What is pink noise and what is it for

What is pink noise and what is it for

Pink noise is within the spectrum of sounds that are audible to the human being and is a noise that helps to reconcile sleep and improve some cognitive functions such as memory and concentration. In fact, it is a relaxing and fresh sound that invites calm and facilitates the transition of the subconscious to the ReM sleep phase.

In this psychology-online article we will explain What is pink noise and what is it for. With the information we will give you, you will know that, although it is a less known sound than white or brown noise, it has incredible benefits that increase sleep quality and enhance some cognitive functions.

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  1. What is pink noise
  2. What is pink noise for
  3. Rose noise benefits
  4. What is the difference between pink and white noise

What is pink noise

Pink noise, also known as 1⁄F noise, it's a sound With a random variety of all frequencies They are audible to the human ear. It contains the same intensity in each eighth, but decreases 3 db by eighth.

It's about a balanced and pleasant sound that can be perceived in the sounds of nature, such as in rain, wind or in the sea, and even these auditory levels have been detected in the song of some birds and some sounds of the city, as in mild traffic.

It is a sound Less acute than white noise. Due to its effectiveness, it is widely used in some intensive care units and even to treat auditory disorders related to mild hearing loss or tinnitus.

Image: Professional audio

What is pink noise for

Pink noise is a type of sound used to mask or block other unwanted sounds, such as background noise or strong and strident sounds. Unlike white noise, which contains all the frequencies distributed equally, pink noise has a more balanced distribution of energy in the frequency spectrum.

The main purpose of this noise is to create a more relaxing and comforting acoustic atmosphere. It is frequently used in sound therapies, in audio recordings studies or as an help to sleep and concentrate.

Effects on the brain and the memory of pink noise

As for its effect on the brain and memory, it has been shown that pink noise can have many advantages, which we describe below:

  • Block discordant sounds or distracted.
  • Helps reduce stress and anxiety, thus improving mood and concentration. Here we explain how to manage stress and anxiety.
  • Create a more stable sound environment And it helps improve sleep quality to foster a more repairing break.
  • Can improve associative memory, favoring the ability to remember specific images or words.
  • It is used in the treatment and control of auditory conditions such as tinnitus.
  • Prevents distractions and Improve cognitive performance In care and concentration tasks.

However, it is important to emphasize that the effects of pink noise can vary from one person to another, due to individual differences in preference and the degree of benefit experienced. This means that some people can find relaxing and stimulating pink noise, while others may not like or not have a significant impact.

Rose noise benefits

As we have mentioned above, pink noise is used to block unwanted sounds and create a more pleasant sound environment. For this reason, you can have a positive effect on mood, stress, sleep and concentration. In addition, some studies also suggest that you could have benefits for memory and cognitive performance.

Like other sounds of similar frequencies such as white and brown noise, pink noise has other associated benefits:

  • Decreases the time to fall asleep: This noise can mask annoying sounds and help relax when sleeping. If about 60 dB is used, it can favor the appearance of delta brain waves that are associated with sleep and meditation.
  • It helps to relax and reduce stress: Several world medical studies have concluded that pink noise helps mask annoying or noisy sounds that can distract us or generate tension. By blocking these unwanted sounds, it helps to create a quieter environment, which can reduce stress and promote a general sensation of well -being.
  • It enhances sleep quality: pink noise is commonly used as a help to reconcile sleep and improve rest quality. This happens because when creating a constant and uniform sound atmosphere, you can sleep pleasantly, without being attentive to the distractions of the environment. In addition, some studies suggest that you can favor the consolidation of memory during sleep.
  • Stimulates concentration and productivity: In noisy or distractions environments, pink noise can help improve concentration and productivity. That is, this type of sounds, provides a balanced sound environment and reduces the possible distractions, allowing us to better focus on our tasks and increase our efficiency.
  • Promotes relaxation and physical well -being: Listening to pink noise favors muscle relaxation and physical tension reduction. By stimulating a relaxation response in the nervous system, heart rate can be reduced, reduce blood pressure and relieve the sensation of physical discomfort associated with stress.
  • Create a pleasant sound atmosphere: This noise is used not only to block undesirable sounds, but also to create a pleasant and comforting atmosphere. It can be used in work spaces, waiting rooms or rest areas to provide a more balanced and cozy environment, which contributes to a general sensation of well -being.

Likewise, pink noise serves to sleep babies and reduce pain during childhood vaccination. However, it is important to emphasize that the benefits of pink noise They can vary according to individual preferences and sensitivity. Not all people respond in the same way to this type of sound, so it is important to experience and find what works best for each individual.

What is the difference between pink and white noise

The main difference between pink noise and white noise is that while pink noise decreases 3 dB of frequency in the spectrum of the sound octaves, white noise contains all audible relationships to the same levels. For this reason, Pink noise is milder and White is a bit more noticeable.

In simpler terms, white noise sounds like a constant "sshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehe. For its part, loudly, pink noise is similar to white noise, but with a gradual fall in energy as the frequency increases.

Pink noise It is considered more pleasant and soft for the human ear, since more precisely imitates the way we perceive the sounds in the natural environment. Keep in mind that the most recommended that you use this noise at a sure volume that is about 60 db.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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