What is acression and what is useful for

What is acression and what is useful for

Acopress is a technique similar to acupuncture, except that the pressure is exerted with the fingers (instead of clicking with fine needles).

The pressure is carried out at specific points throughout the Body meridians To stimulate, disperse and balance flow or energy, relieve pain and treat a variety of chronic, acute and degenerative diseases.


  • Origin of Acuppression
  • How does acression work?
  • What are the points of acression?
  • How is cool?
  • What are the benefits of Acuppression?
  • Precautions and side effects

Origin of Acuppression

The compression massage is an ancient remedy of traditional Chinese medicine (MTC) known by Relieve pain in specific areas of the body. Acopress is a good option for people who prefer a natural form of pain relief instead of taking medications.

The objective of the cool massage is to relieve pain without the use of medicines.

In general, this type of massage is applied by an acupuncture or a professional masseuse. Several sessions may be necessary before the pain disappears completely.

How does acression work?

The human body has 14 main meridians, each one of those corresponds to a particular organ. When pressure is applied to a reflex point, it triggers a healing response within the body.

The body reacts to this stimulation by releasing endorphins for Relieve pain and altering heart rate and blood pressure to accelerate blood irrigation to and from tissue. As a result, the speed at which oxygen and nutrients reach the affected area is accelerated, while toxins, waste and carbon dioxide are eliminated faster.

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What are the points of acression?

There are two types of cool points:

  • A local point: This is the point of the body that is closest to the pain that the patient is experiencing.
  • A triggering point: It is a pressure point that is distant from the painful area, but it is pressed because it is directly related to the pain point. When this triggering point is massage, the benefit circulates through a human electric channel called meridian to the sore area. Meridians are different channels that connect the cool points with each other and with the internal organs, circulating electricity through the body. That is why the professional can press areas that are not close to their areas of pain.

How is cool?

The therapist will press a specific activation point for a particular ailment, so he will need to know where the reflection point you want to stimulate is.

A acression therapist will use your thumbs, your knuckles or fingers to apply firm but soft pressure to local acupuncture and activation points in certain parts of the body. This pressure lasts from thirty seconds to two minutes, after which is slowly relieved. This operation can be repeated three to five times. The area around the point can also be massage or 'stretched'.

Practitioners apply the compression massage while the person is completely dressed in a soft massage table, with sessions that generally last approximately one hour.

Some people may feel dizzy for a short time after a cool session, or even pain at pressure points, but this soon disappears. A cool session is not considered a painful procedure.

What are the benefits of Acuppression?

Acopress can be used for Regulate body functions, such as metabolism, digestion and sleep, as well as for treat a myriad of ailments. Specifically, cool can be used to relieve fibromyalgia, menstrual cramps and nausea, treat insomnia and depression, low blood pressure, increase energy and circulation and relieve shoulder, neck and back pain.

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Precautions and side effects

Acopress should never be painful. If you feel any pain during the procedure, you must inform your therapist immediately. After a cool session, some people may feel pain (not very intense) or show bruises at the points of compression. You can also feel temporarily dizzy.

The pressure must be soft on fragile or sensitive areas, such as the face.

If you have any disease such as osteoporosis, fractures or recent injuries, cancer, easy bruises, a hemorrhagic disorder, heart disease, unusual blood pressure, diabetes or is using anticoagulant or antiplatehand medications, you must consult with your doctor before performing a cool session.

If you are pregnant, you should also consult with your doctor. Acopress is generally not performed in the abdomen or certain points in the leg or lower back during pregnancy.

Acopress should not be performed on open wounds, bruises, varicose veins or any area that is bruised or inflamed.

David Álvarez. Therapist