What is fraternal love and how to demonstrate it

What is fraternal love and how to demonstrate it

There are many expressions and demonstrations of love that can be seen throughout life. One of the best known forms of love is fraternal, a selfless feeling and with very particular characteristics that often interact to the affection that exists among family members. However, its definition goes much further.

In this Psychology-online article we will explain in detail What is fraternal love and how to demonstrate it. In addition, you will also find some examples to learn to identify this deep and complex emotional state that it has even appeared in the biblical texts.

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  1. What is fraternal love
  2. How to demonstrate fraternal love
  3. Examples of fraternal love

What is fraternal love

Fraternal love is a close bond among people characterized by being full of feelings such as affection, respect, solidarity, surrender and honesty. It is a type of love that occurs, usually, Among the brothers or among other family members.

With this link, gratitude and the willingness to serve fraternal members without expecting anything in return is revealed. Therefore, the importance of this type of love is that it allows you to implement selfless actions to take care of each other.

On the other hand, although fraternal love is usually associated only with the members of a family nucleus, it also has to do with those people for whom we feel a deep affection, as if they were part of our family. For example, to the closest friends and friends or with the members of some community.

How to demonstrate fraternal love

Without realizing, we demonstrate fraternal love on many occasions during our day to day. If you are a father or mother, each of the encounters, attention and love actions that you have towards your sons or daughters is a sample of this feeling. However, it is important to keep in mind that fraternal love needs to be cultivated.

Next, we will give you some tips on how to demonstrate fraternal love:

  • Be hospitable: It is necessary that you offer your help and your attention towards others, even if they do not ask you.
  • Accept diversity: You must recognize that each person is different and has their own personality. Therefore, it accepts the diversity of those around you, since only then can a more just society be created.
  • Show your gratitude: Thanks is a powerful sample of fraternal love. For this reason, get used to expressing your gratitude towards others, although they do not thank you later.
  • Company for those who suffer: compassion and empathy are fundamental to demonstrate fraternal love.
  • Be patient: True love is patient and tolerant. He supports everything because it is based on goodness and delivery.
  • Listen without judging: We usually have the tendency to comment or interrupt other people when they speak, so listening actively to others can be very difficult. It is essential to listen to others so you can express your emotions and feelings.

Examples of fraternal love

For centuries, reference is made to fraternal love in practically all cultures. For example, for Christians and believers of monotheism this feeling represents the union and love that we must have for others. This is also expressed in the New Testament, specifically in John 13:34, 35, which tells how Jesus said to his disciples: "That you love each other, just as I have loved you".

In addition to this universal example, these are Other cases in which fraternal love is put into practice:

  • The attention and love that sons or daughters have towards their parents.
  • The friends who support, are heard and that are accepted as they are.
  • Couples who share the tasks, duties and obligations that support themselves as a great team.
  • Organizations, institutions or religious organizations that are dedicated to caring and helping other people disinterested.
  • The brothers, sisters, cousins ​​and cousins ​​that are accompanied in the different situations of life, whether they are good or bad and without expecting any type of compensation.
  • A single mother who needs help and her family offers you the support you need.
  • Some person who offers words of comfort to someone who is sick or going through some unpleasant circumstance.

In short, there are many examples of fraternal love that we can find in our day to day, since even when we help a stranger in the street we are demonstrating selfless love.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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