What characteristics should a good coach have? 9 keys

What characteristics should a good coach have? 9 keys

As in all professions, we can affirm that The perfect coach does not exist.

Knowledge is a continuous process. We constantly evaluate ourselves to be aware of what we know and what we need to know to continue with our profession.

Also, as in many other professions, they are required to have continuous training and recycling.

Anyway, Not everyone can perform the tutor's function.

Although many coaching techniques can be acquired through practice, research suggests some personal qualities that characterize the effective coach. Are the following:


  • 1. Ability to establish relationships
    • A good coach must take into account the following:
  • 2. Ability to inspire others
    • An authentic influential coach will perform the following actions:
  • 3. Ability to communicate
    • Some coaches features:
  • 4. Discipline
    • The discipline is manifested as follows:
  • 5. Ability to be flexible
    • Flexibility implies:
  • 6. Ability to manage the professional environment
    • They should have:
  • 7. Self -consciousness capacity
    • Examples of self -consciousness:
  • 8. Ability to analyze situations and find solutions
    • These qualities are as follows:
  • 9. Business capacity
    • To sell satisfactorily, every tutor must have the following characteristics:

1. Ability to establish relationships

The coaches have to be affordable individuals and with a natural inclination to support others unconditionally.

They must be given fully in the task they do regardless of their result a priori. The success of coaching depends, to a large extent, on the nature of the relationship between the tutor and the pupil, so it is so important and vital. It is necessary that while inspiring them, maintain with the student an important relationship of trust and communication.

The tutors They should foster independent individuals, capable of making their own decisions and determine the quality of the relationships they want.

A good coach must take into account the following:

  • Dedicate time to meet the individual.
  • Stimulate comment and problem solving, enhancing communication.
  • Promote credibility. It is important to gain the student's confidence and thus be able to help you in a more effective way.
  • Enhance trust.
  • Enhance sincerity.
  • Foster the confidentiality of the relationship.
  • Demonstrate patience since sometimes change processes can be slow, offering unconditional support.
  • Allow the individual to make their own reflections and discover their answers.

2. Ability to inspire others

A tutor will never be able to inspire his students to do something that he is incapable or does not feel like doing.

An effective coach does not use external pressure to impose discipline, but the interior motivation of the individual. The real coach is aware of the students' development needs and inspires them to achieve their maximum objectives and fulfill their destiny.

Not everyone has the ability to influence others. Some people have a special gift to support their fellow men in the difficulties and penalties of life. Inspire is to guide the example. A winning coach inspires and encourages to assume risks and protects those who doubt or fail. The tutors and students who are not willing to risk failing, are in danger of stagnating.

An authentic influential coach will perform the following actions:

Generate motivation so that students can focus on the objectives that promote them to action and really reflect their values, dreams and aspirations.

  • Lead to your pupils outside your environment to get greater satisfaction.
  • Continue establishing higher standards for yourself and for others.
  • Operate from a strength model.
  • Recognize strengths where others see weak points.
  • Live and act according to values.
  • Help individuals recognize possibilities that had not previously detected.
  • Be willing to accept responsibility for failures.
  • Assume the commitment of competition.
  • Manifest the passion to help others learn, grow and perform at the maximum of their potential.
The world of organizations

3. Ability to communicate

Many people undertake a coaching program when they have difficulties related to co -workers and customers, and others seek support for personal tutors to guide and help in different periods of transition.

The coach approaches the pupil demonstrating understanding of his vision of the world, his values, fears and dreams. The coach listens, formulates provocative and timely questions. Also, and as we have expressed previously, you should worry that communication is sincere and clearly identify any unacceptable attitude even if Coachee is defensive.

Some coaches features:

  • The tutor is interested in human nature and is sensitive towards the personal well -being of others.
  • The tutor listens more that speaks, formulates questions, reflects, and clarifies.
  • The coach can experience and understand the world of coachee and meet their needs related to concern and understanding.
  • The tutor does not hesitate to challenge the pupils in relation to their infrautilized potential for the good of the individual and the organization.
  • The tutor will provide all its support in an unconditional way. The tutor appreciates the exclusivity and value of the individual.
  • In general, coaches are sincere and honest and are predisposed to show themselves when they know that this can facilitate self -exploration and pupil self -consciousness.
  • The effective coach has the ability to perceive, understand and generalize from personal experience and professional sources.

4. Discipline

Individuals usually oppose change resistance fearing what they can lose during the process. Coaching equals development, growth and change. The tutor must show dedication and resistance, as well as a disciplined concentration in the objectives and action plans that will finally influence the change in sustained and desired behavior.

The discipline is manifested as follows:

  • Constantly adapting to the pace of learning and student change.
  • Resisting personal pressure, as well as that of the student or the management of the company.
  • Focusing on the task between hands, despite the inconveniences and the possibility of failure.
  • Focusing on achieving objectives.
  • Recognizing circumstances when a pupil is not able to change, and show himself predisposed to support him to concentrate his energies where he is necessary.

5. Ability to be flexible

Unlike an instructor with a pre -established program, the work agenda of a coach is flexible, establishing in common agreement with the pupil the priorities and objectives, and developing an action plan to achieve a change in behavior.

The effective tutor is capable of adapting at all times the work program in order to meet the changing needs of the individual.

Tutors have the ability to advance to the rhythm of others and know when they have to change strategy to adapt to them.

An effective coach is also able to adapt to the different forms that the individual has to deal with information and change.

Flexibility implies:

Identify different personal styles and adapt to them.

  • Adapt easily to the pupil program.
  • Know when it should be hard or compassionate.
  • Know when to support or challenge.
  • Vary the coaching style to adapt to the individual.
  • Have self -confidence and show modesty and humility.
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6. Ability to manage the professional environment

Not all individuals are suitable candidates for this discipline.

It is important to select them and establish a perfect level of adaptation between the tutor and the student.

It is possible that some people are not open to learning and change, and that, therefore, coaching is not the most effective response.

Good tutors must be aware of their abilities and limitations.

They should have:

  • Ability to know when you should not accept a client's tutoring.
  • Ability to know if coaching is the best option for each individual in particular.
  • Ability to appreciate if a change is within the control of the individual.

7. Self -consciousness capacity

Tutoring requires being motivated by an interest and concern for human being. This vision of the world entails the belief that reason can succeed over fear, and that people are ingenious, competent, capable of self -direction and leading a full and productive life.

A coach motivated and inspired by these beliefs can guide and support an individual in the development of their abilities, and stimulate a constructive and durable change.

An effective tutor It implies a high degree of self -knowledge and self -acceptance. The greater your personal consciousness, the greater your possibilities of choice and freedom will also.

Being aware of its own capacities and limitations is essential in coaching.

Interestingly, challenge and altruism can only act as possible motivating.

Examples of self -consciousness:

  • Recognition that it escapes our control and what can be changed.
  • Ability to control our own reactions, emotions and behaviors.
  • Recognition of our own prejudices.
  • Self-observation and self-reflection capacity.
  • Realistic understanding of our strengths and weaknesses.
  • Knowledge of our motives and needs.
  • Ability to accept criticism.
  • Knowledge of our own fears and anxieties about coaching, such as fear of failure, confrontation, challenge or success.

8. Ability to analyze situations and find solutions

A coach has to gather information related to coachee to determine the specific needs to be met.

Although evaluation and interview techniques are learned, Effective tutors have certain qualities that allow them to use this information to diagnose problems or situations and provide solutions.

These qualities are as follows:

  • Ability to solve problems.
  • Research capacity.
  • Ability to apply a theory to practical situations.
  • Intuition to know what is wrong and what can be done.
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9. Business capacity

The tutors sell themselves. In an increasingly competitive market, coaches are selected by the quality of their services and their ability to The coaching program is as effective as possible in the shortest possible time.

To sell satisfactorily, every tutor must have the following characteristics:

  • Deepen.
  • Ambition and impulse to succeed.
  • Experience "contagious" enthusiasm towards coaching.
  • Experience and transmit your enthusiasm.
  • Ability to get things happen.
  • Energy or resistance to complete the task.
  • Determination against rejection.
  • Confidence in being able to achieve any objective.
  • Will to assume new challenges.
  • Commitment to a vision and business objectives; competitive desire to get new businesses.

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