What is talent?

What is talent?


  • Small guide to identify and recruit talented people
  • The talent of human beings
  • Talent recruitment
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Small guide to identify and recruit talented people

Talent is related to Intelligence and aptitude to do something specific, It is something that generally occurs naturally and can be reinforced.

The word talent has an etymology that I love, because it is somewhat poetic in terms of its meaning, it has to do with the value that society assigned to a currency.

It is said that the word comes from a parable, where: the master gave his servants a certain amount of talents, some took advantage of the talents that were given to them, putting them at the service of themselves and others; The other servants, on the other hand, buried them as a treasure on earth. Most have some talent that has to do with our skills and skills, which are what we have to do something determined, perhaps with a little more ease than others.

It is healthy for the individual and society that develop for benefit. Do you have your talents identified? If so, do you try to develop them or do you prefer to hide them on earth? He Potentialize our talents, many times It forces us to get out of our comfort zone and assumes great challenges and changes, while contributing to our well -being.

I suggest you give you the task of Identify your talents and evaluate how much you use them or not. If you have not identified your talents or if you have doubts and fears about your academic or work trajectory for not knowing how to identify them well, psychologists can guide you in that sense, because they have the preparation and provide you with the tools to help you start to walk Your talents without so many fears.

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Some claim that being talented is different from the skills that can be developed, and that has to do with outstanding innate characteristics. What is true is that It is different to be gifted To be talented.

The human being has multiple intelligences. Even people who seem to have no talent, if we give ourselves the opportunity to observe, we can find that "they are good for something".

The talent of human beings

It is also true that there are talents that are exceptional and are those that have left a great legacy for humanity. However, There are talents that go unnoticed due to the environment in which the person is; Some of our grandmothers are a good example of this, because they are or were women with great talents, only that almost all their virtues, energy and purposes put them in something that is the fundamental basis of society: the family. This important activity often goes unnoticed or undervalued.

By eating the dishes of a typical grandmother, it can be denot Wise, observations and recommendations for our well -being; This is talent put at the service of others without such glory, but with much honor. I also recognize, admire and like to appreciate the talent that chefs famous for vogue restaurants have in the city. Many of them had the ability to cook natural and chose their vocation well, but there are very good too, that Through the preparation and constancy they managed to highlight and reach high levels performance that can satisfy the most demanding palates.

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Talent recruitment

Identifying talent is very important in personnel recruitment, Because if we know how to choose the right pieces, the work team can have a better synergy and therefore we will have better results that translate into greater productivity.

Therefore and not to lose ourselves in concepts and subjectivities about the term, I leave you some of the characteristics that can help you Guide to identify talents in people for work purposes:

  1. They are curious and concern to learn new things.
  2. A constant in life is change, it is necessary to try to stay updated to respond effectively to daily challenges. Thus, Continuous learning, adaptation and evolution in the performance of certain tasks It is also characteristic.
  3. They have some aim established, what gives them motivation and determination, they can focus their attention To carry out their activities, so they know how to prioritize and plan, which will result in actions, they are usually proactive and propositive.
  4. They have a Divergent thinking and a flexible cognitive style. This allows them to be propositive and reach creative conclusions For problem solving and innovation.
  5. Critical and creative thinking. In the classroom, it used. For example: a lack of an assigned reading, some students can build good conjectures to get out well, with only their association capacity. This is a common example of the use of this type of thought in the usual.
  6. High performance, because talent is related to contributing to a specific objective, as well as the delivery of results efficiently and efficient.
  7. They demonstrate with their constant actions a Growth potential that is reflected in its performance.

A talent person may appear not to have it because he does not have or has not had the opportunity to develop it; It is common that due to psychological variables they cannot do so; So, in that case it is advisable to seek professional psychological attention as soon as possible.

A characteristic that these people share is that they seem to have an extra dose of energy and a passion for what interests them, which makes them highlight or at least meet the objectives. Talented people throughout human history have left a great legacy for us, so they can really benefit those in their environment, thanks to the development of their virtues put at the service of others in any of the ways that talent manifests.

A Management of adequate emotions It allows them to develop their capacity, therefore, when they do not find emotional balance, their own characteristics make them tend to fall into harmful behaviors for their health, so that the psycho -pedagogical orientation is sometimes necessary so that they can easily carry out their objectives and Do not generate anxiety, that in the end can be destructive. The Psychologists They can provide several techniques and strategies to potentiate your talents.


  • https: // www.Scientedirect.com/science/article/pii/s1053482213000296
  • http: // www.APA.org/monitor/sep03/talent.ASPX
  • http: // www.APA.org/pubs/books/4318720.ASPX
  • Images: https: // pixabay.you eat/