What is school failure causes, types and consequences

What is school failure causes, types and consequences

In broad strokes we understand as school failure when children do not reach the minimum studies determined by each country, in Spain it is the title of Compulsory Secondary Education. For this reason, school failure is considered a serious problem of the education system. If you want to investigate more in school failure, you may be interested in continuing to read this Psychology-online article: What is school failure: causes, types and consequences.

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  1. What is school failure
  2. Causes of school failure
  3. Acee of school failure
  4. Consequences of school failure

What is school failure

School failure is a Social and educational problems To take into account since the education received and the preparation of children and young people is essential for the future of the country, both economic and social and educational. ¿What is school failure?

School failure: definition

School failure is a concept that is used to refer to the group of people who have not managed to complete successfully the different stages of compulsory education, either by premature school abandonment, due to serious learning difficulties, among others. In addition, when talking about school failure, we must also take into account that group of people who once overcome compulsory education fail to achieve any other title that allows them to train in terms of a specific profession.

Thus, people who have a Low academic performance And they do not achieve the acquisition of a minimum knowledge set, to people who abandon compulsory schooling before obtaining the corresponding title, to people who end compulsory schooling without achieving the corresponding title and, to people who in adulthood in adulthood They suffer social and labor consequences for not having achieved a correct academic preparation.

Causes of school failure

School failure cannot be explained by a single cause, but it is a set of factors influential who interrelate and encourage students not to reach their teaching successfully. The causes of school failure are of different types:

Causes of school failure: student

Among the causes of school failure related to the individual characteristics of the student we find:

  • The student's motivational level.
  • Your effort.
  • The perception he has of the support and help of his parents.
  • The child's involvement in his own learning process.
  • Your interests.
  • Your self -sufficiency.
  • Their attitudes and beliefs in relation to teaching.
  • Learning problems.

Causes of school failure: environment

Among the causes of school failure related to social and family factors we can find:

  • The family economic level.
  • Culture.
  • The student's relationship with his environment.
  • Social class and student's origin.
  • The parents' profession.
  • The family structure.

For this reason, from the educational system it must be ensured by providing an educational response that fosters equal opportunities regardless of the students' culture and economy.

Causes of school failure: Educational System

As for the causes of school failure due to the functioning of the education system we refer to management and administration and also to the role of the teacher:

  • The management of educational centers.
  • Teaching practice.
  • The educational administration.
  • The attitude and beliefs of teachers.
  • Teacher preparation.
  • Teaching methods of teachers.

Acee of school failure

We have seen what school failure is and that its definition is broad. Therefore, we can classify school failure according to some variables. ¿What types of school failure are there? Among the existing school failure we can highlight four: primary, secondary, circumstantial and usual.

Primary school failure

The first of the types of school failure appears In the first years of schooling and is characterized by the appearance of PROBLEMS IN ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. In addition, it is usually associated with difficulties in the child's maturation and depending on what these difficulties may be solved or, otherwise, becoming a problem of permanent school failure.

Secondary school failure

The second of the types of school failure appears A few years later of the beginning of schooling. We must take into account the school years prior to secondary failure are of very good academic results, but after a few years the secondary school failure accompanied by difficulties and problems appears. Because the problems that appear in this type of failure are usually due to changes in the student, such as the change in childhood to adolescence or any other Important event in the child's life that can momentarily interfere in your school life.

Circumstantial school failure

The third of the types of school failure is transitory and isolated. This failure is at a certain time of the child's life and, therefore, responds to concrete and exceptional causes of said time or transitory moment. If the causes of this failure can be identified, it is easier to address and treat them without major problems. It is generally children with good academic performance, but due to this transitory or circumstantial failure, their results are generally affected by situations that cause a large emotional impact on the student.

Habitual school failure

In children who present this type of school failure it is common to obtain bad notes and suspensions frequently And normally, from the beginning of its schooling. This type of failure is usually due to individual causes of the child, such as the fact of suffering a delay or disorder of psychomotor development or spoken language, among others, giving rise to a school maladjustment.

Consequences of school failure

¿What are the consequences of school failure? There is a wide variety of consequences of school failure that affect both students themselves and teaching professionals, families and society. Next we will present the main consequences caused by school failure:

  • Dissatisfaction and feeling of incompetence. The most common consequence among students who do not reach minimum studies is to believe with determination that they are not able to achieve it, that the academic world is not made for them and do not feel comfortable in it, that is, without doubt they feel that they are failed and that their passage through school has not served at all. In other words, these students do not feel satisfied with their ability to learn everything that is taught at school.
  • Dissatisfaction of teachers. As for teachers, school failure causes a large number of teachers to feel bewildered, uncomfortable, demotivated and inept when transmitting their knowledge to students. Even, on occasion, some depression has been given.
  • Labor problems. Another consequence of school failure is the inclination to the labor and social marginalization of these students.
  • Fathers' concern. In relation to families, the main figures that are affected by the child's school failure are parents. Because these can be hopeless to see the consequences and negative effects of the academic results in your child.
  • School abandonment It is another consequences of school failure. When children see that they fail to achieve the objective of achieving minimum studies, they can decide to abandon their studies due to not being able to finish them.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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