlete can control changing emotions, They can influence their practice.

The sports psychologist, In addition to motivating, create strategies. In this way he achieves Optimize personal development and growth, as well as in the sports field, both of the athlete individually and the entire team and a united group.

Benefits of sports psychology

Psychology applied to sport It provides advantages in training, competition and also in interpersonal relationships. In addition, it can be a Great support for the coach or the coach, and can also help raise the performance of athletes to much more optimal levels.

Sports psychology values ​​the relationship between physical activity, sports competition, physical well -being and psychological well -being.

In addition to all of the above, it is related to:

  • Favor concentration, Well, it helps the person focusing on the exercise without the abroad distracting it. In this way, each athlete will be able to get their full potential every time to detect.
  • Determine mood, because if the athlete meets high motivation, he can actively execute the activity that arises and with an adequate and measured effort to its objectives.
  • Increases security and self -confidence. Much of the sports performance depends on the security that the athlete has when developing its function in sports practice. In this case, sports psychology helps the person believe that he is capable of reaching their goals, and motivates him so he can reach them.
  • Strengthens personality, In this way the person can compete under pressure. Also help manage pressure, support high levels of stress, etc.

It is important that the athlete or athlete is able to control both his successes and especially his failures, so that this does not become a problem.

Therefore, sports psychology is very useful in this regard, helps compete under great pressure and, still, helps win.

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Sports and psychological well -being

There is no doubt about it: psychological well -being is associated with the practice of physical activity. The adoption of healthy habits, among which is the sport, contribute to reinforce the importance of an active lifestyle.

In addition to optimizing and correcting variables involved during practice, it also provides numerous benefits. People who perform physical exercise regularly are perceived healthier, with less stress and also have a better mood that those who do not perform any physical activity.

Regarding cognitive functions, various studies have shown that exercise helps is the maintenance and improvement of them.

Regardless of the age or physical condition, practicing exercise produces benefits to mental well -being.


  • The key role of Joaquín Valdés, Luis Enrique's psychologist in the National Team
  • V. Complete. Psychology for sport and life. Joaquín Valdés, sports psychologist
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