What is deep work 10 recommendations

What is deep work 10 recommendations

Deep work is what is executed in a state of maximum concentration that allows the acquisition of complex knowledge.

This concept of deep work was coined by the professor in computer science, Cal Newport. Professor's proposal is based on the fact that, to be really productive, there must be a disconnection of all communicative tools, for several hours a day, and thus be able to reach that level of complexity.


  • Deep work
  • Deep work and surface work
    • Recommendations to put it into practice
    • Bibliography

Deep work

It is said that several times a year, Many business owners do withdrawals to the field, to the cabins in the forest, or other places where they are dedicated just to think and are isolated from the rest. That is, they do not receive calls, mails, nor do they have access to the Internet, in some cases. But they are only with themselves and a good amount of books and documents necessary. This process allows them to innovate and make better investments.

By eliminating distractions, deep work is prioritized and a maximum level of concentration is reached in which attention and creativity prevail.

It is not necessary to go to the forest to benefit from the advantages of deep work, but a couple of factors can help reach this state.

The term of deep work appeared in the book of the mentioned author. Your text is called Deep work: rules for success focused on a dispersed world, and defines this type of work as a state of concentration in which the mind to work with the maximum of its potential. The theory proposes that, to be really productive, it is necessary work without interruptions for a couple of hours a day.

Deep work and surface work

Superficial work, unlike deep work, are all those tasks that can be executed, even if the person is distracted, because they are easy to repeat. On the other hand, as mentioned, in the deep work the concentration predominates and issues that are more complex are understood.

Recommendations to put it into practice

Some recommendations to put into practice deep work are the following:

  1. Avoid distractions: This is important not to cut the state of flow in which the person is immersed while executing the tasks, something that can occur with the interruption of a call or the arrival of an email.
  2. Concentrate on a single task: which is very different from what has long been raised: the multitasking. Actually, when the person concentrates in a single activity, his brain is reconfigured.
  3. Choose a strategy: You must have a schedule that addresses personal preferences. According to everyone's lifestyle, you can opt for a strategy that allows you to do deep work.
  4. Create some rituals: To achieve concentration to the maximum, such as ordering the desk before writing, opening the curtains, having a clean space, among others that can be helpful, because the person is mentally predisposed with the idea that it will be submerged In your work.
  5. Prioritize the most relevant: since this is essential for concentration. In general, the more things are about doing, the less attention you have. You can choose to decide in advance the work to be done or work based on objectives that are following.
  6. Invest time for other things: the one that is necessary, in order to “leave” of some tasks that can be distracting and connect with the deep work fully.
  7. Reduce technological distractions: since these are enemies of deep work. It is true that technology can help, but you should also know how to balance. To achieve this, it is suggested to deactivate mobile notifications, notifications on the computer screen, application notifications, among others.
  8. Take time to recharge: With energies. Well, rest is also important, this can be a clear mind that is willing to plunge into a complex task. This will also avoid exhaustion.
  9. Define the objectives: and follow progress. Thus it will be possible to maintain the motivation to do that task that requires so much concentration. Among motivational techniques, establishing objectives is very relevant. They can be short or long term. The technique of the Flowtime To be more productive.
  10. Deepen: it is The time to start the time to work following the maximum creative potential.

Deep work produces satisfaction and allows the person to feel realization in the work and academic area. It is true that it requires effort and discipline, but with constancy it can become a part of the lifestyle that is carried.

Motivation to achieve your goals


  • Newport, c. (2020). Deep Work: Quattro Regole Per Ritrovare Il Focus Sulle Atività Davvero Importi. ROI EDIZIONI.
  • Newport, c. (2019). Digital MINIMALISM: Choosing A Focused Life In A Noisy World.
  • Newport, c. (2016). Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in A Distraced World. HAKE UK.