What is CBD? How do you take? What are the benefits of CBD?

What is CBD? How do you take? What are the benefits of CBD?

In recent years and from the multiple research on cannabis, one of the compounds extracted from said plant has gained great relevance. We refer precisely to CBD. However, Despite their growing popularity, many still wonder: what is the CBD?

Next we will answer this and other questions about the CBD. For example: how do you take the CBD? What are its benefits? How do CBD oils work? We will even see how this cannabis compound interacts with our body. Especially if we can experience the psychoactive effects related to this drug.


  • What is CBD? (Cannabidiol CBD)
  • How does the CBD work? What is the endocannabinoid system?
  • How do you take the CBD?
  • CBD benefits
    • Anti -inflammatory properties
    • Pain
    • Neuronal effects
  • How do CBD oils work?

What is CBD? (Cannabidiol CBD)

CBD means cannabidiol, which is a phytocannabinoid that contains hemp, one of the varieties of the cannabis plant. Said cannabidiol benefits the body and mind in various ways. However, it is important not to confuse it with hemp seed oil, which in fact lacks cannabinoids.

Therefore, the CBD derives from hemp plants and not from marijuana as such. While hemp and marijuana are related, they are not identical. That is to say, Hemp contains less than 0.2% THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), a psychoactive compound contained in higher concentrations in marijuana.

In addition, hemps naturally contains higher levels of the aforementioned CBD, which is a non -psychoactive compound. This means that CBD helps to maintain human health and well -being, without having a psychoactive impact.

It is worth mentioning that many people have experienced positive effects on their health and well -being after incorporating the CBD into its dietary routine. As a result, almost exponential growth has been presented in the number of different CBD oils and hemp extract products available in the market.

However, it is important to clarify that he highest quality CBD oil It is made of hemp plant extract. Because of this, it contains a wide range of cannabinoids, as well as other beneficial plant compounds, including terpenes and flavonoids. It is believed that the use of the entire plant maximizes health benefits and provides additional well -being components.

How does the CBD work? What is the endocannabinoid system?

It has been shown that phytocannabinoids (CBD) make a powerful contribution to promoting general health in the human body. The above is achieved only when CBD cannabidiol stimulates the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The endocannabinoid system was discovered in the 1990s and is currently recognized as An essential modulating mechanism in the brain, endocrine and immune tissues. Recent research has discovered that ECS not only responds to endogenous cannabinoids created by the body. It also responds to external phytocannabinoids or CBD as a means to improve the function of said system.

On the other hand, we must also talk about CB1 and CB2 receptors, that are in the body and that are part of the ECS. Cannabinoids serve as a door to these neurons, which act like a lock. It is known that the brain has many CB1 receptors, especially in the hypothalamus, hippocampus and in the amygdala.

The spleen, the tonsils, the thymus and the immune cells are the most common sites for CB2 receptors. Due to all this, it is considered that The endocannabinoid system is essential to maintain homeostasis.

What drives someone to consume drugs?

How do you take the CBD?

CBD products They can be taken as a health supplement every day. They can be achieved in a variety of forms, which include ingestible CBD oil, capsules, and even in creams, ointments, ointments and lotions. One of the most common ways to take the CBD is to place a couple of drops of CBD oil under the tongue and wait a minute before swallowing.

While you can take CBD oil two or three times a day, it is important to keep in mind that each person's body responds differently. Therefore, The dose of CBD that works in some people, may not be enough for others. Consequently, everything is reduced to discovering what works best for you.

The recommendation however, is always to start with the lowest dose, and gradually increase until the desired results.

CBD benefits

CBD oil has a wide range of uses, as it affects both the brain and the immune system. It has been shown that it is successful in the following conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Dementia
  • Chronic pain
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Skin conditions such as burns, acne, and psoriasis
  • Inflammation
  • Anxiety

Anti -inflammatory properties

CBD has multiple applications because inflammation decreases. Inflammation is present in a wide variety of diseases, including arthritis, dementia, diabetes and chronic pain.


Another benefits of the CBD is that it can help relieve the pain in two different ways. On the one hand, the swelling or inflammation that causes pain decreases. On the other, it reduces the vulnerability of the brain to chronic pain.

The most significant advantage of CBD over other analgesics is that it does not generate addiction. In other words, a product like CBD oil has the benefit of providing relief to pain and not being addictive.

Neuronal effects

CBD oil can be used to treat epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and other diseases caused by damaged neurons. Basically What he does is delay the deterioration of neurons And, in some investigations, it also seems to activate the natural healing capacities of the body.

How do CBD oils work?

CBD oils have high levels of cannabidiol. As mentioned, THC is a psychoactive compound contained in the cannabis plant that produces a sensation of euphoria when smoking. However, the CBD has an opposite effect, and to be able to be legally sold, CBD oil should contain less than 0.2% THC.

For its part, the endocannabinoid system contains a group of receptors in the brain and nervous system that control a wide range of functions. From immunity to memory and perception of pain.

This system acts as an important mediator in the maintenance of homeostasis in the body. When we enjoy good health, our body produces small amounts of Anandamide, a cannabis form that interacts with all these receptors to promote homeostasis.

However, our endocannabinoid system can be unbalanced by a variety of reasons, which include poor diet, stress or disease. In these cases, The operation of CBD oils is essential, since it allows effectively interacting with our endocannabinoid system and restoring balance.