What is cycloimia? Symptoms, causes and treatment

What is cycloimia? Symptoms, causes and treatment

Most people have heard of Bipolar disorder (or depressive maniac disorder), where individuals experience cycles of sudden changes in humor with states of full euphoria and others of tremendous sadness (mania and depression). But here we are going to talk about other types of disorders that although it is like, it is not exactly the same: the Cycloimia.


  • What is cycloimia or cyclothymic disorder?
  • Prevalence of population disorder
  • What are the symptoms of cycloimia?
  • What are the causes and risk factors of cycloimia?
  • Cycloimia treatment
  • Live with cycloimia

What is cycloimia or cyclothymic disorder?

The Cyclootimia is a mood disorder that presents similar characteristics to bipolar disorder, But in a more "soft" way in terms of symptomatology, although it tends to be more chronic.

People with Cyclothymic disorder When they are in their most "low" moments, they present symptoms such as those of a mild depression, but do not become as severe as those of a major depression. When their mood of sadness changes to euphoria, it does not become as intense as those observed in the manic phase of bipolar disorders, so they are classified as "hypomania", a less severe way of mania. Between both moods, it is likely that the people who suffer from it feel emotionally speaking, even feel that it is the only time they are themselves ".

Prevalence of population disorder

The cycloimia prevalence rate in the general population is between 0.4% to 1%, and equally affects both men and women. However, women are more likely to seek treatment. While the beginning of the disease usually occurs during adolescence, its appearance can be difficult to identify. The risk of hyperactivity attention deficit disorder, substance abuse and sleep disorders is high among people who suffer from cyclothymal disorder.

On the other hand, it seems that suffering from cycloimia can increase the probability of developing bipolar disorder (estimates vary but it is believed that probability is between 15% and 50%).

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What are the symptoms of cycloimia?

The standard diagnostic criteria according to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) establish that to be diagnosed with cycloimia, they must meet the following characteristics:

  • Present several periods with hypomaniac symptoms that do not meet the criteria for a unique episode of hypomania, and multiple periods with depressive symptoms that do not meet the criteria for a major depressive episode, for at least two years (one year for children and adolescents)
  • Throughout two years (one for children and adolescents) the symptoms of hypomania and depression must be present for at least half of the time, with no more than two consecutive months without showing such symptoms.
  • The criteria for a major depressive episode, manic or hypomaniac episode have never been fulfilled.
  • Other mental disorders (for example, schizoofective disorder, schizophrenia, delusional disorder) have been ruled out as a trigger to hypomania and depressive symptoms.
  • Hypomaniac and depressive symptoms are not related to medicines, substance abuse or other medical conditions
  • Hypomaniac and depressive symptoms cause disturbances in social, labor or other functional areas.

The usual depressive signs and symptoms are:

  • Feelings of sadness, empty and hopelessness
  • Irritability
  • Desire to cry for no reason
  • Sleep disorders: sleep much more or much than usual
  • Concern
  • The feelings of uselessness and guilt
  • Fatigue
  • Concentration problems
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Loss of interest in activities that previously considered pleasant
  • Weight changes due to eating much or more than usual
  • Lack of motivation
  • Deterioration of the trial, planning, problem solving skills
  • Low self-esteem
  • Pessimism
  • Loneliness
  • Submission
  • Social retreat
  • Difficulty for conflict management
  • Feelings that life lacks meaning and purpose

The Hypomaniac signs and symptoms usual are:

  • Euphoric state with exaggerated sensation of well -being and happiness
  • Increased self -esteem
  • Exaggerated optimism
  • Irritability and agitation
  • Less need to sleep
  • Accelerated thought
  • Lack of judgment what results in risk behaviors
  • Talk about
  • Excessive physical activity
  • Easy distraction
  • Concentration problems
  • Increased desire to carry out or achieve objectives
  • Hyperactivity, inability to remain sitting
  • Emotional instability, reacting exaggerated to events
  • Search for strong emotions (for example in sports, gambling, etc.)
  • Impulsiveness
  • Irresponsibility

What are the causes and risk factors of cycloimia?

As most mental health disorders, the exact cause of cycloimia is unknown. However, the genetic component of cycloimia seems to be an important predisposing factor. Both for cycloimia and major depression and bipolar disorder, a family history with a history indicates a greater risk of suffering these diseases. The studies of identical twins suggest when one of the brothers suffers from cycloimia, the probability the other also suffers it is up to 80%, which points to a strong genetic component in this type of disorders.

Environmental factors are also very important when developing cycloimia. As with bipolar disorder and major depression, certain events of life can increase the chances of developing cycloimia. These factors include events such as physical or sexual abuse or other traumatic experiences and prolonged stress periods.

Cycloimia treatment

A combination of medication and psychotherapy seems to be the best results treatment option. Treatment is generally a chronic process, which welcomes a lifetime, with the aim of reducing depressive and hypomania symptoms, and whose purpose is also to minimize the risk of developing bipolar disorder.

At present, there are no known medications that can effectively treat cycloimia, however, the doctor can prescribe those usually used to treat bipolar disorder, whose function focuses on relieving symptoms and reducing the frequency of their appearance. The prescription drugs include atypical anticonvulsive and antipsychotics, such as lithium and quetiapine. Antidepressants have not proven to be effective in the treatment of cycloimia.

More research is needed to successfully conclude the benefits of the treatment of cycloimia. However, some of the common methods used to treat bipolar disorder are also used in the treatment of cycloimia, including among others:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Customer -centered therapy
  • Emotional Rational Therapy (TRE)
The bad depression

Live with cycloimia

Less than half of the people living with cycloimia develop bipolar disorder throughout their lives. In most cases, Cycleimia is a chronic disorder that is usually maintained throughout life. In others, cycloimia seems to dissipate and disappears for itself over time.

The effects of cycloimia can be very harmful to social, family, work and couple life. In addition, impulsivity associated with hypomaniac symptoms can lead to bad life decisions, both in legal and financial issues. Research has also shown that when someone is suffering from cyclothymic disorder, it is more prone to abuse drugs and alcohol.

To reduce these negative effects of cycloimia, it is important of sleep enough and exercise regularly.