What is autosabotic? How can you stop the loop without end

What is autosabotic? How can you stop the loop without end

For thousands of years we humans have embarked on the famous New Year's purposes with hope and determination to improve our lives next year. Being realistic more than 80% of the new purposes have been abandoned before the middle of February.

One of the main sources for which we fail to meet these objectives is what is known as the autosobotage.

Although it sounds like a rare word is much more common than we believe and can lead to highly destructive results in our personal and professional life.


  • What is self -taught and how on land our best hopes?
  • Why does autosabotic appear? 3 causes approaching the truth
    • 1. To model
    • 2. Fear of rejection
    • 3. Adaptation to dysfunctional behaviors
  • Some examples of autosabotic
  • How to stop self -taught: 5 practical tips

What is self -taught and how on land our best hopes?

He Autosabaja we identify it when we destroy, either physically, emotional or mentally, our own success. Or when we consciously or unconsciously create obstacles to not achieve our goals. It is something that is deeply rooted to negative mentalities

When we talk about consciousness we refer to making a behavior or decision even if they are perfectly able to do the opposite that we know what it really benefits us. On the other hand, when we talk about the unconscious it is because we are not able to identify the behavior or value we are covering and that does not lead us to our purposes.

On many occasions what is known as cognitive dissonance. So that we understand each other It is an internal imbalance or the discomfort we experience when actions or words do not align with your own being, With your values ​​and beliefs. When this happens, a sense of discomfort is generated that we want to relieve changing either, our behaviors or our goals so that there is internal coherence.

Why does autosabotic appear? 3 causes approaching the truth

1. To model

Many of the attitudes and behaviors we have in our lives are based on patterns learned in childhood, provided by referents or authority figures that were relevant to us at that time. Mental thoughts and molds are also inherited

2. Fear of rejection

This type of fear is one of the most powerful that the human being suffers, Rejection can be a source of great pain and low self -esteem. This fear can sabotage our best intentions if the objective we propose can be a reason for suffering a rejection

3. Adaptation to dysfunctional behaviors

As a child or in certain situations we have all been forced to adopt behaviors that at that time were adaptive to our survival. But when we continue to apply those same behaviors in new situations, they may no longer make sense and are a great source of self -tote.

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Some examples of autosabotic

In the world of relationships it is usual to find type patterns:

  • Ignore negative emotions
  • Excessive criticism
  • Bear a grudge
  • Constant reproaches
  • Attempts to change the other person
  • Focus only on defects

These behaviors are not exclusive in the field of love relationships we are also found in many occasions in work fields, for example:

  • Perfectionism
  • Importor syndrome
  • Disorganization
  • Excessive stress

How to stop self -taught: 5 practical tips

First of all we must understand the origin of this behavior, which in most cases originates from intense emotional experiences, often located in childhood, which affect our perspective with respect to the world and its functioning.

  1. Awareness about these thoughts, Discover what is the initial point of self -labolage behaviors to be able to address the origins and treat the root problem. To identify those triggers you must analyze your emotional state, every time we identify an atypical or particularly intense emotional reaction we must stop and analyze that this state has caused. You may be faced with a self -taught pattern. Once thoughts can be identified, we can change them through a positive internal dialogue, Changing the perspective and connecting with positive emotional experiences will help us not to fall into the circle of self-sabotage.
  2. The humor, Rewrite the event with a humorous touch is one of the most powerful tools to generate resilience and break the loop. Seeks to take drama to the situation, what things could happen that they can get a smile and see the situation from a friendlier and more realistic point of view.
  3. Get realistic and divided goals in small steps, The vast majority of purposes fail due to excessive initial motivation and very high expected results in the short term. It is the perfect recipe for frustration and disappointment. You should consider that great things are not achieved in the short term, the best advice is to break down that great goal in small submetas that will encourage adhesion and will be micro rewards that will help you stay on the way to the goal.
  4. The environment plays a central role, we are not isolated beings And our environment can be a great enhancer or a great destroyer. You should be clear that the fact that you have an objective or a goal does not imply that your environment agrees or supports you on that path. Therefore, it is essential to know what limitations or stones on the road we can find in a previous way, having this knowledge we will know much better how to manage them when they appear. Under the light of consciousness the problems reduce their size.
  5. Faith in yourself, Your beliefs are the language of your mind and your own being. Determines the perspective under which you see the world and its interactions. If you believe in advance that you will not be able to achieve it, your mind will not question it, it will take you precisely to what you think. You must remind you every day that, if you can achieve it, that you are committed and that you are on the way, if you do not trust you, nobody will do it.

At some point we all realize that certain behaviors of our life are braking us and we can always take control and decide not to continue on that path.

Take it easy and do not press (you might be self -taught again) take the steps when they are necessary and with a future in mind, enjoying the way. Do not forget to celebrate the successes, they will be the ones who will keep you on the way when everything else wants to return to the known.

We all deal with these situations in life and we can all put remedy, you just need you.