What is self -tote and why we sabote ourselves?

What is self -tote and why we sabote ourselves?

Autosabeage is any action that hinders the achievement of our goals.

It is said that we carry out a self -liable behavior when we create problems or interfere with our own medium and long term objectives. The most common self -abuse behaviors are postponement, drug or alcohol self -medication, excess eating and different forms of self -collons. These acts can sometimes even seem useful at first, but ultimately weaken us, especially when we get involved in them repeatedly.

People are not always aware of their own sabotage, since the effects of their behavior may not appear for a time. Unfortunately, the effects sooner or later manifest themselves and give up with our dreams.

Even so, it is possible to overcome almost any form of self -tote, and people do it every day.


  • Why do we self-aware?
    • 1. Lack of selfesteem
    • 2. Need for control
    • 3. Fraud perception
    • 4. The practical scapegoat
    • 5. Familiarity
    • 6. For boredom

Why do we self-aware?

As we see, autosabotic can interfere with our best plans and goals. So why do we do it? Why do we end up harming ourselves?

There are innumerable reasons why we can take self -aware in a completely unconscious way, but the basis of all of them is the fear of leaving our comfort zone, where we maintain a strong feeling of order and control.

Unfortunately, as these actions increase, the sabotage car is built and can create a deep well of self -destruction from which it is difficult to leave.

So why do we do this ourselves? Here are six great reasons.

1. Lack of selfesteem

When you sabote your own success for lack of selfesteem, It means that somehow you feel that you do not deserve it. Ironically, some of the most motivated people to achieve a goal, do so because they feel that They must compensate for a feeling of self -imposed inadequacy. But when the fruits of their work lead to good things, whether a material benefit or an increase in state or power, then unconsciously worsen the situation by themselves. Why does this happen?

The concept of cognitive dissonance sheds some light on the response. People like to be consistent: Our actions tend to be in tune with our beliefs and values. When they are not, we make an effort to align them again. If we begin to accumulate victories and achievements, and we still see each other as defective, useless, incapable or deficient, we disconnect to get rid of dissonance. If we feel bad about failure, we will feel worse when we succeed.

2. Need for control

In this case the person  Feel better when controlling your own failure instead of facing the possibility that success takes it by surprise. Autosbaje may not be pretty, but for many it is better than losing control. At least when you drive the ship, falling into flames feels more like a well tolerated burn.

3. Fraud perception

As personal or professional success increases, we feel a higher level of demand or external pressure to "size". If we draw attention due to our triumphs, they are more likely to criticize or harass us, something for which not everyone is mentally prepared. This is also known as Good imposter syndrome.

How does this manifest? Because some try to do the minimum and wait to go unnoticed. Others instead will work hard and go for all, but they will feel under continuous pressure for fear of being revealed at any time. either way, Feeling as a fraud easily leads us to postponement and detour.

4. The practical scapegoat

When things do not go as we wanted, it is easier to blame action instead of ourselves. Of course she left me, I was never close. Of course I failed in the exam, I barely studied. While these reasons can be true, they are more frivolous, and easier to accept and swallow than the deepest or personal reasons. Of course she left me, I'm not worthy of love. Of course, I failed in class; I am unable to capture the material. So we act as we really feel, and then we blame for action.

5. Familiarity

Once again, people like to be consistent. We even tend to choose coherence over our own satisfaction. If we are used to feeling ignored, mistreated or exploited, it is strangely reassuring to put ourselves in that position. If we have been there all our life, even if we are not happy, it seems that we will prefer that to the unknown.

6. For boredom

Occasionally, we self -ability to do something. Finding a fight or dramatizing things may seem nonsense, and it is, but these acts are not always random. Sabotage ourselves creates the Family sensation of instability and chaos. In addition, if we are stuck in failure, it is a perverse way to use power while we are there.

So how can we stop cutting the branch of the tree in which we are sitting? Look well the root. If your self -taught materializes, you may have hidden fears.

Think of this, deep down, fear of success is not really a fear of ambition or your own value: it is the fear of trying the best and not having the expected result, is the fear of feeling disappointed and humiliated publicly, the fear that the best of you is not enough.